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3-Sweep : Créer un modèle d'objet 3D avec une seule photo. Alors que les imprimantes 3D se démocratisent et que les scanners 3D se multiplient sur les plateformes de crowdfunding, tout ça pour le grand public, il se pourrait qu’un logiciel vienne révolutionner la modélisation 3D.

3-Sweep : Créer un modèle d'objet 3D avec une seule photo

Là où les logiciels existants (123D Catch par exemple) nécessitent une foule de photos prises à 360° et du temps de calcul, grâce à de puissants algorithmes combinés aux capacités cognitives de l’humain, 3-Sweep permet de créer rapidement et surtout extrêmement simplement des objets 3D à partir d’une unique photo en 2D. Imprimante 3D Occipital Structure Sensor. Crédit photo : Le Structure Sensor est un projet Kickstarter mené par la start-up Occipital.

Imprimante 3D Occipital Structure Sensor

Et c'est un joli succès, puisque le million de dollars a été dépassé avant la fin de la période de levée de fonds ! Il faut dire que son concept a de quoi séduire. Il s'agit d'un appareil que l'on fixe sur son iPad, et qui permet de capturer facilement des objets en 3D, voire des pièces entières. Et ce que vous aurez ainsi scanné sera imprimable en 3D directement. Fuel3D Fuel3D: The low-cost, high-quality 3D scanner, for 3D printing, 3D animation, 3D game development and more… Structured Light Scanning. Superior Scans I had learned a great deal while designing and building my laser scanning fixture, and all the while, I kept thinking about the inherent weaknesses and limitations of using a laser line to extrapolate 3D surface data.

Structured Light Scanning

I wanted something faster, easier to use, that could produce cleaner data sets. Maybe too much to ask, but I’ve got a lot of time on my hands. So I set about to address what I felt were shortcomings in the laser scanning process. First, the scanning speed was lacking. My camera (and many low end digital video cameras) could only capture 1600×1200 at a 5 frames per second. The second issue was the finite thickness of a projected laser line.

High resolution laser scan, with smoothing filter So enters structured light and white light scanning. Structured light follows the same basic triangulation principles of the laser and camera combination, but does so in a more efficient manner. The binary series is one of a few techniques used in structured light scanning. Fuel3D: A handheld 3D scanner for less than $1000 by Fuel3D Inc. We are delighted to reveal our special edition Joshua Harker designed cover for the Fuel3D, you can back this pledge level today right here on Kickstarter.

Fuel3D: A handheld 3D scanner for less than $1000 by Fuel3D Inc.

Click here to view in Sketchfab. 1) Help us reach $250,000 and we will include tripod mounting capability to Fuel 3D along with PC remote triggering with all Fuel3D units. ACHIEVED !! 2) Help us reach 350 units of the Fuel3D and MeshUp bundle and we will add painless automated merging of multiple scans to create single unified model. UPDATE: We are now aiming to develop this software feature in time for the product launch, regardless of whether we meet the stretch goal or not. While this can be done now by manually using MeshUp or other tools, depending on the scan and desired results, it can require some time and effort. 3D is booming… whether in the worlds of gaming, making, or art, the demand for 3D is ever-increasing. That’s why we’re here on Kickstarter. The Fuel3D camera is significantly more advanced. iSketchnote. iSketchnote: from pen and paper to your iPad! by ISKN Team.

Vidéo sous-titrée en Français ici All the iSketchnote team wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the people that believe in us.

iSketchnote: from pen and paper to your iPad! by ISKN Team

This new video is for you! You’ll see some of the features of our current app, the new stretch goals and the incredible potential of the iSketchnote technology. $375,000: And for our last stretch goal, we’ll offer a new Green felt pen with your iSketchnote cover! Structure Sensor: Capture the World in 3D by Occipital. The Structure Sensor gives mobile devices the ability to capture and understand the world in three dimensions.

Structure Sensor: Capture the World in 3D by Occipital

With the Structure Sensor attached to your mobile device, you can walk around the world and instantly capture it in a digital form. This means you can capture 3D maps of indoor spaces and have every measurement in your pocket. You can instantly capture 3D models of objects and people for import into CAD and for 3D printing. You can play mind blowing augmented reality games where the real world is your game world. If you’re a developer, Structure gives you the ability to build mobile applications that interact with the three dimensional geometry of the real world for the very first time. The Structure Sensor has been designed from the ground up to be mobile.

The Structure Sensor has a mobile-optimized range that begins at 40 centimeters and stretches to over 3.5 meters. Battery-powered. The Structure Sensor is the first 3D sensor for mobile devices. ATOS Triple Scan: GOM. DAVID 3D Scanner.