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Social Studies - American History through videos

Social Studies - American History through videos

United States History (1492-1898) for Kids « Presidents Biographies and Famous Americans AMERICAN HISTORY - The Learning Network Blog One example of the new Science Take video series. As our regular readers know, the mission of this blog is to find New York Times content suitable for teaching and learning — then, via lesson plans, writing prompts, quizzes and more, suggest ways for teachers to use it. In the course of our daily scavenging, we naturally pay close attention to the sections and features that most people think of first when they think “New York Times”: breaking news, Op-Eds and editorials, reviews, multimedia and photojournalism, important special reports and, increasingly, video. But we also regularly search a number of other, less well-known features of the paper that reliably yield curricular gold. Below, we’ve compiled our essential list, categorized by subject area. How do you use these features?

All Films . American Experience . WGBH Browse the entire American Experience series featuring over 250 films. Watch full films online, download teacher’s guides, go behind the scenes, and learn more about your favorite films. Dinosaur Wars : 1 hr The epic battle waged over dinosaur fossils by rival paleontologists in the American West. Stonewall Uprising : 90 mins In 1969, homosexuality was illegal in almost every state... but that was about to change. Soundtrack for a Revolution : 2 hrs The story of the American civil rights movement is told through its powerful music -- the freedom songs that protesters sang on picket lines, in mass meetings, in police wagons, and in jail cells as they fought for justice and equality. Roads to Memphis : 1 hr The international manhunt to catch the killer of Martin Luther King. The Great Famine : 1 hr The American effort to relieve starvation in Soviet Russia in 1921 during the worst natural disaster in Europe in 500 years. Robert E. Robert E. Dolley Madison : 90 mins A Class Apart : 1 hr U.S.

EFL Classroom - Commercials Teachers for a long time here have used commercials to teach English. See all the previous posts about using commercials and lots of resources to help. I've now put the best of them up intoa handy presentation. Just click on the picture and you'll go to the commercial video. Commercials are great for the language classroom - they are so professionally made and have the best context possible. Here are my recommended activities that you can do with almost all of them. 1. Pause the commercial just near the end. Resource: Thai Tuna commercial is great for this. 2. Commercials are strongly situational and thus provide a perfect opportunity to focus on thematic vocabulary. Resource: The Force Be With You is a video you can use to teach places in the home. 3. Students can re-write the commercials and make their own versions. Resource: use this handy blank commercial sheetI made. 4. It is important that students learn to understand and critically think/interpret commercials. 5.

US States: Facts, Map and State symbols is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.) AP* United States History - Key Terms, Outlines, Sample Tests Are you tired of using the same old textbook, but your school budget makes it impossible to even consider a new book adoption? Are you looking to productively take advantage of the myriad of online resources? For less than the cost of one classroom textbook, you can purchase for ALL OF YOUR STUDENTS the most up to date world history book on the market. Our World's Story shares not only the most critical tales, turning points and traditions of world history, but also includes the major issues facing the world in 2013. Taken with this comprehensive collection of PowerPoints, documentaries, lesson plans and sample video lectures, Our World's Story is a truly transformative way of bringing history to your classroom.. Check out OURWORLDZSTORY.COM *AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of this web site. font>

"A society of patriotic ladies." Cheap prints depicting current events were in great demand in both England and the colonies. This 1775 British print presented a scene in Edenton, North Carolina. Fifty-one women signed a declaration in support of nonimportation, swearing not to drink tea or purchase other British imports. Boycotts of British goods became a widespread form of protest to the Townshend Duties, enacted in 1767 to tax goods such as paint, paper, lead, glass, and tea when they arrived in America. Abstaining from European products and fashions became a mark of patriotism, and merchants who violated nonimportation were subjected to public ridicule. Source: Philip Dawe(?)

Education Nationale -Ressources Vidéo et animations (Martinique) Accueil Nouvelles Stats Plan du Site Mes fiches Admin Calendrier Enseignement > Mind Maps > Livres interactifs multimédia > Pour le Primaire > Audio > Bibliographie > Chansons > EDU'bases > Evaluation diagnostique- 6° > Exercices interactifs > Images libres de droits > Kits de Survie > Lexique (dictionnaires, sites, outils) > Phonologie > Presse et Média > PréAO- Présentations > Ressources des réseaux de l'EN > Ressources stages langues > Sites d' EFL/ESL > Sites et ouvrages pour les Segpa > Thèmes culturels Vidéo et animations > Webquests L'anglais dans l'académie 1er degré: Mission LVE Tice Officiels Ministère de l'Education Nationale Bulletin Officiel Lettre TIC'Edu short-cuts Visites visiteurs visiteurs en ligne Webmaster - Infos Webmestre Favoris Recommander Version mobile Ressources - Vidéo et animations Où trouver des vidéos exploitables en classe d'anglais? Le web regorge de vidéos et d'animations en tous genres. Les sites de partage vidéo sont de plus en plus nombreux sur Internet. Date de création : Dernière modification :

La crise financière et économique de 1929 Le Krach du New York Stock Exchange se déroule entre le 24 octobre (le jeudi noir) et le 29 octobre. Il provoque une crise financière puis bancaire sans précédent, qui précipite les États-Unis, puis rapidement les principales puissances mondiales, dans la Grande dépression des années 30. Il s'agit alors de la plus dramatique crise financière et économique mondiale du xxe siècle dont les conséquences furent absolument dévastatrices. Les origines de la crise: croissance, hausse des cours et folie spéculative Durant les années 1920, les Etats-Unis connaissent une forte croissance qui permet à la production industrielle de croître d'environ 50%. Le Krach de 1929 : une catastrophe inévitable Dès 1928, le cabinet Charles Merrill (qui deviendra par la suite Merrill Lynch) alerte les marchés en recommandant de ne plus acheter les actions à crédit. Manque de liquidités, ou lent retour à la réalité ? L'effondrement du marché: jeudi noir Les conséquences de la crise de 1929 Bibliographie

Site consacré à des vidéos sur l'histoire de l'Amérique. by ludivinedelphine Dec 9
