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S-A-N-T-A from Super Simple Songs

S-A-N-T-A from Super Simple Songs
Related:  kamilinainclasse

HOME ALONE LESSON Word Problems Welcome to The Word Problems Math Worksheet from the Christmas Math Worksheets Page at This math worksheet was created on 2010-12-12 and has been viewed 507 times this week and 7 times this month. It may be printed, downloaded or saved and used in your classroom, home school, or other educational environment to help someone learn math. Teachers can use math worksheets as tests, practice assignments or teaching tools (for example in group work, for scaffolding or in a learning center). Use the buttons below to print, open, or download the PDF version of the Word Problems math worksheet. More Christmas Math Worksheets

Cooking Vocabulary in English – chop, grill, saute, boil, slice… Hi, Adam, I am from Chimbote, Peru, I recomend you that you prepare aji de gallina, it’s very delicious… Ingredients: 1 1/2 pounds chicken breast 4 cups chicken stock 1/2 cup vegetable oil 3-4 yellow aji peppers 2 gloves garlic, minced 1 large onion, finely chopped 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts 3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese 4 slices white bread 3/4 cup evaporated milk 4 yellow potatoes 2 hard boiled eggs 10 black olives, halved Preparation: Cook the yellow potatoes in salted water until tender when pierced with a fork. Place the bread in a small bowl and pour the evaporated milk over it to soak. Place the chicken breasts in a pot with the chicken stock, and bring to a simmer. Set chicken aside to cool. Remove stems and seeds from the peppers. Sauté the garlic and onions with the puréed peppers and oil, until the onions are soft and golden. Shred the cooled chicken into bite-size pieces. Return onion mixture to pan, and add 1 1/2 cups of the reserved chicken stock.

Fun Activities For The Second Conditional Stimulating ways to practise the imaginary situations and advice, negotiations and moral dilemmas meanings of the second conditional. 1. Moral DilemmasSecond conditionals are used in real life to talk about questions like “What would you do if you had to choose between letting a war criminal go free so that he’d stop the war and continuing the war until he could be brought to justice?” Giving students a few questions like this to discuss can be intellectually stimulating and produce a good mix of the second conditional and other language. It can also be designed to fit in with the topics of the book (e.g. environmental moral dilemmas) or with their job or studies (e.g. medical moral dilemmas). They can also make up similar questions to ask each other. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8.

Listen & read: Christmas Christmas Christmas in the UK is a fun family time. The 24th December is Christmas Eve, and children hang up stockings for Father Christmas. On Christmas morning, there are lots of presents to open from Father Christmas. There are also presents under the Christmas tree from all the family! Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey with roast potatoes and vegetables, like peas, carrots and Brussel sprouts.

tools-unite What is this tool? This is a picker wheel that spins and picks a random word based on your input. Fun and useful! Let's say you're a teacher and all of your students have to hold a presentation today. Who will go first? There are more examples in which you could use a wheel: A challenge with friends and you want to decide who goes first.Playing a board game with the family. How can I use it? How to use the wheel should speak for itself, but we've made a quick tutorial.First, to set up a new wheel: Scroll down to the 'Edit wheel' section.In the text box, you can edit the words or names that are displayed on the wheel. Can I share or save it? As soon as you add new names, words, places, brands and update the wheel a new share URL will be generated. Do you want to save your wheels to your account?

FISZKI na lekcji? 6 praktycznych sposobów, jak je wykorzystać - Blog Uczysz języków? Prowadzisz zajęcia z dziećmi? Pracujesz z młodzieżą? Sprawdź, jak wykorzystać FISZKI na lekcji i zachęcić swoich podopiecznych do nauki. Kinga Drzewiecka, która uczy języka angielskiego w szkole językowej Perfect Language (Koło), podzieliła się z nami swoimi pomysłami na wykorzystanie FISZEK w pracy z uczniami w przedziale wiekowym 4-18. Oto, co pisze Kinga: FISZKI czynią cuda FISZKI to nie małe rybki, ale magiczne kartoniki, które w procesie uczenia się języka obcego potrafią zdziałać cuda! Skąd to wiem? Oto przykłady ulubionych gier uczestników moich zajęć: 1. Układam fiszki ze słówkami z danego zakresu tematycznego, np. zawody, przed dziećmi. 2. Jest to gra, która polega na powolnym odsłanianiu fiszki. 3. Jest to gra, która świetnie się sprawdza przy ćwiczeniu czasowników nieregularnych. Szkoła językowa to nie jedyne miejsce mojej pracy. Podsumowując, uważam, że fiszki skutecznie wspomagają trudny proces zapamiętywania słówek. Kinga Drzewiecka, wiek uczniów: 4-18 4. 5. 6.

Compito autentico crea un tuo sito personale Compito autentico: costruisci un tuo sito web su un argomento a piacere. Proponiamo questo lavoro ad alunni dai 9 ai 18 anni. La tecnica è molto intuitiva. Per adeguare il contenuto all'età basta modificare le richieste specifiche della checklist. L'esempio seguente è tarato su 14-15enni. Il sito si adatta automaticamente alla visione su smartphone. Crea un sito web personale seguendo le istruzioni di questo tutorial. Prima di cominciare, verifica se possiedi già una casella di posta gmail. Se non hai una gmail o non ti ricordi la sua password, devi crearne una cliccando qui. A questo punto con la tua gmail aperta, clicca qui per entrare nella pagina di creazione del tuo nuovo sito Google. Aggiungi una bella immagine a piacere di argomento, ad esempio, biologico e metti come titolo grande: "La biologia di ....." seguita dal tuo nome e cognome. Autovalutazione attività: calcola il voto da solo: ogni frase della tabella qui sotto, se è vera o è falsa, vale un punto o zero punti.

eTwinning Project - C.L.U.E: Italian Christmas Traditions Our favourite Christmas Traditions I.C. Campagnano- Italy Film: "Home alone" Summary8-year-old Kevin McCallister is accidentally left 'home alone' when his parents leave with the rest of the family for Christmas holidays in Paris. I like this American tradition: the R.C.C Tree is a large Christmas tree placed in Rockefeller Center on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving, the tree is lit by the Mayor of New York City and 125 million people visit the attraction each year.Marco We have famous Italian Christmas Carols,but our favourite is English! Click to listen to the song My favourite Christmas tradition every year is to make the Crib and to decorate my house with Christmas lights.Elena In my family there are a lot of Christmas traditions.I like this one:My mum, my brother and I usually make a kind of Christmas donut few days before Christmas Day and my father buys for us Christmas letters to send to Santa.My brother and I receive his answer every year!

advent calendar countdown to Christmas Happy Holidays! cycle 4 cycle 3 christmas puzzles back answer The price for a reindeer harness is seventeen dollars ninety five cents. What is the price for nine harnesses ? Peter the elf had one hundred and forty nine presents on Christmas eve. Mom put twenty-five candy canes on the Christmas tree. How many candy canes are left ? Santa needs to order boots for all his reindeers. How many boots does he need to order ? a pen 97 years old 1 5 if you count the little square in the middle of the wreath 3 of each colour Santa can visit twenty one million, nine hundred sixteen thousand , six hundred and seventy seven children per hour. Santa will work non stop for twenty-four hours on Christmas. How many children will he see in total ? another puzzle ! Santa needs to get all the children's presents delivered by seven a.m. It's half past two. How much time does he have left ? 4 hours and 30 mn another activity Are you ready to draw ? you need a sheet of paper and a pen ! christmas activties 5 mn
