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Alchemy Interactive

We are a London-based, award-winning web design and online marketing agency that offer a range of tailor-made web-based services to help businesses thrive and grow.

Vanity vs. Actionable Metrics. Meta: Facebook Changes its Name by Alchemy Interactive. Facebook changes name to Meta: Mark Zuckerberg announces company to rebrand as it moves to the metaverse Hold your breath as the iconic Facebook gets all set to give us a conclusive internet experience that reaches beyond social media.

Meta: Facebook Changes its Name by Alchemy Interactive

Zuckerberg’s Meta is the rebranded corporate entity of Facebook. Meta, meaning beyond, in Greek is the first step towards building a metaverse – a virtual space where individuals across the globe can communicate, connect, and game using virtual reality headsets. Prevent E-Commerce Filter Pages from Holding Your Website Back – Alchemy Intercative. It’s an undisputed fact that e-commerce websites need filter pages for the convenience of customers.

Prevent E-Commerce Filter Pages from Holding Your Website Back – Alchemy Intercative

It makes navigation very easy for them and most importantly, helps them with finding exactly what they are looking for. For instance, you are looking for a hat, the website will have the following URL: And then if you are looking at red hat And then if you are looking at red hat from a specific brand. Top Tips for Optimal Site Creation as Revealed in New Research. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around how websites that load quickly and are user-friendly tend to rank higher on Google search engine result pages (SERPs).

Top Tips for Optimal Site Creation as Revealed in New Research

So, is this news or an obvious fact?! ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT JOOMLA 1. Why Page Speed Is Important? by Alchemy Interactive. By Alchemy Interactive Digital Marketing Agency In today’s time, site speed is far more important than ever.

Why Page Speed Is Important? by Alchemy Interactive

Needless to say, it is presently one of the most critical aspects of every marketing strategy. Not only does it affect SEO rankings, but contributes remarkably to user experience and conversions on the whole. Websites with low speed are often seen to have low conversion rates, low page visits and high bounce rates. Web Design Agency in UK.

Affordable Bespoke Web Design Services. Helping Businesses Strengthen their Digital Footprint With transparency, honesty, and security at the core of everything we do, we, at Alchemy Interactive, offer customised web design services that are budget-friendly as well as fully tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Affordable Bespoke Web Design Services

As a leading web design agency in London, our out-of-the-box thinking, no-hidden cost policy and affordability are to name a few things that set us apart from the rest. Having unmatched technical expertise and years of experience creating hundreds of websites for businesses across various industries, Alchemy Interactive has carved a niche for itself in the website design and development arena in the UK and beyond.

Our Customer Support is second to none and we collaborate closely with businesses to understand their expectations and goals that eventually help us create a website that is not just appealing, engaging and impactful, but highly innovative, intelligent and interactive. SEO Services London. If your concern is poor traffic or low search engine raking for primary keywords, then a time-tested search engine optimization (SEO) strategy can help you boost your website rankings on popular search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and Google.

SEO Services London

Simply put, SEO is an ‘affordable’, ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ way of bringing the desired traffic to your website. It also helps enhance the quality of your website by making it more user-friendly to help you observe increased sales and revenue. Getting to page 1 of Google. Google Guidelines state; “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google” Matt Cutts of Google is on record as saying;

Getting to page 1 of Google

Tips for a Smooth Website Migration - Alchemy Interactive. A poorly executed site migration can wreak havoc on your website, causing it to lose traffic remarkably.

Tips for a Smooth Website Migration - Alchemy Interactive

Alchemy Interactive presents here some expert tips for a smooth website migration, so that you don’t lose any traffic and your SEO remains virtually unaffected post migration. Alchemy to Support Tufferman for Digital Marketing Boost - Alchemy Interactive. Digital marketing agency Alchemy hopes to give Tufferman a head start in the national ‘race for space’ as it provides an online communications boost for the shelving and storage retailer.

Alchemy to Support Tufferman for Digital Marketing Boost - Alchemy Interactive

Tufferman – who have been supplying quality storage solutions to businesses such as McDonalds, Sony, Waterstones, ITV and Millets since 2012 - have seen a remarkable upsurge in demand for their products sinceworking practices across the country were thrown the Covid curveball. “The pandemic has made everyone have to re-evaluate the way in which they work and triggered a huge demand for space efficient storage solutions,” explains Richard Gundle, Tuffermans’ founder. “Garages, sheds and spare rooms have had to hastilybe re-purposed to house everything from paperwork to stock, and larger operations have needed to increase warehouse or stockroom capacity in a bid to keep up with the boom in online shopping.”

Google Page Speed Update – Does Not Affect Indexing? On January 17th 2017 Google announced “that starting in July 2018, page speed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches.”

Google Page Speed Update – Does Not Affect Indexing?

They go on to say “The “Speed Update,” as we’re calling it, will only affect pages that deliver the slowest experience to users and will only affect a small percentage of queries. It applies the same standard to all pages, regardless of the technology used to build the page. The intent of the search query is still a very strong signal, so a slow page may still rank highly if it has great, relevant content.”

Ten Effective Instagram Marketing Tips. Here are ten tried and tested Instagram marketing tips to boost brand awareness and drive engagement. Topics discussed include creating an Instagram Business Account, using free Instagram tools, performance tracking, among others. Before we begin discussing Instagram marketing tips, let’s first convince you why Instagram marketing is important for you or your business with some staggering stats. There are 1 billion monthly active Instagram users – 71% of which are under the age of 35 years.

It is also the 2nd most engaged social platform after Facebook. An average Instagram user spends nearly 53 minutes on this app each day. Social Media Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021 — Suzanne Wall on Hashtap. Today’s marketers can’t even imagine a digital marketing campaign without social media, given the phenomenal rise of the latter in the last couple of years. Almost every digital marketing campaign includes social media as its critical component, regardless of the industry or the product in focus. Despite its growing importance, this one online marketing channel is highly dynamic. This means, what would have worked for you several months ago, might not be that effective for you now. Social media platforms evolve, new platforms enter the market, and habits of social media users do change with time.

All You Need to Know About Google Analytics 4. Businesses across the globe bank on Google Analytics to understand customer behaviour and preferences for creating better experiences for them. As more and more businesses are moving to the online space and the pressure on them to make the most of their marketing budget is constantly increasing, getting critical insights from digital analytics tool has now become more important than ever. To help you get better ROI from your marketing expenses in the long run, Google has developed a new, more intelligent Google Analytics, which is based on the App + Web property that the search giant rolled out in 2019. With machine learning at its core, it gives meaningful insights while offering you a thorough understanding of your customers across different platforms and devices. Search Engine Optimisation Agency London. Joomla to Launch its Latest Version 4 Very Soon. With Joomla 4 in it’s Beta 7 version, it’s very nearly here.

The powerful and robust web content management system Joomla is launching a it’s latest version 4, very soon. Promising a brand-new way for people to create and manage their content, developed and sustained by a global community of volunteers. Joomla 4 offers you a platform that is reliable, steady, secure and fully equipped with a wide variety of options to build any website. So whats coming in this new version: Here’s a short list of the new Joomla 4 key features and benefits : Easy installation - Install Joomla in the blink of an eye. Vanity vs. Actionable metrics by AlchemyInteractive. Pandemic Problems. Reasons Why You Should Pay for Search Engine Optimization. Today’s “digital consumers” bank heavily on search engines to find almost everything, from restaurants to retail outlets to services of sorts.

In other words, no matter what your offer or manufacture, your audience will probably search for a product or service like yours on multiple search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Key Elements of a Winning Website. Your website is at the forefront of your digital presence. Web Design Agency In London. Web Design Agency London - Alchemyinteractive. IS SEO EASY. 5 SMM Trends You Can’t Ignore In 2020 – Alchemy Interactive. Today’s marketers can’t even imagine a digital marketing campaign without social media, given the phenomenal rise of the latter in the last couple of years. Almost every digital marketing campaign includes social media as its critical component, regardless of the industry or the product in focus.Despite its growing importance, this one online marketing channel is highly dynamic.

This means, what would have worked for you several months ago, might not be that effective for you now. Top 10 Web Design Tips. What's the Value of SEO? Key the phrase 'SEO' into Google and it comes back with 514million results, Topsy tells me there are 814k tweets containing the phrase in the last 30 days (1.3k in the last hour)… So it’s a huge subject. Alchemy Interactive. SEO is tough. Know if headings Affect Search Engine Rankings. Recently, while responding to a query regarding the role of H1 headings on Google Webmaster Hangout, John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, mentioned that heading tags were just great for a host of reasons, but they aren’t crucial with respect to search engine rankings. While this is quite an important revelation from a SEO standpoint, there are more to understand the connection between SEO, search rankings and the use of heading tags. Web Design Agency London.

Restore Your Website’s Domain Authority in 6 Easy Steps – Alchemy Interactive. Web Design Agency London. Outsourcing Agency London. Email Marketing Tips. Web Design Agency. Top 10 Web Design Tips. White Label Services London. Social Media Marketing Trends. Bespoke Solutions London. Digital Strategy Consulting Service. Why Page Speed Is Important? Save Websites with low speed are often seen to have low conversion rates, low page visits and high bounce rates. Instagram Marketing Tips.

Mobile Apps & Games Development Services. Online Marketing Services London. Web Design Agency London. Bespoke Software Development Services. Alchemy - Bespoke Web Apps and Solutions. Website Design Services.