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Workout Routines: Gain 10 Pounds of Muscle in 4 Weeks. Top 10 Personal Trainer Tips for Hypertrophy Programming. 1.

Top 10 Personal Trainer Tips for Hypertrophy Programming

Hypertrophy programming should revolve around three factors: volume (total work done), muscle damage and variety of movements 2. Lifting tempo is more critical for hypertrophy than any other phase. Be sure to prescribe lifting tempos and make sure you client sticks to them. 3. 4. 5. 70% of 1RM is the sweet spot when choosing proper load. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Join the Discussion Have something to add? About the Author Dan Trink is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and holds may other certifications including: ACE-CPT, USAW, PICP-3, TRX, LIFT, FMS, Biosig-1, Precision Nutrition Certification. The Guide to Targeted Muscle Building - JMax Fitness. Building a massive physique, unfortunately, requires a more measured approach than simply trying to heave as much weight as humanly possible.

The Guide to Targeted Muscle Building - JMax Fitness

It requires targeted muscle building. To know how to best train a muscle, you have to first understand its physical structure, specifically its biomechanics and fiber type composition. This information helps you select the correct rep ranges, weekly volume, and rest periods for optimal results. Many lifters don’t specifically tailor these loading parameters to individual muscles. For example, they’ll dedicate 4-6 weeks to “hypertrophy” and perform every exercise in the 8-12 rep range. That’s a mistake. In this article, I’ll give you all the necessary information on these two topics – biomechanics and fiber type composition – for each major muscle. Optimal hypertrophy training is muscle specific.

2:1's For Muscle Growth:The Best (Secret) Training Method. Build Muscle With the Weider Principles. The Weider Principles, a list of weightlifting truisms gathered and honed by the father of bodybuilding Joe Weider, have stood the test of time.

Build Muscle With the Weider Principles

We highly recommend that you use them, too, as you learn and advance your muscle-building efforts. Cycle Training Devote portions of your training year to specific goals for strength, mass or getting cut. This can help decrease your risk of injury and add variety to your routine. Cycle periods of high intensity and low intensity to allow for recovery and spur new gains. Eclectic Training Incorporate a diverse selection of variables, such as set, rep and exercise schemes, into your workout. Instinctive Training Experiment to develop an instinct as to what works best for you. Muscle Confusion Constantly change variables in your workout --— number of sets, number of reps, exercise choice, order of exercises, length of your rest periods --— to avoid getting in a rut and slowing growth.

Allocating Volume to Maximize Muscle Growth - Bret Contreras. I’ve spent 23 years analyzing program design.

Allocating Volume to Maximize Muscle Growth - Bret Contreras

In the beginning, I would read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding and peruse the muscle mags. Then I stumbled upon HIT Training, then HST Training, and finally T-Nation. Eventually I learned how to use Pubmed and investigate the research. I’ve also talked shop with probably over a thousand lifters, coaches, personal trainers, and physical therapists. Program design was always a complicated topic for me.