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33 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters. Posters come in different designs; the important thing is to catch the attention of the people passing by.

33 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters

The right colors and fonts would be one option, but another important thing is the design itself. It has to be something amazing that would wow people and make them want to read the book, see the movie or go to the show you have designed the poster for. Let’s say you have the idea and you want to put it on a piece of paper. You could go the old fashioned way and draw it yourself but if you ain’t got the talent you would have to do that with the help of computer graphics. 34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro. Design This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics.

34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro

It's meant to be a good collection for those who aren't quite pro yet, but want to be. From making amazing business cards to bringing a stone statue to life, these take us through hours and hours of practicing those skills. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there. 50 Brilliant Photo Manipulation Tutorials to Understand Photoshop Like a Pro. Email When it comes to photo editing, the first thing that comes to my mind is Photoshop.

50 Brilliant Photo Manipulation Tutorials to Understand Photoshop Like a Pro

Photoshop is the second name of creativity. Photo manipulation may be one of the funniest things you can do with Photoshop. Of course, a person should have lots of patience and time to create some truly stunning artwork, but it’s worth a try. Today, I’ve collected 50 great photo manipulation tutorials, which will teach you many new features. How To Manipulate Even More of Your Stupid Pics. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a shattered effect in Photoshop.

How To Manipulate Even More of Your Stupid Pics

Related Photoshop Tutorials How to Make an Awesome Movie Poster In this tutorial, it is going to show you how to make a nice movie poster called “New Dawn”. Not many special techniques are required. Since it is not presented in English, you can try to follow the screen shots. Design an Excellent Fashion Image using Photoshop It is not necessary to do lots of make-up and have a lot of trials for your personal image design. 100 Best Photoshop Tutorials of All Time that Yield Professional Results. Photoshop tutorials are one of the most popular subjects on the web, as the digital art community continues to grow and new designers bring their unique skills.

100 Best Photoshop Tutorials of All Time that Yield Professional Results

However, quality Photoshop tutorials that teach you a useful effect, have a quality finished result and are well explained are harder to find, and with the large number of tutorial sites available, it can be hard to sort the quality from the mundane. In this massive roundup, we’ve collected the top 100 best Photoshop tutorials that have ever been created, that yield professional results, teach you a useful effect, are well explained, and will have you designing like a pro in no time. These tutorials are collected from niche tutorial sites around the web, and range in age from creation in 2008 to a few tutorials that were created just last week.

So, if you think you’ve seen all there is to see from Photoshop, guess again and check out this post. Photoshop Tutorials. 111 Awesome Creative Photoshop Tutorials Can Make You Designer. 25 Excellent Photoshop Texture Tutorials. Adding texture to a design can create drastic changes and powerful results.

25 Excellent Photoshop Texture Tutorials

Photoshop provides a number of different possibilities for working with textures, which allows designers to use their creativity. In this post we’ll features 25 tutorials that will help you to learn more about working with textures in Photoshop and how to create impressive results. Looking for hosting? WPEngine offers secure managed WordPress hosting. You’ll get expert WordPress support, automatic backups, and caching for fast page loads. 60 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes, .PSDs and Resources. Jan 04 2009 For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative Adobe Photoshop tutorials and Resources, so you can now rest assured that you will have the necessary tools to get the job done.

60 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes, .PSDs and Resources

How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in Photoshop. Lighting effects have become quite popular, and are an effective way to add bright eye catching details to a photo or illustration.

How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn a simple technique for creating brilliant light streaks which can be used in different ways to add motion and brightness to your designs. Step 1 First, lets create a nice background for our effect. Open up a new Photoshop file, and fill the background with black. Now, create a new layer and fill it with white. Step 2 Now lets create a light from which all of our streaks will be created. Step 3 Make a copy of the light layer that we just created, and hide the original. Step 4 Now we get to start having fun. 200++ Photoshop Photo Effects. EmailEmail Have you ever wonder where is that photo effect tutorial you saw the other day and start searching all over the internet but couldn’t find what you saw initially?

200++ Photoshop Photo Effects

Honestly, i have. That is why i throw them all into this article instead. But i also use these article to gain inspiration on what to do with my photo image. Achieving a Vintage Look Through Color Tones in Photoshop CS. By Guest Contributor Anna Gay Photographers are often striving for a “vintage” look in their photos, and even though there are endless ways of achieving a vintage look, there are a couple of characteristics to keep in mind.

Achieving a Vintage Look Through Color Tones in Photoshop CS

First of all, the color tones in a vintage photo often lean towards either a blue or a red hue, or a cross-processed look. Vintage photos also have an element of noise or grain that can be achieved through textures, and also a certain amount of vignetting around the edges of the photo. In this tutorial, we will look at adjusting color tones and adding vignettes. This photo is the result of adjusting the color curves, adding two vignettes, and a color fill, which we will walk through step-by-step. First, open your photo in Photoshop and make sure your foreground color is set to white in your side tool bar. You will see the above dialogue box. As you can see here, there should be three layers – your Background image, then your two gradient layers.

32 Awesome Photoshop Photo Effects. 30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Tutorials to our previous entry, you have over 70 ways to enhance photos taken with digital camera Using Ink Drops in Your Digital CompositionsThis tutorial demonstrates techniques to creatively work ink drops into your compositions. Fairy Night EyeHow to correct the photos’ colors, change the eyes color, work with the layers, applying ready brushes and designs, create your own design and to picture the stars.

Adobe. 25 Excellent Photoshop Texture Tutorials. Amazing Photoshop light effect in 10 Steps. Last year I had written a tutorial showing how to create some lighting effects in Photoshop, it was called Magic Lighting Effects. A lot of people liked it, but some people still have some questions on how to achieve that effect. When I added a “buy me a coffee” featured on my blog I decided to use an image I had done when I was showing my cousin how to do the Magic effect. Instead of using a hat I used a coffee cup and the process is basically the same, however this time I will explain it in more details. Step 1 Create a new document, apply a Layer Style on the background layer. Step 2 Here I've used an icon I found on a cool site, but you can use whatever you want.

Step 3 Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and create a shape like I did. Free Photoshop Styles And Gradients. Free PSD File : Download psd files for FREE!