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Examples of Formative Assessment

Examples of Formative Assessment
When incorporated into classroom practice, the formative assessment process provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are still happening. The process serves as practice for the student and a check for understanding during the learning process. The formative assessment process guides teachers in making decisions about future instruction. Here are a few examples that may be used in the classroom during the formative assessment process to collect evidence of student learning. Observations Questioning Discussion Exit/Admit Slips Learning/Response Logs Graphic Organizers Peer/Self Assessments Practice Presentations Visual Representations Kinesthetic Assessments Individual Whiteboards Laundry Day Four Corners Constructive Quizzes Think Pair Share Appointment Clock eHow: Types of Formative Assessment

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7 Apps To Turn Your iPad Into A Digital Whiteboard Whether you’re interesting in blending, flipping, personalizing, or differentiating your classroom, technology can be a huge help. Technology gives students direct access to content, which frees the teacher up for other roles. iPads function exceptionally well in this capacity, and one of their talents is to function as a digital whiteboard. previous writing and grammar lessons on My English Teacher .net and Tenses The Present Perfect and The Difference Between The Present Perfect and The Simple Past The Present Perfect Progressive and The Difference Between the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Progressive The Past Perfect Tense The Past Perfect Progressive Assessment for learning: are you using it effectively in your classroom? Engagement and effort are essential characteristics of good learners. Research indicates that children who start school socially and academically ahead of their peers tend to be more successful in school. This results in an achievement gap, which widens as children move through the school system if it persists.

Formative Assessment with Mobile Devices What is qualitative formative assessment? Some call it anecdotal or informal assessment. However, such designations imply passivity -- as if certain things were captured accidentally. I believe the word "formative" should always be included with the word assessment because all feedback mechanisms should help shape and improve the person (or situation) being assessed. Wedging the word "qualitative" into my terminology differentiates it from the analytic or survey-based measures that some associate with the term formative assessment. For my purposes, qualitative formative assessment is the ongoing awareness, understanding, and support of learning that is difficult or impossible to quantify.

Formative vs. Summative Assessment: What's the Difference? Formative and summative assessments are among the most common types of educational evaluations, each with its own distinct purpose. Though the word "assessment" often conjures images of paper-and-pencil exams, our understanding of this topic has evolved greatly in recent years, along with our reasons for assessing and the types of assessments we give our students. Each type of evaluation has a specialized purpose. Read on to learn more about formative vs. summative assessments. Dr. Rod Ellis: TESOL Written Corrective Feedback - Professor Rod Ellis, gave a presentation which is available on In it, he focuses on written corrective feedback. I’ve written a basic summary below. Get a drink, a snack, your notebook, make yourself comfortable and enjoy an allusive, informative explanation of the current state of affairs regarding written corrective feedback; the types and strategies, what we know, what we don’t know and what we should do.

It's Not Mine, It's His: 3 Powerful Possessive Activities Possessives can be confusing for students, and unfortunately it is a topic that can be a bit dry. Since students really need to master all forms of possessives, it is important to practice them often and with varied methods. Try out these three powerful possessive activities for lasting results. Try These 3 Powerful Possessive Activities with Your Students 1Meaningful Objects DescriptionThis activity allows students to get to know each other better by giving them the chance to share some personal details. Summative Assessment Definition Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period—typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, program, or school year. Generally speaking, summative assessments are defined by three major criteria: The tests, assignments, or projects are used to determine whether students have learned what they were expected to learn. Summative assessments are commonly contrasted with formative assessments, which collect detailed information that educators can use to improve instruction and student learning while it’s happening. In other words, formative assessments are often said to be for learning, while summative assessments are of learning. Or as assessment expert Paul Black put it, “When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative assessment.

The Problem with “Formative Assessment Tools” (part 1 of 2) The Problem It started with generally clunky and overpriced “student clickers” by such brands as SMART Technologies and Einstruction, and over the past few years it has transitioned into slick apps like Socrative, Kahoot!, and Plickers. Time and time again we have seen these apps demoed during professional development sessions and written about on websites and blogs.

Creating a rubric that will be saved Registering as a new user Before you begin creating a rubric you must register as a new user. You'll only need to do this once, so if you are a returning user, please skip to the Returning user log in section. To register, scroll down on the homepage of RubiStar until you see the green arrow, like the one shown below, that says Register. Click on this arrow or the text link below it. Turn your picture into Cartoon Using Choggers Chogger is an awesome comic strip building platform. It looks like Pixton and Make Beliefs but offers extra services. Choggers has a good editing tool that allows users to create their own cartoons out of imported photos. Users can even hook on their camera and snap images to edit on Chogger. There are also tools to help users start drawing their own images from scratch.
