Dictionary of Occupational Titles DOT - Job Descriptions - www.occupationalinfo.org Relocation Guide for U.S. Cities by 123 Relocation .com Plimsoll - Company Analysis Plimsoll Publishing Ltd - 00 44 1642 626400 - enquiries@plimsoll.co.uk Tirez le maximum de TALAT en vous laissant guider pas à pas Standardisé pour toutes les entreprises, le graphique Plimsoll mesure: La variation annuelle de la santé financière globale de la société Une courbe ascendante est une bonne nouvelle Une courbe qui chute est une mauvaise nouvelle (plus l'amplitude est grande, plus la nouvelle est radicale) La courbe du graphique Plimsoll de 9 entreprises sur 10 ayant fait faillite était basse et chutait jusqu'à deux ans avant leur liquidation. étape précédenteétape suivante Analyse de l'entreprise en tant que cible d'acquisition L'analyse de l'entreprise en tant que cible d'acquisition mesure l'attractivité d'une entreprise basée sur 9 critères qui sont détaillés en cliquant sur le bouton "Plus d'info" Mettez le curseur sur un point pour voir le nom, cliquez dessus pour voir la société Les sociétés dont les comptes ont été mis à jour cemios-ci sont en orange. étape précédenteétape suivante Bouton "Voir l'analyse complète" Résumé
s World-of-Work Map The ACT World-of-Work Map is an empirically based system for summarizing and displaying basic similarities and differences between occupations. It is visual and interactive, designed to engage users in the process of career exploration. Like any map, it needs compass points. All occupations can be organized according to their involvement with four types of basic work tasks, working with Data: facts, records, numbers, business proceduresIdeas: abstractions, theories, insights, new ways of doing thingsPeople: care, services, leadership, salesThings: machines, materials, crops/animals Usually one or two of these basic work tasks capture the primary nature of an occupation; for example, editors work mostly with people and ideas. To help individuals navigate among hundreds of occupations, the World-of-Work Map organizes 555 occupations into 26 groups of similar occupations (career areas). There are two versions of the Map—the student version and the counselor version.
Community Career Center International wine marketing and wine tourism database SIGI 3 - Education and Career Planning Software for the Web What is SIGI3? SIGI = System of Integrated Guidance and Information SIGI3 is the third generation of the orginal and innovative program produced by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the early 1980's. SIGI3 maintains the content and philosophy of the older product while providing a more modern and more efficient student interface. SIGI3 integrates self-assessment with in-depth and up-to-date career information that is easy to use and provides students and adults with a realistic view of the best educational and career options for their future success. SIGI3 helps each user examine key motivators and matches work-related values, interests, personality, and skills to educational and career pathways.
Teaching Abroad | International Teaching Jobs - Search Associates Career counseling: a narrative approach Job Search, Career Information, Company Profiles Sign In You are currently signed in as . 0 Items in Your Cart Shop Vault Guides Vault Guides are THE source for insider insight on career information and employer reviews. Shop Vault Guides You don't need to purchase the Vault guide to get back on track. Just search our site or use the links above. © 2016 Vault.com Inc. Browse > Drivs av Översätt Connect with Vault Please contact customerservice@vault.com for assistance to configure your Vault account correctly for jobs-related functionality. Källtext Bidra med en bättre översättning
NCDA | Welcome to the National Career Development Association NCDA inspires and empowers the achievement of career and life goals by providing professional development, resources, standards, scientific research, and advocacy. The National Career Development Association (NCDA) is a founding division of the American Counseling Association (ACA). NCDA began as the National Vocational Guidance Association in 1913 - read more history under About Us or in Career Convergence. Spotlights
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