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Journal cover tutorial. I have made my journal cover to fit an A5 art diary which is 6.25 inches wide, and 8.25 inches long.

Journal cover tutorial

If your journal differs from these measurements, the method of construction will remain the same, but you will need to alter the measurements to fit. Requirements: A5 journal fabric scraps lightweight fusible Pellon linen ribbon From your favourite fabrics scraps, cut seven 1.75" squares and stitch them together using a scant 0.25" to form a strip. Open up your journal to lay flat and measure the total width. Notes from the Patch: Tutorial Tuesday - #32 Sewing machine cozy. Here's a quick project to make for someone who loves to sew.

Notes from the Patch: Tutorial Tuesday - #32 Sewing machine cozy

With our easy to follow measuring instructions a custom fitting cozy can be easily sewn in an evening. This formula will work on anything you need to cover, sewing machines, sergers, toaster ovens - just about anything. Simply follow this easy to follow formula for a perfect fit every time. We have included the measurements for most BERNINA machines in our PDF instructions - we're thoughtful that way.

The full easy to print PDF instructions can be downloaded here. Let's get started. Measuring your machine: Machine Width (MW): Be sure to include the fly wheel in this measurement. Machine Height: (MH) Measure from table top to very highest point of the machine. Machine Depth: (MD) Measure from the front to the back along the side of your machine. Cut your cover, pockets and lining pieces using your measurements and the formula outlined in the PDF instructions here. American Apparel Circle Scarf Knock Off (tutorial)

DIY Sherpa Boots? Oh Yeah!!! I know it's not green or shamrock themed, but I had to share my latest project: DIY Sherpa Boots!

DIY Sherpa Boots? Oh Yeah!!!

Microsuede on one side & fluffy sherpa on the other = soooo wonderful to wear. I had this two-sided fabric left after I made some cuddly baby pants a while back. I wanted an ideal project and then it hit me when I was staring at my winter boots. Make some of my own!! Except these are for indoor use, so they are the ultimate slippers. First I looked over my winter boots, measured for height, width & angles and made pattern pieces for the front & back leg, heel, top and sole.

I also cut out extra sole pieces from some non-skid fabric. Then with right sides together, I sewed the upper boot and sole pieces together. A Simple Kindle Fire Slip Case: kindle sewing tutorial series. I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas, it was the perfect present for me, both unexpected and practical.

A Simple Kindle Fire Slip Case: kindle sewing tutorial series

I read that Amazon sold at least 4 million of these for the holidays – so there’s a good chance you got one, too. Besides reading books and magazines on the go, Kindles can play on the Internet. If you’re in the middle of a great book and find yourself with time to kill during your busy day you’ll want to take it with you. And if it’s leaving the house, you probably should put it in a pretty carrying case. I certainly shouldn’t mention that I knew I needed a case when all I had was a size 4 “pull-up” to put the kindle in. I have three tutorials in mind for the Kindle tutorial, one is a durable quilted zipper case (now available here), the second is a fancy pants clutch pattern, and the third is the easiest to make, a simple kindle slip case. Materials: Seam allowances are approximately 3/8″; Finished dimensions approximately 6″ wide x 8.5 inches tall. Mommy by day Crafter by night: {all wrapped up} kindle case + tutorial. Last March, my hubby gave me a kindle for my birthday...

Mommy by day Crafter by night: {all wrapped up} kindle case + tutorial

I was so excited! He even got me the case that had a light in it! There were many nights spent reading to the wee hours with my handy dandy lighted case... Until the tragedy happened (twice). My little 3 year old is the perfect toddler when it comes to getting into things. Sew a bag with the free bag pattern. The DIY Dish: Season 2, Episode 1 – Look Whoooo’s Back! « The DIY Dish. We are so excited for our 2nd season of “The DIY Dish!”

The DIY Dish: Season 2, Episode 1 – Look Whoooo’s Back! « The DIY Dish

Thank you for your feedback, kind words, and encouragement in this “journey” – we sincerely appreciate it! This episode has Kris as the “instructor” and Kim creates the project while anticipating what your questions might be. We’ll also be sure to bring you an accompanying download with the “main episode” projects that include a materials list and helpful tips or hints. Make this owl into a pin cushion, paper craft, or even a pillow! We encourage you to visit our fantastic sponsors this season by clicking on their ads found on the right side-bar.

8 Cover Patterns for the Sewing Machine. The sewing machine is something that we use so often that's it's usually left out even in between projects.

8 Cover Patterns for the Sewing Machine

So here are 8 cover patterns for the sewing machine to make it super cute or even match your decor when it's left out on the table. The Sewing Machine 1. Friends Are Easy To Make. Felt iPhone Envelope. DIY Fabric Covered TOMS Tutorial. My first tutorial!!!!

DIY Fabric Covered TOMS Tutorial