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Labtop - Thomas Sériès International Listings Blog Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset. This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics, culture, history and the arts. Public discourse and scholarly research have found meeting grounds in this global landscape, and the results are evolving.

Studio Cyrille Thomas Un paysage complexe et non identifiable dans le parc de Belleville (Paris) Sur la foi des recommandations du CODEJ (comité pour le développement d’espaces pour le jeu), l'agence BASE* a placé, dans l’aire de jeux du parc de Belleville, la prise de risque, l’expérimentation et le "principe de réalité" au coeur du dispositif ludique déployé. Un tournant, en France, dans la conception de ces aires de jeux. Découverte en images. Aménagement extérieur/Paysage | 75020 | BASE

Poppenvilla Dolls Villa by Liliane Limpens Liliane Limpens' Poppenvilla is a sustainably built, mobile, contemporary dollhouse. (Click the images below for full sized images) Limpens' Doll Villas are actually innovative play furniture on wheels made of durable materials for 30 cm dolls, for both boys and girls. The villas are made in Germany. Says Limpens, "The implicit message I want to give to children is: 'Look, here is a villa made just for your children. No expense has been spared, on the contrary. DesignFloat: 8500+ Photoshop Brushes Hey guys, the time for Friday roundup has come and we want to share some useful resources featuring free Photoshop brushes with you. We all know that brushes turn out to be the essential tools for web designers and help to add the desired atmosphere to the websites. Using this Photoshop tool, it is possible to give the design the impressive touch and make it catchy.

People « Photoshop shapes Photoshop shapes People اشكال فوتوشوب ناس Browse People Compositing V-ray Render Layers in Photoshop In this tutorial Ahmed Fathi takes a look at how to composite together V-ray render layers using blending-modes and masks in Photoshop. Once completed, this process allows you to change or tweak any aspect of your image in seconds without having to re-render a thing! Ahmed also covers a few extra post production techniques such as Chromatic Aberration and Depth Of Field, as well as how to emulate a Cross-processed look. Republished Tutorial Every few weeks, we revisit some of our reader's favorite posts from throughout the history of the site. Introduction to Vray Part 1 – Lighting « macdesignstudio As it’s getting close to finals in architecture schools across the USA, I felt it was a good idea to create a small tutorial to help all those students pulling their hair out because of rendering issues. In this tutorial, I hope to shed some light (literally) on some of the nuances to my favorite render engine. This tutorial is based on the course that I taught while I was a student at Washington University from 2008-2010. I have modeled this scene in Rhino and will be using VRay for Rhino, but rest assured that these are basics that translate across programs, so if you’re using VRay for Sketchup or 3ds Max, the fundamentals are the same, I simply used an existing model I created in Rhino. I will start with an interior model, with furniture and windows. The initial model from Rhino

The Ultimate Collection Of Free Photoshop Patterns - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Photoshop users can save themselves a great deal of time and end up with better results by taking advantage of readily available freebies, such as brushes, patterns and shapes. With the wide variety and (often) high quality of resources available, whatever you need or are looking for is in most cases already available somewhere. The only problem is that the vast quantity of freebies can make it difficult to track down what you need. Hopefully this collection of excellent Photoshop patterns will help.

Illustrator Understanding the concepts of a new software program is usually a challenging activity. This is especially true when you are dealing with a program which is as powerful as Adobe… Share Illustrator users develop expertise with the aid of time intensive and more costly classroom classes. The good news is they likewise have the option to master innovative skills and techniques… Vincent Callebaut Architecte OURCQ PROGRAM : Innovation Centre in Sustainable Development LOCATION : Canal de l'Ourcq, Paris 19èmeSURFACE AREA : 2065 M²PERSPECTIVES : Philippe Steels Anti-Smog is a parasite project set up on the post-industrial urban structure of the Petite Ceinture and the canal de l’Ourcq in the 19th Parisian district. It is a public equipment dedicated to promote the last innovations on the theme of sustainable development in urban area in terms of housing or transport. Its role is to apply all the avant-garde renewable energies so as to fight against the Parisian smog. This smog (smoke + fog) is a bluish to reddish haze.

Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg The Ravine House is a remarkable statement of modern residential architecture set into an equally remarkable landscape of native vegetation. It is sited immediately adjacent to steeply sloping banks common within the Toronto ravine system. The challenge of the design of the North Garden was to reconcile the relationship of this space and its potential with that of the entry drive, forecourt, and main entrance to the home.
