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NodeJS + AngularJS

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PostgreSQL connection strings - PostgreSQL and NodeJS - Michael Herman. Today we’re going to build a CRUD todo single page application with Node, Express, Angular, and PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL and NodeJS - Michael Herman

Updated on October 5th, 2015 - Refactored connection handling to fix this issue. For more, view the pull request. Technologies/Tools used - Node v0.10.36, Express v4.11.1, Angular v1.3.12. Project Setup Start by installing the Express generator if you don’t already have it: Then create a new project and install the dependencies: Add Supervisor to watch for code changes: Update the ‘start’ script in the package.json file: Run the app: Then navigate to in your browser. Postgres Setup Need to setup Postgres? With your Postgres server up and listening on port 5432, making a database connection is easy with the pg library: Now let’s set up a simple table creation script: Save this as database.js in a new folder called “models”. Here we create a new instance of Client to interact with the database and then establish communication with it via the connect() method. Server-Side: Routes Create Read View. Angular js app with PostgreSQL or MySQL using Sequelize js - TECHPRD.

Following previous tutorial on developing a simple AngularJS “ToDo” app now we want to connect our app to a database such as PostgreSQL or MySQL.

Angular js app with PostgreSQL or MySQL using Sequelize js - TECHPRD

Prerequisites If you don’t have any Angular JS app ready, simply follow this post to set up the basic structure of an Angular JS app. Before starting this tutorial please make sure you have your favorite database like PostgreSQL or MySQL setup and running on your PC or on a remote server to connect to. For this tutorial I am assuming you are familiar with node js and express js applications, if now read my previous posts to get started.

Step 1: Installing Sequelize js Sequlize js is a ORM (Object-Relational-Mapper). If you wondering why we are using Sequelize js, it is because it is one the best ORMs out there and if you’re developing very complex Node js app it will make your life much easier. To install Sequelize js open any console application and navigate to your AngularJS application folder and type the following: Step 3: Creating Data Models. OpenClassrooms - Présentation du projet. Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular. Today we will be creating a very simple Todo application using the MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack.

Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular

We will be creating: Single page application to create and finish todosStoring todos in a MongoDB using MongooseUsing the Express frameworkCreating a RESTful Node APIUsing Angular for the frontend and to access the API While the application is simple and beginner to intermediate level in its own right, the concepts here can apply to much more advanced apps. The biggest things we should focus on is using Node as an API and Angular as the frontend. Making them work together can be a bit confusing so this tutorial should help alleviate some confusion.

What We'll Be Building Base Setup File Structure We are going to keep the file structure very simple and put most of the code for our Node application into the server.js file. . - public ----- core.js ----- index.html - package.json - server.js Installing Modules In Node, the package.json file holds the configuration for our app. Todo Model. AngularJS : le framework JavaScript de Google au crible. La popularité du framework JavaScript ne cesse de croitre.

AngularJS : le framework JavaScript de Google au crible

Quelles sont ses véritables points forts comparés à ses concurrents ? Qu'apporte AngularJS 2.0 qui vient de sortir ? Télécharger AngularJS (site du projet)1- AngularJS est devenu la référence des infrastructures JavaScript côté client Sur le terrain des infrastructures JavaScript, historiquement très nombreuses, plusieurs solutions commencent à s'imposer. Sur la partie serveur, Node.js a de plus en plus clairement remporté la bataille. Mais qu'en est-il des infrastructures JavaScript côté client ? D'après les premiers indicateurs dont nous disposons autour de la valorisation de l'expertise Angular en termes de salaire, il semble qu'elle commence à être assez élevée en France. A lire aussi : 2- Une infrastructure Modèle-Vue-VueModèle pour gagner en productivité En trois ans, la popularité d'AngularJS a explosé (cf. le graphique Google Trend ci-dessous). 3- Ce qui fait sa force : un projet porté par Google.