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Public Sector ODR

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Brexit Negotiated? Online Dispute Resolution will be more than an alternative. In this blog I discuss the rise of ODR (online dispute resolution).

Brexit Negotiated? Online Dispute Resolution will be more than an alternative

I review recent developments including a live, online Brexit negotiation, which point to a mainstream future. I conclude that ODR will become an integral part of the justice system. Wiki disputes. Let’s Get Digital! 50 Tools for Online Public Engagement. Photo Credit: Karen, Flickr Creative Commons, Online public participation is an effective complement to face-to-face events such as community workshops and design charrettes.

Let’s Get Digital! 50 Tools for Online Public Engagement

Selecting the right platform to get the most out of digital outreach can be overwhelming. The first step is to learn what tools are out there! Here are 50 tools for online engagement in no particular order (and with no implied endorsement). Claim Certain.

Local Collaboration Platforms

UserVoice for Civic Engagement. Environmental Conflict Tools. 2012 Election: 3 Digital Platforms Poised to Change the Conversation. While not as sexy as politician elbow jabbing, the race to develop winning political platforms for the 2012 U.S. election cycle is a hot contest among strategists and programmers.

2012 Election: 3 Digital Platforms Poised to Change the Conversation

Following its win in 2008, Blue State Digital is the shop to beat. The company built the dynamic and enabled the president’s campaign to integrate CRM, fundraising, email and other communications, along with organizing tools for their field program. The historic results were so revolutionary that it has since been copied by other candidates, issue groups and consumer marketers, leading to the clogging of countless inboxes with three years worth of cookie-cutter calls to action. Top BSD execs have returned to lead President Obama’s re-election digital strategy, but the market they face now has changed drastically. Across the political spectrum, creative solutions will have notable implications for the upcoming election, not to mention for issue-based organizers and lobbyists post-election.

Technology for Transparency Network. ODET 2010: Online Deliberation Emerging Tools. Iceland is Crowdsourcing Its New Constitution. Is Gov2.0 Reducible to 6 Categories of Activity? 2011 Gov 2.0 year in review. By most accounts, the biggest stories of 2011 were the Arab Spring, the historic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and the death of Osama Bin Laden. In each case, an increasingly networked world experienced those events together through the growing number of screens. At the beginning of the year, a Pew Internet survey emphasized the Internet’s importance in civil society. By year’s end, more people were connected than ever before. Time magazine named 2011 the year of the protester, as apt a choice as “You” was in 2006. “No one could have known that when a Tunisian fruit vendor set himself on fire in a public square, it would incite protests that would topple dictators and start a global wave of dissent,” noted Time. The Arab Spring extended well through summer, fall and winter, fueled by decades of unemployment, repression, and autocratic rule in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.

We also saw a growing conflict between closed and open. Three dominant tech policy issues. E-Participation and Online Deliberation. UK Citizens Online Democracy. Citizen Space - open source consultation software. Delib - a digital democracy company. Democracy 2.0. Crowdsourcing Online Dispute Resolution. Lead PI: Urs Gasser In the context of our exploration of innovative digital institutions and models for governance, we are seeking to understand what role dispute resolution mechanisms — as elements of an emerging digital infrastructure — may play.

Crowdsourcing Online Dispute Resolution

Building upon research conducted in 2009 and a number of smaller workshops hosted by the Law Lab, we are focused on exploring the scope and capabilities of crowd-sourced online dispute resolution (ODR). This project investigates the theory and practice of applying the principles of “crowdsourcing” to new challenges in ODR. We have a draft white paper on the topic which explores the theoretical territory in more detail and maps areas for future research.

Regulation Room. CivicEvolution. Public Markup. Dialogue App. FMCS eservices - TAGS. Online Deliberation Book site. The Deliberatorium - Sharing Innovation. The Deliberatorium is a software system, developed at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence over the last five years, designed to transcend these limitations and realize the enormous potential social media has for enabling better organizational decision-making.

The Deliberatorium - Sharing Innovation

The approach is simple. Members of a community are asked to make their contributions in the form of a deliberation map, a tree-structured network of posts each representing a single issue (question to be answered), idea (possible answer for a question), or argument (pro or con for an idea or other argument): A screenshot from the Deliberatorium. Each line in the left pane represents a single issue, idea, or argument. Each such post can have it's contents viewed, edited, discussed, and rated in the right pane. The community follows a simple process to ensure that the deliberation map is as useful as possible:

Deliberatorium. Mark Klein, PhDPrincipal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Deliberatorium: Crowd-Based Innovation Current open innovation technologies fail badly when dealing with complex problems and large groups.


The fundamental challenge, ironically, is super-abundance: crowds generated so many ideas that it becomes difficult to manage the process and harvest the best ideas. The Deliberatorium is an online platform that combines ideas from argumentation theory and social computing to help large numbers of people, distributed in space and time, combine their insights to find well-founded solutions for complex multi-stakeholder multi-disciplinary ("wicked") problems.

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