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English Reading Comprehension - Textos para aprender o practicar inglés - Comprensión escrita

English Reading Comprehension - Textos para aprender o practicar inglés - Comprensión escrita
We offer you here some texts on various interesting subjects. You can practise reading comprehension and at the same time you will certainly learn something new. Each text is identified with an icon showing the level of English used on it. You will also find some questions to answer at the end of some texts to test your comprehension. Now you can also print the reading texts and the exercises. ¡Comparte esta página! Aquí te ofrecemos textos sobre varios temas interesantes. Cada texto está identificado con un símbolo que muestra el nivel de inglés del mismo. Además ahora puedes imprimir las lecturas y los ejercicios. Más ejercicios para practicar inglés Libros recomendados Intermediate English Reading and Comprehension Este libro contiene diversas lecturas con ejercicios para estudiantes de nivel intermedio. Fast Forward Reading English Reading: 10 Passages for English Learners Related:  Angol

Australia Network - Learning English - Learning Programs Learning Levels Explained Better Than Beginner I can say enough to manage a simple conversation. I can read signs and basic instructions. I can understand when people speak slowly and clearly. I can write simple sentences. Recommended Programs: Living English Intermediate I can talk about every day situations and make arrangements. Recommended Programs: Nexus English Bites The Business of English Study English Advanced I can talk about most topics and understand everything except very technical or complex language. Recommended Programs: Nexus English Bites Study English

Everything African teens surfing trains, an ancient form of soccer that is more akin to martial arts, and the aftermath of an unspeakable war-time tragedy, these are the stories highlighted… With science fiction story-lines and topics of sexuality proving to be big discussion starters here on Short of the Week, it would have seemed like an opportunity missed if we didn’t speak… From the hundreds of thousands of films released online last year to the 200+ we featured on Short of the Week to the 30 nominees and now to 9 winners… The votes for the 2014 Academy Awards are in and the little man has been been handed out to 3 lucky winners in the shorts categories. Curiously enough your votes… What’s your trigger? Laughter has a way of making the impossibly uncomfortable a bit more bearable. Whilst many fans of short film love the format for its ability to make us laugh or cry, what often goes unrecognised is the power these bitesize stories hold to… Free English Reading comprehension tests and exercises online Reading comprehension is also an important part when you take an English test. Reading comprehension test can help you to improve vocabulary, grammar, and logical thought ability. There are some tips for you to improve reading skills: - Practice reading every day. - Take note all new words and learn them. - Try to answer all the questions. - After answer all the questions. - Practice reading techniques - scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive reading. + Scanning: You try to find a particular piece of information. + Skimming: You try to gather the most important information as quickly as possible. + Intensive reading: You try to find the details of a specific information. + Extensive reading: You try to find general information of a passage. Elementary Reading Tests

Cómo preparar el speaking del PET | Theorein Está llegando mucha gente al blog buscando cómo preparar el speaking (parte oral) del PET (Preliminary English Test), el examen de Cambridge que equivale al B1. Yo lo hice hace unas semanas, y como no estaba yendo a academia no sabía cómo iba hasta unos días antes que usoidesfero me encontró dos exámenes de prueba. Os cuento cómo va. Los candidatos entran de dos en dos a un aula en la que hay dos examinadores, uno habla, el otro sólo escucha y apunta. Al entrar, el examinador que habla se presentará, presentará al que no habla y os pedirá que le entreguéis las hojas para puntuaros (os las habrán dado justo antes de entrar). - What’s your name? - What’s your surname? - How do you spell it? - Where do you come from? - Do you work or are you a student? - Do you enjoy studying English? - What do you enjoy doing in your free time? - What did you do yesterday evening? El examinador va alternando, pregunta una a un candidato, otra a otro. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

Free ESL Fun Games, Interactive Grammar & Vocabulary Games for Classrooms English news and easy articles for students of English Reading Comprehension - Free Worksheets Home- English- Math - Reading - Research - Keys - Newsworthy - Links - Contact Reading Comprehension, Volume 5: Number 32, Word Meanings From Context Number 31, The Painting Number 30, Word Meanings From Context Number 29, Charity, Poem Number 28, Word Meanings From Context Number 27, Mysteries Number 26, As I Awake, Poem Number 25, Democracy and Freedom Number 24, Modest Requirements Number 23, Martin's St. Number 22, Word Meanings From Context Number 21, Word Meanings From Context Number 20, Word Meanings From Context Number 19, You, Poem Number 18, Word Meanings in Context - Antonyms Number 17, Winter Heat Number 16, Word Meanings From Context - Synonyms Number 15, Word Meanings From Context Number 14, The Presidential Campaign Number 13, Memories, Poem Number 12, Word Meanings From Context Number 11, Campaign Finance Reform Number 10, Simple Math Number 9, Fashion Blues Number 8, Word Meanings From Context Number 7, Thank You Sincerely, Poem Number 6, Treasure, Part IV Number 5, Treasure, Part III

Aprender Inglés | Theorein He aprobado el PET Ya están las notas del PET en internet y tengo un “pass with merit”, así que estoy muy contenta. Eso significa que podría haber aprobado el siguiente nivel, el B2, aunque antes de presentarme estudiaré bien, porque leí que iban a cambiar el sistema para que cuando sacas muy buena nota te den el siguiente nivel, así tendré una mayor motivación al estudiar, pensando que puedo llegar al C1. Las notas han ido como esperaba: mal en speaking que sólo tengo un “borderline”, “good” en writing y listening y “exceptional” en reading. Cursos de idiomas intensivos en la UMA ¿Quieres aprovechar el verano estudiando algún idioma? Además, aprovecho para recomendar la página del Centro de Cultura Asiática de Málaga. ACTUALIZACIÓN: Se amplía el plazo para inscribirse en los cursos de idiomas intensivos de la UMA hasta el 1 de julio. Cómo preparar el speaking del PET Los candidatos entran de dos en dos a un aula en la que hay dos examinadores, uno habla, el otro sólo escucha y apunta.

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