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2014 Zeitgeist

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[Pocket] Good Reads 2014. 2014 HIGHLIGHTS // The Trends. We kicked off our highlights of 2014 with a list of the (sometimes rather surprising) things most viewed by you – our readers.

2014 HIGHLIGHTS // The Trends

For part 2/5 we’re analysing the data in a different way, by identifying some recurring trends in art and design. Throughout the course of the year, we couldn’t help but notice a few themes emerging in the work we featured on the site: be it in terms of subject matter, style, concept or approach. Before we start the new year afresh we decided to delve a little deeper into these. We began by looking back into our archives to see what stuck. In the end, nine trends – both broad and specific – became clear. The trend: FOOD. Social Media 2014 YIR. Social media had a big year in social action.

Social Media 2014 YIR

Huge world sports events like the Sochi Olympics and World Cup took place and garnered nearly 5 million shares on our network. We also saw other stories capture worldwide attention and spur online engagement. Stories like the Ferguson/Michael Brown case and the Scottish Independence vote sparked political outrage both on the streets and online. But there was one thing we found tied all of these events together. After the Michael Brown/Ferguson hearing and Eric Garner jury decision, people across the world took to social networks to gather information, posts their thoughts, and organize on the streets. A 6-Minute Supercut of 2014's Best Videos. 2014 was a banner year for viral videos, and Luc Bergeron (aka Zapatou) has put a gigantic sampling together for his annual supercut “Best of Web”.

A 6-Minute Supercut of 2014's Best Videos

This year he’s stitched together a whopping 233 viral video clips to create 6 minutes of non-stop action. Here’s a video that will overwhelm you with the experiences of life, give you a gigantic smile and make you want to go out and adventure. Be warned though: You’re going to have a massive amount of video clips to watch after this. Zapatou has shared the entire list on his Google+ page (find them with the number in the video’s bottom corner). (via TwistedSifter) Known in some circles as the most amazing man in the universe, he once saved an entire family of muskrats from a sinking, fire engulfed steamboat while recovering from two broken arms relating to a botched no-chute wingsuit landing in North Korea.

Internet Culture. Congratulations!

Internet Culture

We’ve made it through another spin around the sun, What a ride it’s been; we sure had fun. You were there for all the highs and lows, The “Fancy” music and “basic” clothes. The Lego Movie made it hip to be square, and Matthew McConaughey was everywhere. We made some new friends and lost some old, We dumped ice on our heads and Malala was bold. And because you were good, here’s a little treat, An exciting, exclusive pop culture feat!

A heartfelt thanks from all of us at Beutler Ink, and here’s looking forward to a great 2015! Behind the Scenes: The Making of Here’s to 2014! We began preparation for our annual end-of-year pop-culture-and-news mashup in early October with a teamwide brainstorm. Next, we decided on a setting. With a list of ideas complete and a setting established, the illustration could finally begin! Once the sketches were finished, it was time to color the image. Tumblr 2014 Year in Review. Google 2014 YIR. Instagram Moments 2014. Wikimedia Foundation. After Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube chronicled the year gone by in videos, it’s now Wikipedia’s turn.

Wikimedia Foundation

The crowdsourced online encyclopedia takes you through major events from 2014, from the FIFA World Cup to the Indian general elections, and the Ice Bucket Challenge to Ebola in West Africa in under three minutes. The clip was commissioned by the Wikimedia Foundation, and edited by Victor Grigas in less than two months using freely licensed photos and videos submitted by Wikipedia contributors from around the world. Besides highlighting the biggest moments in 2014, it also celebrates the collaborative spirit of contributors and translators who helped make the biggest stories of the year available free to a global audience in numerous languages. ➤ Wikipedia.

2014: The year in graphics - Washington Post. [FR] Internet and Social Media : Key figures 2014. Avec aujourd’hui, 2,4 milliards de personnes connectées sur la planète, Internet maintient sa dynamique au fil des ans.

[FR] Internet and Social Media : Key figures 2014

En 2014, de nouveaux caps ont été atteints et même dépassés comme par exemple sur YouTube. Actuellement, il est mis en ligne toutes les 60 secondes l’équivalent de 72 heures de contenus. Il n’y a pas si longtemps, le chiffre se situait encore à 48 heures. TOP 12 des plus belles réponses de community managers aux trolls en 2014. Etre community manager aujourd’hui ne s’improvise pas. Entre la création de contenu, la veille, l’animation, et autre, la modération et surement la tache la plus délicate. La relation est d’autant plus complexe car les conversations sont visibles par tout le monde. Il faut penser à tout et à surtout ne choquer personne.