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Refashionista - Delia from Delia Creates. Welcome to Day 3 of Refashionista.

Refashionista - Delia from Delia Creates

Today our guest is Delia of Delia Creates. I adore Delia. Her blog feels like entering a comfortable, warm home. It's full of beautiful ideas, gorgeous pictures, and she has two adorable boys! (She's also got a little girl on the way.) Hi I Am Momma readers! I love re-purposing projects, because you get to take something useless to you and make it useful again...or maybe even something you love. :) Such is the case with some too tight, too short sweaters I had, that I converted to cardigans. I know, I know...this has been done before - a lot, but this is my version of a: With most cardigans you have buttons that line the length of it so you could technically wear it as a blouse if needed. With these cardigans, because they are starting out as too tight and too short sweaters, there are only two to three buttons that clasp the cardigan partially closed. Materials: Matching thread looks best...but as you'll see I didn't for two of my cardigans.

Let's begin. How to Repair An Underwire Bra - Update: We are absolutely astonished at the number of women who have under wire issues with their bras! We now offer a new and improved version of the medical grade moleskin shown in the post below that you can purchase directly from our site for only 3.99! Plus shipping Our new moleskin product, Fix A Bra , has a much stronger adhesive and is pre-cut for convenience. Visit our new website at for additional information, wholesale, social media and more. We have so much more to come with this exciting new product you don’t want to miss out on the updates!!! Items needed for 10 second or less Bra Fix Scissors. Killer DIY Comic Strip High Heels. Advertisement I’m not sure which is more badass – the fact that these shoes are the ultimate in bug stomping delight or that someone actually spent eight hours on each shoe to make them so perfect and then posted the tutorial.

Killer DIY Comic Strip High Heels

We’ve featured a lot of handmade geeky shoes on Bit Rebels, but these are really special because you can mod them to fit your fancy. This was originally posted on My Polite Indignation Knows No Bounds, and of course it went viral. And as for the explanation for why it took her eight hours for each shoe, the blogger there writes, “I’m a perfectionist and I have big feet.” French Knicker Sew-Along Announcement. Over the weekend of September 8 & 9 I’ll be hosting the first ever VeraVenus sew-along on making 1940′s style french knickers!

French Knicker Sew-Along Announcement

This is a breakdown of what I’ll be covering over that weekend: Saturdays post will cover two methods of sewing on a lace motif appliqué before the knickers are sewn up, french seams and sewing on that pesky placket. Sundays post will cover attaching the waistband, hemming your knickers with and without lace and how to do a hand made button-hole as well as how to do a thread-loop (as an alternative to a buttonhole) I’ll post lots of pictures of the various steps in progress and be around to answer questions reasonably quickly ( bearing in mind time differences...

How to Sew a Faux Fur Stole. March 25th, 2010 Email 29 users recommend Be a runway darling in this designer-inspired reversible stole.

How to Sew a Faux Fur Stole

Jack Deutsch Measure your body circumference at your bustline with your arms at your sides. Sloan Howard Slipstitch the opening closed. Photo: Jack Deutsch Keep warm and stylish with a fashionable stole inspired by Lanvin’s Fall 2009 collection, made from faux fur, woven fabric, and ribbed knit. Don’t let faux fur scare you; it’s easy to cut and sew if you have a few tricks up your sleeve. This stole is made from only three rectangles of fabric cut to fit your body’s measurements. What You'll Need: Faux fur, 1 yardHand-sewing needle Ribbed knit fabric, 7⁄8 yardScissorsSewing machineTape measure ThreadWoven fabric, 1 yardKnitting needle or chopstick How to cut and sew faux furUse these tips when cutting and sewing faux fur. 1. DIY FLUTED HEM SKIRT.

29th August 2012 I fell in love with fluted hem skirts ages ago - to me they feel like a feminine and more subtle take on your standard bodycon skirt, and this one was surprisingly simple to make!


You need: - 2 metres (approx 2.5 yards) of linen or cotton fabric (something stiff is better for the flare of the hem – although linen creases easily). - A zip (use a invisible one if you can find one in the right shade) - Pins - Scissors - Cotton matching your fabric - A sewing machine To make this skirt you are going to create two sections – the top section which is basically the top half of a bodycon skirt, and the bottom section which is a mini circle skirt (similar to the one I did here). You will then attach these two sections together. How to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Make Your Own Photo Wall Clock! I don't know why, but I always had the impression that making a DIY clock would be really tedious and stressful.

Make Your Own Photo Wall Clock!

Boy was I wrong! This cute, customized photo clock is simple to make in about an hour. Really! It's that easy. You're going to love it. Supply list: Canon Semi-Gloss Photo Paper Plus, glue, clock kit, nail polish, X-Acto knife Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4: Assemble the clock. Double Dip Dyed Napkin Set. We've experimented with dip dying several times here on ABM. It's so fun and something that can be done in just a few hours at home. The effect is beautiful, delicate and unique to each piece! When creating this napkin set (we got our 8-pack of white napkins from Target), we experimented with several different techniques, dye times and colors to find the prettiest and longest lasting results.

Follow these instructions carefully, and you can machine wash these napkins too! Wax-Resist Technique Scarf DIY. 【转载】这么多的裙子模型图纸 - shuidi.2011的日志 - 网易博客.

Wiggle Skirts

Trumpet Skirts. Swing Skirts.