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World Building

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THE WORLD DREAM BANK: PLANETOCOPIA. World Dream Bank home - add a dream - newest - art gallery - sampler - dreams by title, subject, author, date, places, names by Chris Wayan, 2002-2010 Planetocopia is a group of model worlds supporting intelligent life.


They fall into four series: Tilt! (Earth with different poles), Futures (set 1000 years from now), the Biosphere Variations (diverse experiments in planetology), and Caprices (whimsically altered Earths). Main Page - FrathWiki. Welcome to the Orion's Arm Universe Project. Essays - Swords & Swordsmanship. WriteWorld. Santharia - Free Online RPG Games & Fantasy World Creation. Fictional World Building with Jacmus Prime. Basilicus. Why Create & Build a Fantasy World? Hub:Fantasy worldbuilding. List of fictional location types. World Building. Diegesis. Diegesis /ˈdaɪəˈdʒiːsəs/ is a style of fiction storytelling that presents an interior view of a world in which: details about the world itself and the experiences of its characters are revealed explicitly through narrativethe story is told or recounted, as opposed to shown or enacted.[1] In diegesis the narrator tells the story.


The narrator presents the actions (and sometimes thoughts) of the characters to the readers or audience. In contrast to mimesis[edit] Planets in science fiction. Planets in science fiction are fictional planets that appear in various media, especially those of the science fiction genre, as story-settings or depicted locations.[1] History[edit] Before Galileo turned his telescope to the heavens, the planets of the Solar System were not recognized as worlds, or places where a person could potentially set foot; they were visible to observers merely as bright points of light, distinguishable from stars only by their motion.

Planets in science fiction

Ludovico Ariosto, in his epic Orlando Furioso (1513),[4] jestingly sent his hero to a Moon where everything lost on Earth eventually turns up; but it was not until Galileo discovered (1609–1610) that the Moon had surface features, and that the other planets could, at least, be resolved into disks,[5] that the concept that the planets were real physical bodies came to be taken seriously.

It was quite some time before such "extraordinary voyages" went beyond the lunar sphere. Planet lists[edit] Literature[edit] Comics[edit] Worldbuilding: Fantasy Religion Design Guide. By Joe Wetzel (joewetzel at gmail dot com) [If you like this article, check out the other Worldbuilding articles on this website using the sidebar navigation.]

Worldbuilding: Fantasy Religion Design Guide

Depending on your campaign setting idea, in the early stages you may only need a bare minimum of details about your religion. Fictional universe. A fictional universe can be almost indistinguishable from the real world, except for the presence of the invented characters and events that characterize a work of fiction; at the other extreme it can bear little or no resemblance to reality, with invented fundamental principles of space and time.

Fictional universe

Definition[edit] What distinguishes a fictional universe from a simple setting is the level of detail and internal consistency. A fictional universe has an established continuity and internal logic that must be adhered to throughout the work and even across separate works. So, for instance, many books may be set in conflicting fictional versions of Victorian London, but all the stories of Sherlock Holmes are set in the same Victorian London. However, the various film series based on Sherlock Holmes follow their own separate continuities, and so do not take place in the same fictional universe. Cues from All Quarters, Or, The Literary Musings of a Clerical Recluse - Francis Jacox. Origins, Authority and Imaginary Games. Page 107 Elizabeth Knox Elizabeth.

Origins, Authority and Imaginary Games

First Person. Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding or conworlding is the process of constructing an imaginary world, sometimes associated with a whole fictional universe.[1] The resulting world may be called a constructed world.


The term "worldbuilding" was popularized at science fiction writers' workshops in the 1970s. [citation needed] Developing an imaginary setting with coherent qualities such as a history, geography, and ecology is a key task for many science fiction or fantasy writers.[2] Worldbuilding often involves the creation of maps, a backstory, and people for the world. Constructed worlds can enrich the backstory and history of fictional works, and it is not uncommon for authors to revise their constructed worlds while completing its associated work. Constructed worlds can be created for personal amusement and mental exercise, or for specific creative endeavors such as novels, video games, or role-playing games. Berley’s Top 10 World Building Tips for Sci Fi or Fantasy. Like I have mentioned in past blog posts, it took me ten years of writing and collecting rejection letters to get to level I am today.

Berley’s Top 10 World Building Tips for Sci Fi or Fantasy

And even so I’m still working and still climbing. Always working and always writing to improve my craft. The bad part about going through those ten years is obvious, even the annoyingly cliche parts. Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. Medieval Names Archive. This collection of articles on medieval and Renaissance names is intended to help historical re-creators to choose authentic names.

Medieval Names Archive

These articles were gathered from various places, and some of them appear elsewhere. In all cases, the copyright on each article belongs to its authors. For frequent users, we offer a compact index; but please read the following introduction at least once. Fantasy Name Generator. By Samuel Stoddard - Version 1.5 One of the perks of creating fantasy stories -- whether by writing a story or game or by role-playing -- is you get to make up the names.

Fantasy Name Generator

Some people relish the task while others are frustrated by it. List of legendary creatures. Beast Index.