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Tag Archive for "angular-js" AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Rapidly Build Real-time Web Apps with Firebase. In response to the feedback from our original tutorial, we decided to take the new version of the tutorial in an entirely new direction.

AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Rapidly Build Real-time Web Apps with Firebase

Mucking around in backend code doesn't belong in an AngularJS tutorial, and we've found an elegant solution to this problem. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a frontend-only application. Firebase’s firebase.js and angularFire.js libraries offer an entirely new flavor of application: an app built with no backend server or code. The only parts of this application are the AngularJS app, the Firebase data store, and the minimal backend server to deliver the assets to the browser. The tutorial features step-by-step instructions on how to build a fantasy football application, code snippets of the full application, and explanations on design decisions.

AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular. Today we will be creating a very simple Todo application using the MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack.

Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular

We will be creating: Single page application to create and finish todosStoring todos in a MongoDB using MongooseUsing the Express frameworkCreating a RESTful Node APIUsing Angular for the frontend and to access the API While the application is simple and beginner to intermediate level in its own right, the concepts here can apply to much more advanced apps. The biggest things we should focus on is using Node as an API and Angular as the frontend. Making them work together can be a bit confusing so this tutorial should help alleviate some confusion. What We’ll Be Building Base Setup File Structure We are going to keep the file structure very simple and put most of the code for our Node application into the server.js file. . - public ----- core.js ----- index.html - package.json - server.js Installing Modules In Node, the package.json file holds the configuration for our app. Todo Model.

Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular. AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. AngularJS Best Practices: I’ve Been Doing It Wrong! Part 1 of 3. Three sanity-preserving ideas that will make me and you 10x more productive with real-world AngularJS applications.

AngularJS Best Practices: I’ve Been Doing It Wrong! Part 1 of 3

This is the first in a three-part series on practical large-scale development with AngularJS. The TL;DR version is at the end of the article. I’ve been working on a large webapp that uses AngularJS for a few months now. As many developers who pick up new things as they go do, I started with the tutorial (in the state it was a few month ago), adapted the parts of its code I understood into the app, and grew it from there, gradually adding and changing the code, which over time became harder and harder to manage. Now we’re dealing with JavaScript modules that span thousands of lines of code, contain huge controller functions, and in a few places, use such shortcuts for jQuery-Angular interaction that I would not want my grandma to accidentally find on my computer.

Jmcunningham/AngularJS-Learning. Learn AngularJS With These 5 Practical Examples. Martin Angelov By now you’ve probably heard of AngularJS – the exciting open source framework, developed by Google, that changes the way you think about web apps.

Learn AngularJS With These 5 Practical Examples

There has been much written about it, but I have yet to find something that is written for developers who prefer quick and practical examples. This changes today. Below you will find the basic building blocks of Angular apps – Models, Views, Controllers, Services and Filters – explained in 5 practical examples that you can edit directly in your browser. If you prefer to open them up in your favorite code editor, grab the zip above.

Plunker. A Step-by-Step Guide to Your First AngularJS App. What is AngularJS?

A Step-by-Step Guide to Your First AngularJS App

AngularJS is a JavaScript MVC framework developed by Google that lets you build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications. And Why Should I Use It? If you haven’t tried AngularJS yet, you’re missing out. The framework consists of a tightly integrated toolset that will help you build well structured, rich client-side applications in a modular fashion—with less code and more flexibility. A Better Way to Learn AngularJS. Congratulations on taking the plunge!

A Better Way to Learn AngularJS

This AngularJS course is built with the intent of exposing you to the best available resources on each Angular topic. Our desire is to present these topics richly, and from a variety of vantage points, in order to afford you a more complete perspective on them. The learning curve of AngularJS can be described as a hockey stick.

Initially getting off the ground with apps featuring basic functionality is delightfully easy. However, when apps eventually grow large or complicated, structure without heed to Angular’s inner workings will cause development to become awkward and cumbersome. With AngularJS, the “Ready, Fire, Aim” learning methodology of duct taping together a handful of tutorials and a cursory glance through the documentation will lead to confusion and frustration. Since AngularJS is still in its infancy relative to other JavaScript frameworks, the number of encyclopaedic resources on it is still insufficient.

High-Speed Coding — Goodbye, Zen Coding. Hello, Emmet! Advertisement Back in 2009, Sergey Chikuyonok wrote an article1 to present a new way of writing HTML and CSS code.

High-Speed Coding — Goodbye, Zen Coding. Hello, Emmet!

This revolutionary plugin, called Zen Coding, has helped many developers through the years and has now reached a new level. Emmet2, previously known as Zen Coding, is the most productive and time-saving text-editor plugin you will ever see. By instantly expanding simple abbreviations into complex code snippets, Emmet can turn you into a more productive developer. For those who prefer to watch instead of read, here is a summary of my favorite tricks. How Does It Work? Let’s face it: writing HTML code takes time, with all of those tags, attributes, quotes, braces, etc. How to get started (Part 1 of the AngularJS - from beginner to expert in 7 steps series) This is the first post of AngularJS - from beginner to expert in 7 steps series.

How to get started (Part 1 of the AngularJS - from beginner to expert in 7 steps series)

AngularJS redefines how to build front-end applications. Instead of being afraid to cross the boundary between HTML and JavaScript, it takes it head-on. Application frameworks, like Backbone, EmberJS, and others, require developers to extend from JavaScript objects that are specific to their frameworks. Although this approach has its merits, it unnecessarily pollutes your object space and requires you to have intimate knowledge of abstract objects that exist in memory.

But we accept it because the web wasn’t originally designed to be as interactive as we expect it to be today, and we need frameworks to help us close the gap between JavaScript and HTML. AngularJS closes that gap. Instead of manipulating the DOM “directly,” you annotate your DOM with metadata (directives), and Angular manipulates the DOM for you. Learn AngularJS With These 5 Practical Examples. ProgrammingFree: AngularJS. jTable Pagination in Java Web Applications This article is a continuation of my previous articles on how to use jQuery jTable plugin in Java Web applications. jQuery jTable plugin offers an easy way to achieve AJAX based crud (create, read, up...

ProgrammingFree: AngularJS

ProgrammingFree: AngularJS. AngularJS Fundamentals. - Learn AngularJS with Tutorial Videos & Training @eggheadio. AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Rapidly Build Real-time Web Apps with Firebase. AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Rapidly Build Real-time Web Apps with Firebase.