background preloader - Conditional Loader for eCom Success - Conditional Loader for eCom Success
yepnope is an asynchronous conditional resource loader that's super-fast, and allows you to load only the scripts that your users need. There are only a handful of things to know about yepnope. There are only 5 functions available to you and there's only one that's really important. yepnope(resources ) The yepnope function is the core of yepnope.js (crazy, huh?). It takes a whole bunch of stuff, to try to make it easy on you.


Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are both exciting and a fascinating topic to explore in any programming language. One reason for this is that they help us build upon the combined experience of many developers that came before us and ensure we structure our code in an optimized way, meeting the needs of problems we're attempting to solve.

JS.Class v3.0 jsclass comes with a package manager that makes it really easy to load libraries into your application on demand on all jsclass’s supported platforms. You can tell it which file each module in your application lives in, and what other modules it depends on, and it takes care of resolving dependencies and loading your code for you. This means your application code only needs to specify which objects it needs, rather than which scripts to download in order to run. For example, say I want to do something with the Console module. I just need to require it, and supply a function to run once all the requisite code has loaded: JS.require('JS.Console', function(Console) { Console.puts('Hello, world!') 15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for March 2017 Danny Markov Our mission at Tutorialzine is to keep you up to date with the latest and coolest trends in web development. That’s why every month we release a handpicked collection of some of the best resources that we’ve stumbled upon and deemed worthy of your attention. Propeller

About Paper.js — The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas. It offers a clean Scene Graph / Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and work with vector graphics and bezier curves, all neatly wrapped up in a well designed, consistent and clean programming interface. Paper.js is based on and largely compatible with Scriptographer, a scripting environment for Adobe Illustrator with an active community of scripters and more than 10 years of development. Paper.js is easy to learn for beginners and has lots to master for intermediate and advanced users. Paper.js is developed by Jürg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey, and distributed under the permissive MIT License.

Next.js We're very proud to open-source Next.js, a small framework for server-rendered universal JavaScript webapps, built on top of React, Webpack and Babel, which powers this very site! The "Hello World" of Next.js To start using it, run inside a new directory with a package.json: $ npm install next --save $ mkdir pages Populate pages/index.js: import React from 'react' export default () =><div>Hello world! dotjs — hack the web README.markdown ..................... dotjs ........................ dotjs is a Google Chrome extension that executes JavaScript files in ~/.js based on their filename. If you navigate to dotjs will execute ~/.js/ This makes it super easy to spruce up your favorite pages using JavaScript. On subdomains such as dotjs will try to load ~/.js/ as well as ~/.js/ and ~/.js/com.js.

Make Your Website Interactive and Fun with Velocity.js (No jQuery) — SitePoint Special thanks from me go to James Hibbard and the developers behind Velocity for reviewing this article. Also to users and developers who contribute and have contributed to Velocity over the years. In this article I introduce Velocity.js, a fast and high-powered JavaScript animation engine by Julian Shapiro. By the time you go through all the demos, you’ll be able to use Velocity.js to create your own animations and make your website more interactive and user-friendly. All of this without using jQuery, just vanilla JavaScript. Popcorn.js 0.2 Released – Popcorn.js 0.2 Released – Bocoup Web Log I am very proud to announce that Popcorn.js hit 0.2 today. The Popcorn.js team has been working hard to deliver a stable, documented and unit tested JavaScript toolbelt for working with HTML5 <video>. Popcorn.js 0.2 rethinks Popcorn.js 0.1 as an event system for HTML5 <video> with a sexy API, a plugin system, and strong adherence to the native HTML5 <video> API. Popcorn.js’ API follows the standard HTML5 method names by using a passthrough system to the native HTMLVideoElement. Popcorn builds on these native method names like .mute(), .load() and .play(), and adds new method names like .exec(), .listen(), .trigger(), .getTrackEvents(), and so on.

DocumentCloud's VisualSearch.js Created by Samuel Clay, @samuelclay. VisualSearch.js enhances ordinary search boxes with the ability to autocomplete faceted search queries. Specify the facets for completion, along with the completable values for any facet. You can retrieve the search query as a structured object, so you don't have to parse the query string yourself.

The Cost of Frameworks Update: Nov 16th 2015 - Added an extra row in the table for React under production conditions. The good news: it’s 3x slower than vanilla, yes, but in actual terms I’d say it’s fast for TodoMVC! The Polymer TodoMVC sample was also updated to version 1.2.2 today, and that, too, is faster. If you prefer watching to reading, here’s the video of the talk (you can also get the slides, too, if you like): If you prefer reading to watching, well, keep reading… The benefits of frameworks SproutCore Guides: JavaScript Style Guide 1 Classes Although JavaScript is a prototype-based language, SproutCore overlays the some of the concepts of traditional class-based programming for ease of use. 1.1 Defining Classes

HyperApp: The 1 KB JavaScript Library for Building Front-End Apps — SitePoint The problem is creating sophisticated web applications and dealing with the complexity of the tools we have at our disposal. HyperApp was born out of the attempt to do more with less. We have aggressively minimized the concepts you need to understand while remaining on par with what other frameworks can do. What makes HyperApp unique among the alternatives like React, Preact, and Mithril, is its compact API, built-in state management, and the unrivaled, small bundle size. In this article, I’ll introduce you to HyperApp and walk you through a few code examples to help you get started.

FlexSlider - The Best Responsive jQuery Slider namespace: "flex-", //{NEW} String: Prefix string attached to the class of every element generated by the plugin animation: "fade", //String: Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide" easing: "swing", //{NEW} String: Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions. jQuery easing plugin is supported! direction: "horizontal", //String: Select the sliding direction, "horizontal" or "vertical" reverse: false, //{NEW} Boolean: Reverse the animation direction Mastering the Ionic Framework: Learn to Build & Deploy Native Speed HTML5 Based Apps Web development technologies have evolved at an incredible clip over the past few years. We've gone from rudimentary DOM manipulation with libraries like jQuery to supercharged web applications organized & powered by elegant MV* based frameworks like AngularJS. Pair this with significant increases in browser rendering speeds, and it is now easier than ever before to build production quality applications on top of Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. While these advances have been incredible, they are only just starting to affect the clear platform of the future: mobile. For years, mobile rendering speeds were atrocious, and the MVC frameworks & UI libraries provided by iOS and Android were far superior to writing mobile apps using web technologies.
