26 Fresh ESL Conversation Starters to Get Students Talking! | Jennifer Teacher 10 Oct I love teaching conversation in the ESL classroom. Part of it must be that because the students able to “converse” in English are better able to demonstrate their personalities, preferences, thoughts… and therefore, I get to know them better. Often it is simply hilarious to see the range of answers students feel free to share in a comfortable environment. If you’re a conversation teacher in an English as a Second Language classroom, there may be times when you feel as though you want fresh ideas, a change in routine or some way to remain slightly unpredictable so your students remain curious as to what tricks you have up your sleeves. Always remember to keep in mind your students’ unique personalities and language learning journey, and never underestimate how engaged they can become with the right activity! Here is a list of 26 fresh ESL Conversation Starters to move your class! Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading... Tags: conversation, Lesson Planning, speaking
List of Conversation Topics | Conversation starters One of the most frustrating things I have ever experienced around a girl, is if I and her run out of things to talk about. Since you found this post I assume you know what I’m talking about, and maybe you are interested in learning how to avoid awkward silence. I’m thinking about the teeth pooling moments where the awkward silence just takes over the situation, you are just sitting their smiling while desperately in your mind scrambling for something just mildly interesting say, but you just can think of anything, you mind is a total black out, you can’t even remember your own name at this point. Finally you hear yourself saying something completely uninteresting, like: “sooo.. do you come here often”, she says “no its my first time!” And then the conversation dries up once again, the awkward silence start to eat you both up from the inside until one of you can’t stand the social pressure and thus make up some excuse to leave. Talk about Past Experiences: Talk about Current Experience:
Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it and a set of questions to begin the topic. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.
20 Teen and Tween Conversation Starters | Radical Parenting How was your day? Fine. How was school? Good. How was your test? Anything you want to tell me? Nope. Now that its summer, a lot of parents and the families I work with are focusing on communication skills because we are finally done with school for a bit. I find that some of the best ways to do this is to play games like Scrabble, Clue or Sorry that you can all engage over the common game. -Ask over dinner -Ask over dessert -Leave a few cards with questions in the car for long drives -host a sleepover for your son/daughter and their friends and encourage them to play. -Play at a family reunion -Ask your adult friends (I do this with mine all the time–in between Wii games of course) I came up with some and borrowed some from the cards–a few are a little mature, but I find those table topics get the best conversation going! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. I really love to engage youth in intelligent conversations about values, ideals and goals.
101 Conversation Starters (Also see How to Start a Conversation) Ice Breakers Where did you grow up?Do you have any pets? Childhood Questions What was your favorite children's book? School/Work Topics Where did (do) you go to school? Relationship Questions What is the first think you notice about a guy or girl? Sports Conversation Starters Who is your favorite athlete? Vacation Questions Where was the last place you went on vacation? Food/Drink Topics What is your favorite drink? Entertainment Topics Who is your favorite actor? Personal Questions Who do you look up to? Misc. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Språkutvecklingsplan | Kvutis Alla ska lyckas! För att lyckas måste alla barn och elever ha tillgång till språket. Med språket tänker, kommunicerar och lär vi oss. Språket i läroplanen Förskolan – Lpfö 98 reviderad 2010 Språk och lärande hänger oupplösligt samman liksom språk och identitetsutveckling. Förskolan ska sträva efter att varje barn: tillägnar sig och nyanserar innebörden i begrepp, ser samband och upptäcker nya sätt att förstå sin omvärld,utvecklar sin förmåga att lyssna, reflektera och ge uttryck för egna uppfattningar och försöker förstå andras perspektiv,utvecklar nyanserat talspråk, ordförråd och begrepp samt sin förmåga att leka med ord, berätta, uttrycka tankar, ställa frågor, argumentera och kommunicera med andra,utvecklar intresse för skriftspråk samt förståelse för symboler och deras kommunikativa funktioner. ”Av skollagen framgår att förskolan ska medverka till att barn med annat modersmål än svenska får möjlighet att utveckla både det svenska språket och sitt modersmål.” Lärverktyg Vill du veta mer…
Can you google that? – informationssökning på engelska | Mias klassrum Att internet flyttat in i våra klassrum är det ingen som har missat, men att det smugit sig in bland kunskapskraven är det många som missat, försöker låtsas om att de inte sett eller helt enkelt tycker är riktigt jobbigt. Men det finns ju där, vad vi än tycker om det. Det ska undervisas och bedömas, säga vad man vill om det. Att gå in på hur relevant och effektivt eleverna återanvänder sina sökresultat i sin egna produktion är en diskussion i sig, men nu tänkte jag fokusera på själva undervisningen. Jag har satt ihop ett material för att undervisa mina 9or i informationssökning. Can you google that? Som en del av övningen gör eleverna en självskattning, hämtad från bedömningsstödet. Efter genomgång och självskattning får eleverna öva på att söka information. Filen med övningen kan ni hämta här. Den som följt min blogg känner säkert igen frågorna, de är hämtade från det här inlägget.
check School Cafeteria Lunches Around the World Each day in the United States, over 32 million students eat lunches from their school cafeterias. The food consumed accounts for more than half of each students daily calorie intake – which therefore makes the school cafeteria that much more important in delivering healthy food and preventing child obesity. Unfortunately, if you grew up going to an American school and eating food in the cafeteria, it is unlikely you got the most delicious and healthy food. Yet, if you grew up going to a school in another country around the world, you may have had a different experience. SweetGreen is a chain of salad restaurants that run the SweetGreen in Schools program. France: Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese, and fruit. Italy: Local fish with arugula, pasta, caprese salad, bread, and grapes. Spain: Shrimp with brown rice, gazpacho, bread, peppers, and an orange. Brazil: Pork with vegetables, rice with black beans, salad, bread, and baked plantains. Finland: Pea soup, beet salad, carrots, and bread.