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We are a free multilingual dictionary that provides instant definitions from many respected reference resources such as the Random House College Dictionary, Princeton WordNet, Kernerman Learners Dictionary, Wiktionary, FreeBase, Webster Dictionary, U.S. National Library of Medicine, DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms and more. Our definitions come with usage examples, part of speech, etymologies, phonetic and voice pronunciations, citations and translations to more than 40 different languages!

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Creating a Visual Dictionary on the iPad  Pic Collage (free), is one of my favorite apps to use on my iPad. It creates great looking Scrapbook pages of multiple images in no time. Today, as I was planning with our first grade Hebrew teacher, how to upgrade a traditionally taught vocabulary project (creating a dictionary of their weekly vocabulary words in Hebrew), we saw the opportunity to use PicCollage with students in the classroom. (My apologies in advance for the example below is in Spanish and not in Hebrew) 268 - You say Yes, I say Nano A nanotecnologia tem revolucionado nossa vida cotidiana. Porém a manipulação da matéria em níveis infinitamente pequenos pode também revelar-se muito perigosa. Saiba os prós e os contras. by William Sutton. At minute levels , ordinary materials change their properties: colour,

Reverse Dictionary <div id="needs_javascript"><center><b>Note: The new Reverse Dictionary requires JavaScript.</b><br /><img src="/img/a.gif?q=omg_a_user_without_js"> If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please <a href=" it for this site</a> or use the <a href="/? » How to Learn A Language in 90 Days ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.’ ~Nelson Mandela Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Maneesh Sethi of Hack The System. I still remember the happiest moment of my life. Translate text into phonetic script I always believe that the best sites and web tools are the simplest, and this is certainly the case with Phonetizer. It's a really easy to use tool that takes and text and adds the phonetic spelling below it. It's really easy to use. You just cut and paste or type in the text you want to use in the left hand side, click on 'Transcribe' and the text appears on the right with the phonetic writing underneath each line. You can then cut and paste to a document if you want to save it.

Klok Free Time Tracking and Klok Pro Time Tracking - Features Getting Started with Klok 2 New to Klok? No problem. Here's a quick guide of what you'll need to be productive with Klok. Create a Project...or two Oxford Dictionary of English T Get the power of, the world's most comprehensive dictionary. English, Spanish, French, and 11 other languages, plus Medical, Legal, and other specialty dictionaries, all from the most trusted sources. Translate English into more than 40 languages and access dozens of other translation options. Share definitions via social networks, email, and text. Even use the English dictionary without an Internet connection. You can now log in with The Free Dictionary! How many words do I need to learn? How many words do I need to learn?Home > Guide > Vocabulary > How many words? One of the most common questions I get asked is 'How many words do I need to learn?'.

Open Synonyms, Open Antonyms open O.E. open "not closed down, raised up" (of doors, gates, etc.), also "uncovered, bare; plain, evident," from P.Gmc. *upana, lit. "put or set up" (cf.
