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Découverte monumentale dans les pyramides de Bosnie. Découverte monumentale dans les pyramides de Bosnie Une découverte monumentale de quatre années de recherches géo-archéologiques complètes n’a pas réussi à atteindre le grand public pour une raison quelconque.

Découverte monumentale dans les pyramides de Bosnie

Le personnel du site de la pyramide la plus active au monde ,datant du complexe pyramidal remontant à plus de 25000 années dans le passé, a également publié des preuves scientifiques soutenant la théorie selon laquelle les pyramides ont été utilisées comme source d’énergie. L’étude récente révèle faisceaux d’énergie émettant des signaux électromagnétiques inexplicables par notre « science officielle » dans ce qui est maintenant documenté comme le plus grand complexe pyramidal dans le monde. Le Dr. Osmanagich a enquêté sur les pyramides partout dans le monde, mais depuis sa récente découverte des pyramides bosniaques ,à Visoko, rien de plus que remarquable n’a été étudié jusqu’à présent.

Le temps de dire la vérité est arrivé Prenez note des faits suivants venant du Dr. Ancient Civilizations. Top Eleven Mysterious Mysteries of the Pre-Columbian Americas That We Decided to Cram Into One Article....Page 54. By

Top Eleven Mysterious Mysteries of the Pre-Columbian Americas That We Decided to Cram Into One Article....Page 54

L'atlantide nouvelles Découvertes documentaire histoire 2016. Le code maya enfin déchiffré - Arte. Le code maya enfin déchiffré - Arte. Le continent perdu de l'Océan Indien (Kumari Kandam)

Asie. 1200 Years Old Ancient Hindu Temple Carved Entirely From a Single Rock – Бімба. Kailasa temple is 1200-year-old Ancient Hindu temple carved from a single rock in Ellora.

1200 Years Old Ancient Hindu Temple Carved Entirely From a Single Rock – Бімба

It stands majestically 29 kilometers away from the city of Aurangabad in the state of Maharashtra, India. This amazing temple is part of a set of 34 temples and monasteries known as the Ellora Caves. This stunning temple is a perfect example of Dravidian architecture in the 8th century. The whole temple and it’s almost perfectly accurate proportions were made by many crafty sculptors, in a time when only hand tools for construction and elephants for transporting heavy building material were available and that’s what makes it so magnificent. This temple is also known as Kailash Temple and by the orders of Krishna I the construction began. It is pretty hard to imagine that this temple is carved in a single rock, even for us, the modern people, with all tools and machines that we possess. Can you imagine that this was just a huge rock?

In the photo bellow, you can see the plan of the Kailasa temple. The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt Were Alien Hybrids - Proves New Genetic Studies? - UFO International Project. Art by Raphael Terra@ For a long time now there has been much talk about an advanced alien species being responsible for Ancient Egypt’s incredible structures, namely the pyramids – this could be far truer than what we ever expected.

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt Were Alien Hybrids - Proves New Genetic Studies? - UFO International Project

The latest new genetic studies suggests that a lineage of Egyptian pharaohs were subjected to wilful genetic manipulation by a technologically advanced Alien civilization – this could very well be the truth that this planet needs in confirming that designers and builders of the impressive pyramids had a very strong connection with ET beings that originated elsewhere in the universe, far far away! This could be a major game changer for the human race – although the media appear intriguingly silent about this INCREDIBLE discovery!? The Pyramids connection to the greater Universe! The most exciting thing had happened after this initial test had taken place and Eight out of nine samples had returned with rather interesting but typical results.

Mauro Biglino la Bible comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue. Entretien avec Michael Tellinger : Stones circles et Annunakis. The Cygnus Mystery. 'THE CYGNUS MYSTERY is an intellectual adventure that considers shamanism and the influence of the Cygnus constellation on the minds of our Neolithic ancestors.

The Cygnus Mystery

Andrew Collins takes readers into deepest, darkest caves in search of the sound of the universe, making a compelling case for Palaeolithic CERNs.' Jeremy Narby, anthropologist and author of The Cosmic Serpent and Intelligence in Nature This is not a book about life's origins in the Darwinian sense. It is about the origins of life much deeper in our history and consciousness - about our earliest ancestors' awareness that life, death, and evolution were connected directly to a cosmic source.

As early as Palaeolithic times, the stars of Cygnus - the ultimate expression of a widespread belief in the bird as a symbol of the soul - were seen as the gateway to heaven. In The Cygnus Mystery, Andrew Collins traces this astronomic lore back to 15,000 B.C., when Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, was the Pole Star. Cosmology Corner. Chronology of Earth History acc ETs. 22 Million B.C.

Chronology of Earth History acc ETs


MU. Derinkuyu la ville souterraine. Note utilisateur: Détails.

Derinkuyu la ville souterraine

Chronologie des Histoires Terriennes et Extraterrestres. Dieux, ciel, nefilim, sumer. Michael Tellinger - Adam's Calendar. A 75,000 year-old stone calendar - In the cradle of humankind.

Michael Tellinger - Adam's Calendar

A new discovery of an ancient circular monolithic stone calendar site in Mpumalanga has proven to be at least 75,000 years old, pre-dating any other structure found to date. Southern Africa holds some of the deepest mysteries in all of human history. What we are told is that at around 60,000 years ago the early humans migrated from Africa and populated the rest of the world. Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie - Malta Now. Your app "aaa" is set up.

Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie - Malta Now

Let's get started! Upload Files Use SFTP and SSH. Work with your developers. Install Apps Install WordPress, phpMyAdmin, and more. 17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation. Chinese Pyramid in Xianyang. Most footage of Chinese pyramids is arial. The Chinese government are very reluctant to let foreigners in to study the structures and have only once agreed to a visa for this purpose. Mysterious medicine wheels ~ two persons, unknown of each other, separated by thousand miles noticed on one morning these strange marks on their skin. They had no idea how those get there. Their common backgound is spirituality.

Credit: In July, 1944, Waldemar Julsrud, made a resounding discovery to Acambaro, Mexico. LAS PIEDRAS DE ICA PERÚ.


Un réseau européen de tunnel de l’âge de pierre qui va de Écosse à la Turquie. EGYPTIENS et ATLANTES (Ecole des mysteres de l'Oeil d'Horus) Carte de Piri Reis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Carte de Piri Reis

La carte de Piri Reis. La carte de Piri Reis restaurée. Hyperborée. MU. Atlantis. Anunnaki and Ancient Hidden Technology (MUST WATCH) Effrayante Cité de Tiwanaku - Bolivie 2013. Etruria: The Black Etruscans, Malta and the Phoenicians. New!! - Chronologically complete Black History in Europe at a glance - A Synopsis <<< Click >>> Ancient Man and His First Civilizations Etruria Italy Before continuing on with our normal history, we think it important to analyze and comment on these new developments. Roumanie, les mystères des Montagnes Bucegi. Roumanie, les mystères des Monts Bucegi I.

Daily Alternative News Desk - Ancienne civilisation. The Hidden History of the Human Race Pt2. HISTORY OF VISITORS from the COSMOS to EARTH. FR - Klaus Dona : L'Histoire cachée du genre humain. Graham Hancock's "Quest For The Lost Civilization" **FULL MOVIE**
