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Selectivity. Rich UI.


Select boxes made by selectivity have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable.Modular. Selectivity's modular approach is aimed to make it easy to create custom builds with just the features that you care about and to easily swap modules for custom ones.Light-weight. JQuery lightSlider. Untitled Document. Documentation ..:: Getting Started Include the relevant files Firstly include jQuery and the progression.css and progress.js files.

Untitled Document

Place these before </head> section Create a form You must give your form a unique ID. The helper text for the tooltip can be set by adding data-helper to the element. <form id="myform"><p><label for="">Name</label><input data-progression="" type="text" data-helper="Help users through forms by prividing helpful hinters" name="name" value="" placeholder="" /></p></form> Initiate the plugin Once you have created your form you will need to initiate the plugin.

At its most basic level you can initiate the plugin like: $(document).ready(function ($) { $("#myform").progression(); }); If you want to initiate the plugin with options then you can do so like: ..:: Options. Riot vs React vs Polymer. Riot 2 is inspired by React and from the idea of “cohesion”.

Riot vs React vs Polymer

According to Facebook developers: “Templates separate technologies, not concerns.” We should be building reusable components instead of templates. Pour enfin comprendre Javascript. Il est des technologies qui se laissent facilement apprivoiser.

Pour enfin comprendre Javascript

Prenez Python, par exemple ; sa syntaxe est claire et limpide comme de la sueur de licorne et dès la première approche, le développeur se sentira aussi à l'aise qu'un Hobbit au fond de son trou. Jetez un œil à ce bout de code Python ; on dirait du Beaudelaire, n'est-ce pas ? Class Pomodoro: def __init__(self, duration): self.duration = duration pomodoro = Pomodoro(25) D'autres langages, en revanche, feraient plutôt penser à de féroces étalons galopant l'écume aux dents dans les steppes de Mongolie.

Ruby, par exemple : class Pomodoro attr_reader :duration def initialize(duration) @duration = duration endend pomodoro = Et puis il y a Javascript. (function(exports) { "use strict"; var Pomodoro = function(duration) { this.duration = duration; } exports.Pomodoro = Pomodoro;})(this); var pomodoro = new Pomodoro(25); The good parts Dans tout langage, il y a des éléments plus ou moins réussis. La base Les objets Eh mec ! Why We Should Stop Using Bower - And How to Do It. If you are using some of the currently common frontend toolchains, chances are you are using Bower.

Why We Should Stop Using Bower - And How to Do It

In short, Bower is a package manager for JavaScript libraries and other frontend dependencies. It’s something that usually sneaks in with other build tools. It’s lightweight and does its job, so you’ll probably just set it up and forget it. Turns out you don’t need Bower and, in fact, it may actually be causing some of your problems.

Let’s take a closer look. What is wrong with Bower As a Bower user, you probably are more than familiar with this sight: You may be accustomed to giving little hints to Bower so it can figure out which package versions are compliant. The reason, as it turns out, is that Bower doesn’t support nested dependencies. If your packages are large and few in number, flat dependency management may even be a plus. Bower is also redundant. The problems don’t end here. Step 1 – Move dependencies from bower.json to package.json The equivalent file in npm is package.json. Labelauty jQuery Plugin. FormatJS. Sortable.

Sortable is an open-source javascript and CSS library which adds sorting functionality to tables.


It is tiny (<2kb) and has no dependencies. Demo Here is a demo of the "Bootstrap" theme. Features Drop-in script and styles6 beautiful CSS themesTiny footprint (<2kb) and no dependenciesLooks and behaves great on mobile devices.