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Captain America: The First Avenger – review. Might makes right ...

Captain America: The First Avenger – review

Captain America: The First Avenger A shield? Growing up in the 1970s, and first becoming aware of Captain America's crime-fighting career, that shield always seemed to me the most eccentric and awkward encumbrance to have to carry around all the time – almost an admission of vulnerability, a superheroic comfort blanket.

Granted, it repels any bullet and can be frisbeed around the place as a weapon, but then there's the tiresome business of having to retrieve it afterwards; it cuts down on hand-to-hand combat and wouldn't some sort of body armour have been frankly more convenient? It almost looked as if Captain America's loyalty to this faintly ridiculous accessory was a kind of arrogance – that he can defeat his enemies with one hand in effect behind his back – or even that the shield amounted to a disability, like Daredevil's blindness, for which his powers were a triumphant, if neurotic over-compensation.

CBR REVIEW: "Captain America: The First Avenger" is a Solid Summer Popcorn Movie. "Captain America: The First Avenger" opens in theaters July 22, 2011.

CBR REVIEW: "Captain America: The First Avenger" is a Solid Summer Popcorn Movie

Watching "Captain America: The First Avenger" is akin to walking back in time: a throwback to the summer adventure movies of yesteryear, "Captain America" inhabits a world where the bad guys are bad, the good guys are good, and the day is saved in the nick of time -- though with some original twists along the way. The latest superhero flick from Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures, "Captain America" is a solidly entertaining movie that, while lacking the wow factor of "Thor" or "X-Men: First Class," tells an otherwise interesting summer yarn.

"Captain America" is a superhero period piece that begins in modern day, swooping over an icy wilderness as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents begin to dig up a mysterious object in the ice -- an object that contains Captain America's shield. At this point, most summer blockbusters would jump into super-powered high gear, guns blazing and fists pumping. Sebastian Stan as Bucky. Captain America: The First Avenger: Film Review. If you take a World War II movie, dial up the action with contemporary visual effects and CGI, then give your hero a double dose of steroids and human growth hormones, you wind up in the movie/comic book world of Captain America: The First Avenger.

Captain America: The First Avenger: Film Review

The movie is, of course, Marvel Comics' and Paramount’s filmization of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby’s Super Soldier series that first appeared in comic books in March 1941, well before Pearl Harbor, so understandably this is one superhero movie that demands that the first movie at least be a period one. So you get an alternative WWII, say like Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds -- only without all that dialogue and enough oversized vehicles and outlandish sets to fit its beefcake hero. For in terms of even recent films, Captain America lacks the deft touch, appealing character interaction and sophisticated storytelling skills of Marvel Comics’ X-Men: First Class.

Steve is now point man for Col. Captain America: The First Avenger. All Critics (222) | Top Critics (44) | Fresh (175) | Rotten (47) | DVD (17) It doesn't try too hard for irony or style; the comic-book sensibility remains pure, square, and happily stupid.

Captain America: The First Avenger

Pacy and punchy, but not quite a knockout. Comic book fans are likely to appreciate Captain America, which does a good job of consolidating the disparate origin aspects of the character into something easily digestible. The movie looks wonderful. Kudos, then, to the creators of Captain America's big-screen blockbuster for keeping the action rooted in the past; except for some brief present-day bookends. The only problem is that we've been there -- been nearly everywhere Captain America goes -- in countless previous movies. ...a cut above its lackluster Marvel brethren for most of its running time (if only because it primarily resembles an actual movie more than it does a collection of special effects sequences).

The result is fun and refreshingly retro. One of the banner comic book films of the year. Critiques Presse pour le film Captain America : First Avenger. Captain America: The First Avenger - Trailer. Captain America: First Avenger : LE CASTING. Le casting de Steve Rogers/Captain America s’est révélé long et difficile.

Captain America: First Avenger : LE CASTING

Sur le papier, son personnage passe d’un extrême à l’autre : d’un laissé pour compte crédule à un leader charismatique. Comment trouver quelqu’un qui puisse commencer le film chétif et timide, tout en inspirant la sympathie et le respect du public, puis se transformer en leader convaincant et pugnace, capable de défier légitimement une unité d’élite composée de soldats nazis dénués de tout scrupule ? Les réalisateurs ont passé en revue bien des noms qui, pour une raison ou une autre, ont été éliminés de la liste des prétendants au rôle.

Chris Evans a été présélectionné parce qu’il avait interprété Johnny Storm/La Torche humaine dans LES QUATRE FANTASTIQUES et sa suite, LES QUATRE FANTASTIQUES ET LE SURFEUR D’ARGENT pour Marvel. À mesure que le nombre de candidats diminuait, celui d’Evans n’était toujours pas éliminé. Au début, quand il a été contacté pour ce projet, Evans a eu quelques hésitations. Captain America: The First Avenger review by Paeter Frandsen. I can say that, at least in a limited sense, I'm a Captain America fan.

Captain America: The First Avenger review by Paeter Frandsen

I only have a few issues of the comic from the mainstream Marvel Comics universe, but I've bought about everything I can of his appearances in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. His character is Marvel's analog to DC's Superman (or what Superman USED to be like). Honest, morally conservative, brave and self-sacrificing. In a post-modern world of gritty or insecure "heroes", Captain America is one of the few in comics who actually comes across like a hero in every sense of the word and stands as an example we can aspire to be like. CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER captures all of these elements wonderfully (as the last SUPERMAN movie should have), and for that alone stands out as unique and worthy of attention.

SynopsisSteve Rogers is a scrawny young man who wants badly to enlist in the army, but never passes the physical exam.