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Blog d'anglais du collège Denayrouze - Jeux et exercices en anglais, informations diverses sur le monde anglophone, révisions, chansons, articles divers sur la Grande-Bretagne, les USA et l'Afrique du Sud, exercices interactifs, vidéos.

Jeudi 17 avril 2014 4 17 /04 /Avr /2014 12:49 She is eighty and she can dance salsa like no-one else !!! Watch her... The jury at first is not very kind :( Par Your English teacher - Publié dans : Music and songs -Communauté : Enseignement anglais 0 Mardi 15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /Avr /2014 12:28

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Free ESL (English as a Second Language) Lesson Plans to Download - This page was originally designed to share my materials with other English teaching assistants in France, especially those who have no experience in teaching ESL yet. I've also included worksheets that I used for private English lessons in France as well as some of the materials I used in my ESL classes in the United States. Feel free to use them as you'd like. Some of the lessons listed under the Assistant section can also be used for private lessons and vice versa. There is a page of English grammar if you need a review. If you want to use videos with subtitles in your classes, Yabla and FluentU offer many videos on a variety of topics.

Exercices d’anglais à imprimer – Chaque exercice anglais à imprimer en PDF gratuit que vous trouverez sur cette page aborde un sujet de base ou essentiels, à travailler absolument. Ils vous seront utiles pour vous entraîner pour le Bac, le Toeic ou tout simplement pour réviser et tester votre niveau. Ils comportent des tests pour débutants (cm2 et collège: 6eme, 5eme, 4eme…) et niveaux avancés. Vous pouvez les télécharger au format PDF en cliquant sur l’icône rouge à droite du texte. The Representation of Non-Violent Political Activism in Bloody Sunday and Omagh – Offscreen Bloody Sunday The debate between violence and constitutionalism runs through films about Irish history, and in particularly those which deal with political violence in Northern Ireland (generally referred to as “the Troubles”). This conflict is typically dramatized in the form of an Irish Republican Army (IRA) member considering giving up violence. Two relatively recent films, Bloody Sunday (2002, Paul Greengrass) and Omagh (2004, Pete Travis) are unusual and interesting because the question they dramatize is whether their protagonists should reject non-violence, but offer different conclusions to its effectiveness and legitimacy. The similar and different ways in which they represent the violent and non-violent options, as well as the state apparatus and the larger community, particularly Protestants, is central to how they reach their different conclusions. Historically, one of the constants in films dealing with the Troubles is the dramatic tension between two paramilitary gunmen.

Comprendre le “Bloody Sunday” à Derry, en musique et films - TRAVEL AND FILM - Blog de Voyages et Cinéma Vous connaissez tous cette chanson si célèbre « Sunday, Bloody Sunday » de U2, mais savez-vous bien de quoi elle parle et ce que Bono raconte dans ses paroles ? L’histoire du Bloody Sunday = dimanche sanglant Le 30 janvier 1972, à Derry en Ulster alors que les catholiques d’Irlande du Nord manifestent encore pour l’égalité avec les protestants, les parachutistes britanniques ouvrent le feu sur une foule totalement pacifique de 20 000 personnes, faisant 14 morts et autant de blessés, parmi eux beaucoup n’avaient que 17 ans. of St. Patrick’s Day - Facts, Meaning & Traditions St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated annually on March 17, the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick’s Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink and feast–on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.

Become a slam poet in five steps - Gayle Danley Gayle was born in New York City and, at age 8 months, moved with her family to Atlanta, Georgia. It was not until after she finished school that she learned about slam poetry. She embraced it almost immediately won the 1994 National Individual Slam Poet in Ashville, NC just months after being exposed to slam poetry. Insafe resources: eSafety Kit for families Awareness 01/06/2015 BIK Coordination Team Share We believe that the best way to protect younger users is to educate and empower them by providing the tools they need to safeguard themselves, as part of our commitment to 'Promoting a Digital Society'. The safety of young people as they access the digital world is becoming an increasingly important issue, as internet and digital TV use continues to increase worldwide. Insafe and Liberty Global have developed a Family eSafety Kit for children aged 6–12 years, which explores online safety issues such as security, communication, cyberbullying and entertainment, while offering parents, teachers and young people advice on how to overcome these issues.

Webquest: Bonfire Night By Gabrielle Jones This webquest by Gabrielle Jones includes activities about the history of Bonfire Night and the traditions which are practised today. Activity 1: Warmer Blackalicious – Alphabet Aerobics Lyrics [Intro: Female Voice](Now it's time for our wrap upLet's give it everything we've gotReady? Begin) Fantaisie > Cartoon English Français Español Deutsch Italiano Português Understanding Informal Speak Gonna and Wanna Wanna and gonna are two examples of informal spoken American English. Wanna means "want to," and gonna means "going to." You'll hear these phrases in movies, pop music and other forms of entertainment, although you are less likely to hear them in more formal shows, like the news.
