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VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary

VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary

Related:  Spelling & Vocab

Verb Tense Tutorial Verb tenses are verb forms (went, go, will go) which English speakers use to talk about the past, present, and future in their language. There are twelve verb tense forms in English as well as other time expressions such as used to. For English learners, knowing how to use English tenses can be quite a challenge. Never fear.'s verb tense tutorial will teach you to think like a native speaker.

English Vocabulary - Learn English Free - Learn English Vocabulary with Pictures Got it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Learn English Free Words Welcome to Literacy! My name is Kersti Börjars and I am a professor of Linguistics at the University of Manchester. Together with one of our students, Alex Webb, I have put together these web pages about language. ‘Linguistics’ you may wonder, what on earth is that?! Well, sometimes the word ‘linguist’ is used for people who are good at learning foreign languages, but that is not the way we use it here.

Grammar Test - B1 level PART TWO - GRAMMAR TEST - B1 LEVEL LANGUAGE AWARENESS TASK 1 – Read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Grace Murray Hopper was a remarkable woman and a leader in the field of software development. Kids ESL Vocabulary Games - Free Online Vocabulary Games for ESL Young Learners ESL Kids Games, Games Resources, Pirate games, Games for ESL, Grammar games, Vocabulary games, English games, Multiple choice games, Football classroom games, Vocabulary exercises, Basketball games, Games for kids, Match up games, Kids ESL games, Fling the teacher game, Space games, ESL interactive games, Online games, Duel games, Interactive classroom games, ESL activities online, Grade no grade quiz games, Vocabulary exercises. Alphabet 1- Interactive ABC Vocabulary Games Alphabet A to Z - Walk the Plank Vocabulary Game Animals & Adjectives - Interactive Vocabulary Games Body Parts & Adjectives Fling the Teacher Vocabulary Game

Vocabulary test In this test you get 100 letter sequences, some of which are existing English words (American spelling) and some of which are made-up nonwords. Indicate for each letter sequence whether it is a word you know or not by pressing the F or J key. J: YES, I know this word F: NO, I don't know this word The test takes about 4 minutes and you can repeat the test as often as you want (you will get new letter sequences each time). Advice! Do not say yes to words you do not know, because yes-responses to nonwords are penalized heavily! 100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives:

Melulater: My spelling programme - the Essentials first. Spelling is a somewhat contentious issue. As I have worked in a variety of schools I have seen a variety of spelling programmes. Some I found underwhelming, others I found overwhelming. 45 ways to avoid using the word 'very' Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. They are known as padding or filler words and generally add little to your writing. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Important Infrequently Used Words To Know Paul V. Hartman (The Capitalized syllable gets the emphasis)

List of essay topics List of essay topics includes essays that helps you in learning English, especially writing and speaking: Note: There are approximately 1,000 essays in the list of essays; however there are many more essays especially recent published essays not in the list. You are recommended to use the google search box on the top of our site to fully search for the essay you want in the whole site of our own. With the google search box, you can find out the essay you are looking for easily and quickly.

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