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Quizizz: Fun Multiplayer Classroom Quizzes

Quizizz: Fun Multiplayer Classroom Quizzes

Related:  Games and quizzesSmartphones et enseignement

Finding the game-like challenge!* *With minimal preparation involved… Following a recent Friday workshop on teaching teenagers, in which, amongst other things, we discussed the difference between playing games for the sake of playing games and adding a game-like challenge into the activities we do in class, I have been thinking about different ways we can do this, without spending heaps of extra time on preparation. Here are some of the ideas I’ve come up with: 1. Board it and collaborate

Exploring The Educational Potential of QR Codes QR Codes (or Quick Response Codes, to give them their full title) are two-dimensional bar codes which when scanned with the camera of a mobile device such as an iPad, Android tablet or smartphone can transfer web links, text and email addresses amongst other digital content quickly and easily to users. Popular with advertisers and marketing companies, QR Codes give readers an immediate opportunity to visit a website to find out more information about a range of facts, products and services. For schools that have invested in iPads or tablets as learning tools or allow their students to bring in their own devices (BYOD), QR Codes have proven to be a great timesaver for sharing links and distributing information en masse.

Charles Kelly's Quiz Generator / Quiz Maker / Quiz Creator / Quiz Builder / Quiz Writer / Quiz Producer What does this page do? From this page you can generate a quiz that can be printed to paper or put online in various formats. How do I generate a quiz? For best results, read all of the steps below before trying to generate a quiz. Step 1: Type the quiz data in your word processor or text editor. Read the the "about" page to find out how to format the data.

Spelling Bee What are the different ways to play the Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee? There are two different ways to play. In the Tournament Spelling Bee, you'll be challenged by a series of words, with the spelling difficulty adapted to your skill level. The more words you get right, the higher your score will go, on a scale from 200 to 800. You can compete against other spellers, since we keep track of high scores (with streaks of correct answers serving as tiebreakers). quizmaker Speedy, simplified authoring. Get the intuitive tools you need to create engaging, media-rich assessments, quickly and easily. “My first impression on the new Quizmaker is: awesome!!” — Gabriele Dovis, Owner, Mosaicoelearning

Games Crossword GameJust like an old-fashioned word search! Using the mouse and the wordlist, find and highlight the hidden English words in the box! As the levels get harder, the words start appearing in different orientations. But hurry, the clock is running!Cumulus ConfectionHigh on Mt Olympus, the Greek gods are planning their annual carnival. But alas!

Synonym Card Game There are 30 pairs of synonyms here (for a total of 60 cards) that can be used to play the games Fish and Memory. Students have to find the synonym card to the one that they have. The synonym pairs covered here are: large/big, tiny/small, noisy/loud, silent/quiet, quick/fast, sick/ill, leap/jump, push/shove, pull/tug, sprint/run, afraid/scared, spooky/scary, cold/chilly, home/house, rock/stone, garbage/trash, rug/carpet, kid/child, clever/smart, happy/glad, street/road, and throw/toss.

Crossword Puzzle Games - Create Puzzles Create A Crossword Puzzle Enter up to 20 words and hints (clues) below to create your own puzzles. There's no need to use all 20 words, you could use as little as two. Hints can be left blank. This free online crossword creator software can be a great tool for educators. Add puzzles to web sites for fun. Word Scramble Maker Enter words in the box below. A maximum of 32 words will fit on one page. To make it easier, use a capital first letter. To make it harder, use all CAPS or all lower-case.Step 1. Enter Words or Phrases *NEW!* - separated by new lines. Proof It! - A Fun Proofreading Game at Portland Proof Begin Game! proof-it The speaker called out, "/Ladys/Ladies/, choose your partner for the next dance!"!

Which Word Game - Pick the right word to fit the context I * to go to a private school, but I don't any more.!@#$@! "Used to" is the correct phrase. ! Alphabet Soup Game - Build words from missing letters! Begin Game! alphabet-soup con__ve!@#$@! Horse race dictation It is enjoyable because students are asked to predict the first word, in the same way people try to guess which horse will come first in a race, giving a strong motivation for the short but very intensive listening activity, in the form of a horse race commentary, which gives the solution. PreparationChoose a sentence and write words in random order on the left of the board, as in the example below. You also need to prepare a commentary, which should be challenging enough to make it interesting but not too difficult. In the example below there is only one major change in order, when, and other minor changes during the race. finallywaso’clockelevenhomewhenIitgot

Epic Fail or Win? Gamifying Learning in My Classroom Every week for 17 years, I've heard my students ask, "What do I need to do to get an A?" Historically, many have focused on their grade rather than on fundamental skills. My attempt to change this mindset started two years ago when I gamified learning in my classes. After researching gamification and its potential to help students master skills and processes, I used the 3DGameLab and then Gradecraft to develop and implement game-based learning.

Aplikacja quizizz jest bardzo prosta w obsłudze, rzekłabym – intuicyjna. Bardzo podobna do kahoota, kolorowa i wciągająca. Podobnie, jak w kahoocie uczniowie logują się za pomocą wygenerowanego pinu, podają swoje imię, które jeśli jest niestosowne lub niecenzuralne możemy natychmiast usunąć (co oczywiście uczyniłam podczas wczorajszych nocnych prób – wybacz DRUID). Na koniec otrzymujemy zestawienie, które także możemy pobrać w formie pliku Excel, jest dużo bardziej przejrzyste niż w kahoocie. Podstawowe różnice to możliwość zaznaczenia tylko jednej poprawnej odpowiedzi, pytania mieszają się za każdym razem niezależnie od nas i, co najważniejsze, pytania uczestnicy widzą bezpośrednio na swoim ekranie bez konieczności spoglądania na ekran wyświetlany przez nauczyciela. Po zakończonym quizie uczestnik widzi na swoim ekranie zestawienie wszystkich swoich odpowiedzi z podanymi prawidłowymi odpowiedziami. Nauczyciel cały czas śledzi postępy uczniów na swoim koncie i ekranie. Gdy czas się skończy – pytanie nie znika, należy udzielić odpowiedzi, ale wówczas za prawidłową odpowiedź uzyskamy tylko 600 punktów. Gdy zmieścimy się w czasie możliwe do uzyskania punkty mieszczą się w przedziale 700 – 1000 w zależności od naszego refleksu i stanu wiedzy Czas odmierza przesympatyczny awatarek, który przesuwa się w określonym czasie na górnym pasku ekranu. by akeela Apr 2

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