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Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Scratch controlling Minecraft – Cymplecy (Simplesi) If you have another computer that can run Scratch 1.4 that is networked with a Raspberry Pi , then you can use it to interact with the Minecraft world on the Pi. You’l need to find out the IP address of your other computer – for this exercise I’ll assume its so you’ll need to substitute your real address To do this, run ScratchGPIO on your Pi and add On Green Flag – broadcast Connect10.11.12.13 This hands over ScratchGPIO control to your main computer Picademy - Free Professional Development from Raspberry Pi Picademy is the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s FREE teacher training initiative. Our goal is to give educators the experience and tools they need to teach computing with confidence. Why Picademy? Getting started with the computing curriculum can be daunting. There’s a host of hardware and programming languages, and an array of technical terminology.

Stock Photo Search STOCK PHOTO SEARCH is a FREE bookmarklet that helps you search from more than 30 free stock photo sites. Install Drag the button below to your bookmarks bar to install: (If you want a preview, you can just click the button.) If you have trouble dropping it, just right click the icon, copy the link address and create a new bookmark you will call “Stock Photo Search” and paste the url. Where is my bookmarks/favorites bar? 55 Great Sites for When You Need to Take a Break at Work How often do you find yourself with weird breaks in your day—breaks that are too short to get any real work done, but too long to just sit there? If you’re like us, you probably just end up browsing Facebook during these moments. But not anymore! We’ve put together a list of 55 sites for every mood, so that no matter what you feel like looking at, you’re guaranteed to spend those three minutes productively. Or at least, more productively than if you were liking your niece’s kindergarten graduation photos. If You Need Some Inspiration How To Sync Your Movie to the Professional Jokes By Professional Comedy Professionals (AKA RiffTrax) Intro This guide started off as a sort of checklist for myself to try to refine, and speed up the process. I'm sure that there are a good number of things that can be improved upon, but in my opinion, the steps below produce pretty consistently good results. Hopefully this will help someone enjoy RiffTrax a little more. Sample Projects - App Inventor for Android with Studio-Based Learning These are some of the projects that my students created using App Inventor for Android within a Studio-Based Learning environment. All of these were created at Ball State University in Fall 2009, as part of the experimental CS116 section. These students collaborated on the course site that explains these projects and others in the students own words. The projects were created with the pre-release version of App Inventor for Android and can no longer be downloaded and executed; however, they are still a good indication of the breadth and depth of projects made possible with this technology.

Xamarin for Visual Studio - Build native mobile apps in C# for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows - Xamarin Directly edit storyboards Double-click a storyboard file to edit it in the IDE. Drag-and-drop controls to build screens, name controls to create fields, and double-click to add handlers without switching to Xcode. More accurate than Xcode Acapela Box : create your text to speech messages 1. Your Acceptance of Terms Welcome to the Acapela-Box Website. Crazy Things About He-Man 16Shares It was awesome being a kid growing up in the 1980s. Some of the most iconic and memorable franchises in the world were at their peak during this decade. In cinema the Star Wars franchise was bigger than ever, we had Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and The Ghostbusters. On television there was Transformers, G.I Joe, The A-Team, Thundercats, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, all with toylines that continue to break sales records or still sought after 30 years later. For many fans though, the biggest and most captivating of these was He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Kawasaki J Concept Three-Wheeled Motorcycle Enlarge By now, well into the second century of automobility, you’d think that we’d be using something better than just yesterday’s bikes today. It isn’t just what critics of motorcycle engineering claim as the stultifying effect of motorcyclist conservatism, but because turning by leaning is so natural to us, as I try to explain in my 2008 book, Bodies in Motion: Evolution and Experience in Motorcycling.

Cody & Roby Cody & Roby is the name of a new series of DIY games that provide the easiest way to start playing with coding and robotics at any age, without computers, tablets or smartphones. Download your DIY starter kit! Roby is a robot who executes instructions, Cody is a coder who provides instructions. At the beginning there are only three instructions: move forward, turn left, and turn right. Each instruction is represented by an arrow drawn on a card. Creative Computing 7 units44 activitiesremixing encouraged download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide> help learnerscreate new worldswith computing

20 Free Tools for Making Comics and Cartoons for Teaching and Learning There are so many good free tools for creating comics and cartoons on the web, as well as apps for tablets and smartphones. I've built out a list of fun tools I am looking forward to trying out over the upcoming holiday break. I can't wait to brainstorm creative ways to leverage these in lessons! 40 Websites Ruin Your Productivity 1. Stripgenerator Hey, get your mind out of the gutter–Stripgenerator is about comic creation, not clothing removal–though we wouldn’t claim that the two paths have never crossed.

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