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Photoshop et ses tutos

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Photoshop. Making Complex Selections in Photoshop. Making precise selections in Photoshop is an essential skill that every designer needs.

Making Complex Selections in Photoshop

As a print designer, you will find yourself using selections to remove objects from their background to place within ads. As a web designer, you might extract an image and place it on a website with no background. If you are a photographer, you might make a selection to remove blemishes or other unwanted features from an image. You can’t get around it; everyone uses selections, and if you make excellent selections, you’ll end up with excellent work. So, what do you do when you have something that is extremely difficult to select with normal selection tools? Even with the masking and channels, you can’t make a precise selection consistently. You can try the quick selection tool, which does a great job of making a selection of the bulk of the image, but making a more refined selection is difficult with this method.

In comes Refine Mask to the rescue. Connexion à votre compte tuto. 44 Grunge Photoshop Tutorials. What’s up today?

44 Grunge Photoshop Tutorials

We’ve actually compiled a whole array of creative grunge tutorials so you can infuse staggering grungy styles into your artworks using Photoshop. Lately the grunge effect is known to be an enormously popular trend in web design, and basically it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. So if you want to really wild on your grunge designs, you may now explore different techniques in Photoshop that can give your artwork some textured, aged and uneven looks with rusting metal signs, dirty spots, grunge patterns, scorched borders, or overall distressed accents.

By the way, some time ago our good friends from blog have published a post with as many as 900 Free Grunge Photoshop Brushes, so if you’re really into the grunge design style you should definitely take a look at these. Now jump into the mix to get mod unkempt appearances! Head blow off effect Designing a typographic concept poster. Combining Custom Brushes for Wild Effects in Photoshop. Custom brushes can be an incredibly powerful way to add a touch of originality to your work.

Combining Custom Brushes for Wild Effects in Photoshop

By photographing or otherwise capturing given effects such as splatters, drips and watercolor textures, you can easily create your own custom brushes in Photoshop, and apply them to your own work right away to make it stand out. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create some custom brushes based on scans of different types, and then you’ll instantly put them to use to come up with a wild finished result. You’ll see how simple custom brushes can make all the difference, and you’ll learn some great tips on how to get the best results.

Photoshop: How to Transform PHOTOS into Gorgeous, Pencil DRAWINGS. Tuto détourer des cheveux proprement avec photoshop. Time, Patience, & Practice are keys. Correction de perspectives sous Photoshop CS6. Version Française.

Correction de perspectives sous Photoshop CS6

Récupérer une photo sous-exposée. Nouveau : Les petites annonces de Revue Photo Resultats du concours du festival de l’oiseau.

Récupérer une photo sous-exposée

Créer un effet de route brumeuse avec Photoshop. Beginner Photomanipulation HD. 50 Dirty, Filthy Grunge Photoshop Effects. 35 tutoriels photoshop vintage pour la reproduction des anciens modèles et des styles rétro. La mode rétro ou les styles “vintage” sont très fréquents dans les tendances vestimentaires et les styles de décoration modernes.

35 tutoriels photoshop vintage pour la reproduction des anciens modèles et des styles rétro

Les couleurs et les designs des années 80 ou 70 inspirent beaucoup de designers dans plusieurs domaines et connaissent parfois des grands succès. Le web et les designs des prints et des brochures n’ont pas échappé à cette tendance des styles “old fashion look“. Must-Learn Photo Manipulation Tutorials You'll Enjoy Checking Out – You The Designer. Tutorials July 17, 2011 As requested, here are some of the best photo-manipulation tutorials online.

Must-Learn Photo Manipulation Tutorials You'll Enjoy Checking Out – You The Designer

These tutorials are great, not just because the final products are good, but because you can use one or more of the theories you’ll learn from them to create your very own masterpieces. It is not often that you can actually mix and match certain techniques on Photoshop, but we’re pretty sure you’ll find a few here that you can make use of any day. Graphic Design Tutorials, Step-by-Step Instructions. Sparkly Rays Tutorial. In this tutorial we will learn how to create vector rays in a simple and efficient way, using a Wave filter in Photoshop and the Gradient Mesh Tool in Adobe Illustrator.

Sparkly Rays Tutorial

This technique was developed by my friend Yemz. Step 1. 30 Abstract PSD Tutorials. Jun 11 2010 By Janos Racz Abstract works have many uses in design: they can serve as a vibrant desktop background, a mysterious webdesign header or they can be beautiful art pieces by themselves.

30 Abstract PSD Tutorials

What’s more, abstract design has many forms, and not too many limitations. You can always come up with new shapes and compositions with combination of various color schemes. You can create them using computer algorithms, putting it on the canvas from pure imagination, or just following a simple pattern you made up in your spare time. Photo Effects - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Category. Rose92 shares In this tutorial, we will explain how to use the vector editing and 3D capabilities of Photoshop to create rubber and glass 3D text.

Photo Effects - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Category

In the process, we will show you how to create the materials, modify the lighting, render the scene, and finally, how to enhance the color of the final result. Let's get started! In this tutorial, we will explain how to use the vector editing and 3D capabilities of Photoshop to create rubber and glass 3D text. In the process, we will show you how to create the materials, modify the lighting, render the scene, and finally, how to enhance the color of the final result. 50 free Photoshop actions to create stunning effects. Adobe's flagship image-editing software Photoshop has a powerful programming language built-in that allows you to record tasks as an 'action' and replay the steps to complete the task automatically.

Not only can you record your own but you can also import actions, opening up a whole range of effects and time-saving options – whether you're using an older CS or have signed up to the very latest Creative Cloud version. So to add to our collections of Photoshop plugins and Photoshop resources, here are some great Photoshop actions that are free to download and install, for photographers, graphic designers, game artists and more. You can jump to the section you want from the dropdown menu above, but you should definitely check out the entire list – who knows where inspiration will strike!

Photo filters 01. If your photos just aren't sinister enough for your liking, this free action should make things a little more unsettling. 02. 45+ Excellent Photo Enhancement Tutorials for Photoshop. Toolkits Photo enhancement and photo manipulation are, essentially, two different disciplines in Photoshop. The concept of enhancing an image is to improve or change the quality without adding or deleting anything. We have previously looked at photo manipulation tutorials for Photoshop, so today we are bringing you a collection of photo enhancement tutorials, most of which will change the look of your image slightly, very dramatically or somewhere in between.

The majority of these tutorials use non-destructive methods of enhancement, such as adjustment layers, but always remember to work on a copy of your image so that you retain the original. 41 Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects [Photoshop Tutorials] Looking at how powerful Photoshop can be in terms of photo editing, it’s probably not important if you suck at taking photographs or being labeled an amateur photographer. As long as you picked up a couple of Photoshop photo editing skills, it will still impress those who sees it.

So the next time you want to publish some photos online, consider editing them so they look more impressive. Tutorial: More Texturing- By: ledirlo This tutorial demonstrates an effect that gets so photorealistic it led to some cheating controversies in the past. Aside from the interest of the created effect it also gives key layer technique information. The only material needed is these two photos, the crumpled paper and what we want printed on it.

Let's start by opening the two photos and moving the grass photo above the paper's layer; you can turn the grass layer into multiply mode and transform it to get the correct placement. In this case I chose to avoid the darkest tree parts as they don't produce a great effect on the paper. Once finished, press CTRL+I so you invert the layer mask. 11 Tutoriels de qualité de Photomanipulation et de Retouche photo pour Photoshop. Un Visage dans la fumée avec Photoshop ~ HOCINE COM. Photos pastel. Photoshop - Les niveaux. Ajouter des rayons de lumière avec PhotoShop. S'il ne faut pas réviser son Cathé ça va, merci pour la leçon, c'est vraiment spectaculaire. Ici avec toutes les églises qu'il y a je vais sûrement avoir l'occasion de m'en servir. 34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro.

Design This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics. It's meant to be a good collection for those who aren't quite pro yet, but want to be. From making amazing business cards to bringing a stone statue to life, these take us through hours and hours of practicing those skills. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there.

If you learn to master some of the techniques and tricks from these, you will be sure to land on your feet looking like a pro! Effets de couleur façon instagram - cross process avec Photoshop CS5 sur Tuto. Tutoriel créer un effet vintage grunge avec Photoshop. Tutos Graphiques (Photoshop - Gimp - Blender...) Photoshop Tutorials. 42 tutoriels Photoshop écologiques sur la nature. Tuto photoshop : effet ronds lumineux ou (faux) bokeh. Cette fois, au programme de comment-devenir-une-serial-photo-tricheuse, je vais vous parler des effets brumeux avec les petits ronds de lumière qu’on voit sur certaines de mes photos : c’est l’arrière plan flouté qui dépend de la profondeur de champs ; en gros tout ce qui se cache derrière le sujet (et qui doit le mettre en valeur). On peut l’obtenir naturellement avec un bon objectif et une bonne luminosité (et de la patience). Je vais pas vous parler diaphragme et réglages vu qu’on va … tricher !

J’utilise souvent cette manip’ pour texturiser un arrière-plan uni ou/et atténuer une zone moche et/ou ajouter des particules de lumière et/ou donner un style romantique-doux-gnangnan-ce-que-tu-veux … Pour que ça fonctionne, il vous faut un cliché avec un minimum de flou, si toute votre photo est nette (genre la photo d’une pièce comme là) ça sera laid. Création d'un effet d'explosion nucléaire. L'école Photoshop Tous les tutoriaux pour apprendre Photoshop gratuitement. Cette formation est destinée aux personnes désirant apprendre à utiliser le logiciel Photoshop.

Lisez attentivement cette page avant de vous lancer dans la lecture des (...) Publié mardi 28 septembre 2010. Champ Effet de flou dans Photoshop CS6. Field Blur in Photoshop CS6. In this Photoshop tutorial, I’ll be showing you how to produce Field Blur effect in any image using Adobe Photoshop CS6 by learning how to use an incredible tool known as the Blur Tool. When you apply the field blur effect to your image, you are going to be able to adjust its amount differently for different parts of the image, giving it an overall amazing focus. Making a Beautiful Scene under Water. Phlearn .com. Now on sale! Get your copy here: You want your images to look beautiful. We all do. What is the point of investing so much time and money in photography, if you can’t produce images that you are proud of? Many of us struggle for hours and hours to retouch one image. Phlearn decided to go out and create a more effective process to retouch photos and Retouching 101-301 is the result of that effort.

Tutoriaux photoshop, des tutoriels photoshop cs5, cs4, cs3,tutoriaux graphisme,photoshop tuto gratuit. Tutoriaux Photoshop Les outils predefinis Chez Sweety. Coloriser un dessin fait à la main avec Photoshop. Tutoriels. 40 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Photo Manipulation « JinSpiration. 5 tutos de traitement photo en vidéo à télécharger avec video2brain. Carlos-Quevedo's DeviantArt Gallery. Dirty by s27w on DeviantArt. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips « Online Photoshop Lightroom Tutorials and Tips with Matt Kloskowski Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips. 70 Illustrator Tutorials. Le Tilt Shift Effect: Transformer un paysage en maquette. Ribonnet Morning by Clydonnie Ctalope. Effet de transparence. Faire des Ronds dans l’eau. Fondre des images avec les Masques de fusion. Tutoriels. 20 Fantastic Photoshop Manipulation Tutorials -2010Photoshop Website.

Zen zen zen - Page 4. Humorous New Site-Specific Paintings on the Streets of Paris by Pejac.

Retouche de portraits

Retouche de peau. Compositions à partir de personnages. Digital painting. Transformer une photo en Dessin. Tutorial Détourage d'une photo avec photoshop en Utilisant l'outil plume. Making a Horrific Ghost Ship in Photoshop. TOUT PHOTOSHOP - Tuto Photoshop CS5 et tutoriels Photoshop CS6. Le dodge & burn : donnez du contraste à vos images (en noir et blanc) ! Photoshop – Le Split Frequency – S02E12. Comment dessiner des yeux réalistes [Tutoriel] 2. Photoshop : les meilleurs sites de tuto et autres didacticiels.

Tutoriaux Photoshop. Tutoriels gratuits. Changer la taille d'une image sans perte de qualité. 50 tutoriels photoshop pour le ciel et les effets de l'espace et des planètes. Noir et Blanc comme en argentique. Comment restaurer et coloriser une vieille photo avec Photoshop. 40 meilleurs tutoriaux Photoshop - Caractéristiques - Arts numériques. Tutoriel vieillir une photo avec Photoshop. Photo Effect. Tutoriel Photoshop CS6 - changer le ciel et sublimer le paysage - partie 1. Tutoriel Photoshop CS6 - changer le ciel et sublimer le paysage - partie 2. 60 tutoriels Photoshop pour les effets de texte. Tuto Photoshop les meilleurs tutoriaux photoshop parmis les tutoriaux photoshop du net Cs6, Cs5, cs4, cs3 et cs2.

Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop. Tous les trucs et astuces de photoshop. Tutorial Magazine 300 Most Amazing Photoshop Tutorials of Summer 2009. Apprendre Photoshop : 11 tutoriels gratuits pour apprendre la retouche d’images - Choisir et mieux utiliser votre reflex Nikon - Nikon Passion. Chez Sweety Tutoriaux Photoshop Vue6Infinite Groboto Fractales Tutoriaux. Photoshop Tutorial: Master Polygons Part 1. Photoshop Water Tutorial. The Top 10 Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials of 2009. Une texture avec masque de fusion sur Photoshop. [PHOTOSHOP CS] Tilt Shift : Les tutoriels logiciels. 50 best Photoshop tutorials - Features. Tutoriels. 50 Excellent Photoshop Photo Effect Tutorials. I-Magie - Tutoriaux Photoshop. Photo Manipulation avec Photoshop.