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The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English. Here are my top ten words, compiled from online collections, to describe love, desire and relationships that have no real English translation, but that capture subtle realities that even we English speakers have felt once or twice.

The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English

As I came across these words I’d have the occasional epiphany: “Oh yeah! That’s what I was feeling...” Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan, an indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego): The wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start. Oh yes, this is an exquisite word, compressing a thrilling and scary relationship moment. It’s that delicious, cusp-y moment of imminent seduction. Yuanfen (Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. From what I glean, in common usage yuanfen means the "binding force" that links two people together in any relationship. 100 Exquisite Adjectives. By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue.

100 Exquisite Adjectives

Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. CALLIHOO Writing Helps. Character Feelings You can describe your character's feelings in more exact terms than just "happy" or "sad.

CALLIHOO Writing Helps

" Check these lists for the exact nuance to describe your character's intensity of feelings. SF Characters | SF Items | SF Descriptors | SF Places | SF EventsSF Jobs/Occupations | Random Emotions | Emotions List | Intensity of Feelings. The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do. Writing is a muscle.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do.

Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Because that is what writing is all about. I Write Like. Color — Method of Action.

BlaBlaMeter - Bullshit detection tool. 20 obsolete English words that should make a comeback. Photo: Katherine Hodgson If we all start using them, these words can be resurrected.

20 obsolete English words that should make a comeback

DURING MY UNDERGRADUATE studies as a Linguistics major, one of the things that struck me most is the amazing fluidity of language. New words are created; older words go out of style. Words can change meaning over time, vowel sounds shift, consonants are lost or added and one word becomes another. Living languages refuse to be static.

The following words have sadly disappeared from modern English, but it’s easy to see how they could be incorporated into everyday conversation. Words are from Erin McKean’s two-volume series: Weird and Wonderful Words and Totally Weird and Wonderful Words. Horror_story.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 346 pixels) The Quick 10: 10 Ways Shakespeare Changed Everything. Tonight I can write the saddest lines - Pablo Neruda. Cool Story, Bro: The Business of Storytelling Explained. The attention we’re giving the term ‘storytelling’ these days is certainly well deserved, but the sheer amount of it simultaneously pushes us closer and closer to that cruddy umbrella-shaped place where words can mean both everything and nothing.

Cool Story, Bro: The Business of Storytelling Explained

And so, to clarify: the purpose of traditional storytelling is to create engagement by conveying events and messages through words, images or sounds. 105 Writing Tips from Professional Writers. The 10 Types of Writers' Block (and How to Overcome Them) The Meaning of Roses. 7witches Coven Health & Protection Spells.

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7witches Coven Health & Protection Spells

Login Home > Traditional Spells > Health & Protection Spells Health & Protection Spells This world can be uncaring and unforgiving - you may be only a step away from disaster and harm.Once you've fallen victim to misfortune, it can seem like you've become a magnet for bad luck. Barrier Blaster Spell Protection Spell Happiness Spell Purge Evil Spirits Spell Weight Loss Enabler Spell. Written? Kitten! 33 Ways To Stay Creative.

25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing. I read this cool article last week — “30 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself” — and I thought, hey, heeeey, that’s interesting.

25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing

Writers might could use their own version of that. So, I started to cobble one together. And, of course, as most of these writing-related posts become, it ended up that for the most part I’m sitting here in the blog yelling at myself first and foremost. That is, then, how you should read this: me, yelling at me. If you take away something from it, though? Then go forth and kick your writing year in the teeth. Onto the list. Eight Secrets Which Writers Won’t Tell You. Image from Flickr by Lazurite This is not particularly relevant to the post, but I’m getting an awful lot of comments telling me, often a little snarkily, “it’s ‘THAT’ not ‘WHICH’”.

Eight Secrets Which Writers Won’t Tell You

The “don’t use which for restrictive clauses” rule comes (as far as I can tell) from Strunk and White. Guest blogger - Sasha from The Guilded Bee: Here's another DIY project from our sweet friend, Sasha - from the The Gilded Bee.

guest blogger - Sasha from The Guilded Bee:

Be sure to check out her awesome shop full of handmade packaging lovelies. Book publishing - Publish your own book - Lulu UK. Shakespeare Insult Kit. Shakespeare Insult Kit Since 1996, the origin of this kit was listed as anonymous. It came to me on a piece of paper in the 90's with no attribution, and I thought it would make a cool web page.

Though I searched for the origin, I could never find it. In 2014, Lara M informed found the originating author. 25 Things I Want To Say To So-Called “Aspiring” Writers. Seen a lot of folks giving advice to so-called “aspiring” writers these days, so, I figured what the hell? Might as well throw my dubious nuggets of wisdom into the stew. Sesquipedaedalus: Prettiest Words: All of Them. 23 Pages. Could Always Use More, Though. How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method. Themes & Things To Keep In Mind When Writing Fantasy Stories and Adventures » Daily Encounter. This list is far from complete. It’s not even trying to be complete.

It knows better than that. It just wants to be helpful and provide some inspiration here and there; you know, offer little suggestions that might lead to bigger ideas. (Especially by using the words offered as Wikipedia searches!) Feel free to make suggestions in the comments! Weather.