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How to Wear a Scarf with Any Neckline

How to Wear a Scarf with Any Neckline
With so many opportunities for scarf styling ahead, we figured it was time to put our Knot Library to the test! We sent our scarf scouts out into the field with one challenge in mind – to prove that you can wear a scarf with practically anything. Our stylish soldiers rose to the occasion and rifled through the racks, returning triumphant with the perfect knot to play up every neckline! Ps. Just click through the neckline image of your choice for more on how to tie the perfectly-paired knot! For an even deeper look at our troop’s top-secret findings, check out page 7 of our All Tied Up ebook! Attention all knot connoisseurs!

New Codes For Facebook Chat Are you the expressive type? Do you love to share your thoughts, feelings, or even your moods? Are you feeling silly today? Romantic or maybe just tired? DIY Lengthening Mascara There are oodles of haircare products available. Between oils and deep-conditioners, it's really easy to keep our manes in tip top shape. But what about our eyelashes? They are technically hair as well, and although we love falsies, wouldn't it be nice if your real lashes were super long? If you want long and healthy lashes, look no further, because we've created a DIY lengthening mascara that'll do just that! What You'll Need How To Make a Secret Hollow Book: The first step into making the hollow book is to select a book. Make sure this is a book your own, and not one belonging to the library, or your family. I suggest rummaging through books at yard/garage sales.

DIY Ideas: Recycling Old Sweaters Have you ever dreamed to become famous fashion designer? Have you dreamed of fashion fantasy and glamour. Well, most of us don’t have chance to achieve dreams, however, the small DIY projects can bring up our creativity and wake up the designer who is sleeping in everyone of us. In today’s article we will show you numerous ways to recycle your old sweaters the good way. Beauty Tips - Beauty Secrets from Around the World at WomansDay When it comes to beauty routines, the grass is always greener. Japanese women have it made with their long, glossy hair and Greek women’s olive-toned complexions are always luminous. But how do they do it? Put down your passport—you won’t need to go anywhere to find out.

DIY Totoro Plush Tutorial : cheek and stitch 32.9KEmailShare Hello all! Today, I put together a fun tutorial for you: DIY Totoro Plush Tutorial. It’s a little different than the Totoros I made earlier, but still just as cute. Stretch your splits in 3 weeks – Flexibility to the Max! · Drill After reading this, here are some articles I recommend you also read: I know it sounds crazy. Have your splits down in three weeks when you’re still two feet off the ground? It’s possible, but you just need the time to commit to this. General Motors: Weight Loss Diet Program I did the following weight loss diet program and it worked wonders. I strongly recommend anyone desirous of loosing weight to start on this program immediately. Best part of the program is that it is doable! --- B. H. Jajoo

Gorgeous Examples Of Eye Make-up Here is a stunning selection of eye make-up styles. Must try! via ( thecrowandthepowderpuff ) DIY glitter tights Hiii everyone! i hope you all had an amazing time on Christmas! Some of you asked me how i did the tights of my previous post, so here is a brief explanation of what i did!P.S. This is my very first DIY on the blog and it wasnt even planned so i apologise in advance if its a bit messy or confusing :) I did these tights for a test shooting for my portfolio at school (hopefully will show you pictures soon) lets just say they're really "homemade" aka wont probably last long, but they're shiny and fun, and to be honest none of my pair of tights really last any longer haha)

67 Cheap Date Ideas for the Recession-Era Romantic - Global One TV - StumbleUpon by Kyle O'Connor on April 29, 2009 When you’re in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression, it’s not always easy to come up with the cash to impress your date. Luckily, there’s still tons of fun and romantic things you can do that take little-to-no money—all that’s required is a little creativity. Here’s our 67 favorite ideas for cheap dates: 1. Browse the local farmers’ market. 2. Back To Basics Workout by Skinny Ms. Body weight workouts are one of the hottest fitness trends for 2013! Ditch the complicated exercises and get BACK TO BASICS! YOU ASKED FOR IT… - StumbleUpon photos + post by Kristin Ess So many emails have come in asking how I did the braid on Lauren’s hair for her last Chelsea Lately appearance. I recently recreated that braid and took a couple photos so you could see it up close.

Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies I am so in love with these darn chocolate lava cookies! What is it about a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie stuffed with decadent, rich, melted chocolate that makes it so irresistible?? Especially when topped with vanilla ice cream. These are one of Kev’s favorite homemade treats, and he usually asks me to make them at least once a week. They are so simple to whip up, and such a treat! Let’s make some right now :)
