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Social Studies - American History through videos

Social Studies - American History through videos

AMERICAN HISTORY - The Learning Network Blog One example of the new Science Take video series. As our regular readers know, the mission of this blog is to find New York Times content suitable for teaching and learning — then, via lesson plans, writing prompts, quizzes and more, suggest ways for teachers to use it. In the course of our daily scavenging, we naturally pay close attention to the sections and features that most people think of first when they think “New York Times”: breaking news, Op-Eds and editorials, reviews, multimedia and photojournalism, important special reports and, increasingly, video.

All Films . American Experience . WGBH Browse the entire American Experience series featuring over 250 films. Watch full films online, download teacher’s guides, go behind the scenes, and learn more about your favorite films. Dinosaur Wars : 1 hr The epic battle waged over dinosaur fossils by rival paleontologists in the American West. Stonewall Uprising : 90 mins In 1969, homosexuality was illegal in almost every state... but that was about to change.

AP* United States History - Key Terms, Outlines, Sample Tests Are you tired of using the same old textbook, but your school budget makes it impossible to even consider a new book adoption? Are you looking to productively take advantage of the myriad of online resources? For less than the cost of one classroom textbook, you can purchase for ALL OF YOUR STUDENTS the most up to date world history book on the market. Our World's Story shares not only the most critical tales, turning points and traditions of world history, but also includes the major issues facing the world in 2013. Taken with this comprehensive collection of PowerPoints, documentaries, lesson plans and sample video lectures, Our World's Story is a truly transformative way of bringing history to your classroom..

"A society of patriotic ladies." Cheap prints depicting current events were in great demand in both England and the colonies. This 1775 British print presented a scene in Edenton, North Carolina. Fifty-one women signed a declaration in support of nonimportation, swearing not to drink tea or purchase other British imports. Boycotts of British goods became a widespread form of protest to the Townshend Duties, enacted in 1767 to tax goods such as paint, paper, lead, glass, and tea when they arrived in America. Abstaining from European products and fashions became a mark of patriotism, and merchants who violated nonimportation were subjected to public ridicule.

Political Cartoons Illustrating Progressivism and the Election of 1912 Background The Progressive Era, as the period in history at the turn of the 20th century has come to be known, was a time of tremendous social, economic, and political changes, and the presidential election of 1912 typified the reform spirit of the period. Beginning in the late 1800s with the challenge to the "spoils system" of machine politics, progressivism gathered momentum between 1900 and 1916, as the desire for reform permeated the minds of the American people. Reformers themselves were a diverse group, frequently with different views, but always the same general purpose-- to reform America. Among them were politicians, labor leaders, religious leaders, and teachers, men and women who believed the federal government needed to address the ills of a modern industrialized society.

The American Revolution - Homepage This feature tells the story of the American Revolution and the loss of Britain's North American colonies during the eighteenth century. Few events possess as much historical significance as the rebellion of thirteen British colonies in North America. By successfully defying George III and the British Parliament and winning, with French aid, the War of Independence, the colonies created the United States of America. As a republic in an age of monarchies the new nation challenged the old order. Copyright © The British Library Board Hiroshima after the Atomic Bomb (3 of 5) by Harbert F Austin Jr The eight islands of Japan sprang into existence through Divine Intervention. The first two gods who came into existence were Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto, the Exalted Male and Exalted Female. It was their job to make the land for people to live on.

AP History Notes US History Blog New Funeral Photos? (American Presidents Blog) On Saturday, March 24, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out for the March For Our Lives, a massive public protest in support of gun control. And those who did bore witness to a deeply emotional and powerful speech by Emma González, a survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. Perhaps the strongest and most evocative part of her speech, however, came not through her words, but through her silence. Halting her speech after naming and describing the people slain in the shooting, González fell silent for six minutes and 20 seconds, the same amount of time it took for the gunman's assault to come to an end. During the protracted silence, the assembled crowd joined her in silence, occasionally shouting words of support and chanting "never again!" If you can't actually watch the video of the deeply moving speech, you can read what she said instead; here's what Gonzalez told the assembled crowd.

Site consacré à des vidéos sur l'histoire de l'Amérique. by ludivinedelphine Dec 9
