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Amory Lovins: A 40-year plan for energy. ForgeLine_DE.pdf. Wireless charging for Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf. Mobile Geräte per Induktion laden: Wie geht das? Um ein elektronisches Gerät zu laden, ist nicht mehr zwangsläufig eine Fummelei mit Stecker und Kabel nötig.

Mobile Geräte per Induktion laden: Wie geht das?

Von der elektrischen Zahnbürste über den Elektro-Rasierer bis hin zum Palm Pre mit seinem Touchstone kennen wir bereits die kontaktlose Ladung per Induktion. Aber wie funktioniert das eigentlich genau? Zum Induktionsladen gehören immer zwei Komponenten: Eine Primärspule, von der aus die Energie ausgehen soll, und eine Sekundärspule, auf die die Energie übertragen wird. Zwischen den Spulen befindet sich ein unsichtbares Magnetfeld. Stark vereinfacht wird über die Primärspule elektrische Spannung darauf verwandt, das Magnetfeld zu verändern. Die Primärspule wird meistens in einer Schale, Matte oder einem flachen Kästchen untergebracht. Voraussetzung für diese kabellose Ladetechnik ist das passende Gegenstück, das die Sekundärspule enthält. Philips bietet ein Set aus Lade-Pad und iPhone-Hülle an, das die neue Standard-Technologie Qi (Aussprache: [ˈtʃiː]) nutzt.

501627main_TASR-TABS_Foldouts-A.pdf. Geschichte der Funktechnik. Es gab auch einmal Zeiten, als Beamte noch höchst kreativ waren!

Geschichte der Funktechnik

The Second Law Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator - Thermodynamics2.pdf. Faraday. Faraday: Michael Faraday, who became one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century, began his career as a chemist.


He wrote a manual of practical chemistry that reveals his mastery of the technical aspects of his art, discovered a number of new organic compounds, among them benzene, and was the first to liquefy a "permanent" gas (i.e., one that was believed to be incapable of liquefaction). His major contribution, however, was in the field of electricity and magnetism. He was the first to produce an electric current from a magnetic field, invented the first electric motor and dynamo, demonstrated the relation between electricity and chemical bonding, discovered the effect of magnetism on light, and discovered and named diamagnetism, the peculiar behaviour of certain substances in strong magnetic fields.

He provided the experimental, and a good deal of the theoretical, foundation upon which James Clerk Maxwell erected classical electromagnetic field theory. Untitled. Nikola Tesla ; Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900. A Man Whose Mind Works While He Sleeps." This is a wonderful article I found in the Newspaper Archives from 1904.

A Man Whose Mind Works While He Sleeps."

Frank G. Carpenter interviewed Nikola Tesla on two separate occasions. You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation. The Two Phase Alternating Current induction motor.

You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation

2009MT195B.pdf. Joe Holden - Revolutionary Mini Hydro Power. Tesla - Master of Lightning: Harnessing Niagara. The Niagara Falls Power Project was an act of pure technological optimism.

Tesla - Master of Lightning: Harnessing Niagara

Americans had dreamed of pressing the Falls into "an honest day's work" since the first pioneer sawmill had been built there in 1725. But schemes for extracting power had never been adequately conceived. Since his childhood, Tesla himself had dreamed of harnessing the power of the great natural wonder. And in late 1893, his dream became a reality, when Westinghouse was awarded the contract to create the powerhouse. The contract came as a result of a failed competition spearheaded by the international Niagara Falls Commission. The construction period was traumatic for engineers, mechanics and workers, but it weighed most heavily on investors. Microsoft Word - Ho-Yan - Tesla Turbine - editted for GEJ 2011-08-02_rev.doc - GEJ_004-001-008_Ho-Yan_Tesla_Turbines.pdf. Patent EP0608691B1 - Verfahren zur Energiegewinnung aus festen Brennstoffen und Kombibrenner - Google Patents. CO2 abscheiden mit Kalk oder Metall (Looping) - Kraftwerk Forschung.

Whole Systems. The simplest method to ensure the efficient use of energy resources is to apply Whole Systems thinking to every energy use situation.

Whole Systems

This alone could reduce energy consumption Nationwide by 50%, with no negative impact at all. Here's how it works. Whole Systems thinking looks at every aspect of a situation and determines how each part of a whole system interacts with all of the other parts. Then decisions are made that choose the parts that work together best to form an efficient Whole System. Let's say the situation is "lighting my house. " A home is a Whole System that has to be thought through, beginning at the design stage.

Free light, of course, is available during daylight hours. Etheric Rain Engineering. "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Nikola Tesla. DIAGRAM a.

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Nikola Tesla

THE THREE WAYS OF INCREASING HUMAN ENERGY. Let, then, in diagram a, M represent the mass of man. This mass is impelled in one direction by a force f, which is resisted by another partly frictional and partly negative force R, acting in a direction exactly opposite, and retarding the movement of the mass. Such an antagonistic force is present in every movement and must be taken into consideration. The difference between these two forces is the effective force which imparts a velocity V to the mass M in the direction of the arrow on the line representing the force f. Viewed generally, there are obviously two ways of increasing the mass of mankind: first, by aiding and maintaining those forces and conditions which tend to increase it; and, second, by opposing and reducing those which tend to diminish it.