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Web design du jour #23 : Adam Dannaway. CHRIS BENZ. Sam & Young agency - Agence de communication Luxembourg. GRAVE. Fancy. Tracy apps design LLC. Wallpaper11-640x400.jpg (640×400) Université laval québec cartoon. Math-716557.JPG (400×213) 6306885727_19778074ed.jpg (500×500) 8217956439_3fe78893cc.jpg (500×303) Le_Chateau_Frontenac_by_vrtlmt.jpg (1500×1000) Le-chateau-frontenac--quebec-city-juergen-weiss.jpg (200×153) Chateau_frontenac_ii_by_joshonator12-d3aksym.jpg (278×200) Fotolia_41772571_XS.jpg (348×345) Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Sites Web interactifs en jQuery qui Rock! Inspiration par 25 sites. L’arrivée du jQuery en 2006 bouleversa le monde du web que l’on connait aujourd’hui.

L’utilisation des effets parallax, les centaines d’animations plus surprenantes les unes que les autres, l’utilisation de galeries « slideshow », etc., font en sorte de rendre le web plus vivant tout en gardant une rapidité d’exécution ce qui n’était pas toujours le cas avec les sites web programmés en Flash. Dans cet article, vous trouverez une superbe liste de sites web en jQuery comprenant des effets d’animation splendides utilisés en grande partie pour le système de navigation à travers les pages.

La liste de sites web suivante a été créée par le design Chris Spooner, fondateur du site web Superbes sites web avec animations jQuery CaptainDash Mustache Small Studio McCormack & Morrison Wanda Productions Socket Studios Blind Barber Dangers of Fracking thePENHOUSEPROJECT Edits Quarterly Spring/Summer Bagigia Carbure Squarefactor Inzeit Grayden Poper Second Story Interactive Studios Superlovers James Anderson. Étudier à distance - Écoles secondaires francophones de l'Ontario | Apprentissage en ligne.

Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City — Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City — Calendar. How do we make ourselves at home in the city? What does it mean to grow and harvest our own food and resourcefully and artfully make ourselves at home? These are some of the questions explored by Fritz Haeg, artist-in-residence at the Walker in association with the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden’s 25th anniversary. Haeg’s practice spans a range of disciplines—architecture, performance, design, education, gardening, and ecology—and includes projects as varied as public dances, urban parades, temporary encampments, edible gardens, videos, and publications. He often creates environments that respond to particular places, working in collaboration with local residents and groups. Through a new series of projects, the artist will work with the Twin Cities community on gardens, events, and installations that collectively reimagine our everyday relationships to the land, the home, the city, and each other.

Curators: Sarah Schultz and Eric Crosby. Design. Merging two of the ultimate pastimes—books and puzzles—the Codex Silenda has to be physically solved in order to read it. And no, these aren’t simple word games and math problems, but rather deviously complicated mechanical puzzles crafted from laser-cut wood that are embedded within each part of this 5-page book. The solution to each puzzle physically unlocks the next page. As the reader moves through the book a short story is also revealed, etched on pages opposite the puzzles. The Codex Silenda was created by industrial designer Brady Whitney who is currently funding the it as project on Kickstarter. At the moment it looks like all funding tiers involving the book have filled, quadrupling their funding goals, but maybe they’ll add additional levels soon.

(via Gizmodo) The jeweler Secret Wood (previously) has been producing even more miniature cities and landscapes, each ethereal universe living inside a resin geometric dome on top of their handmade wooden rings. PhotoSeed | Bringing to Light the Growth and Artistic Vision of 19th & 20th Century Photography. Imagination For People | Repérer et soutenir les projets sociaux créatifs. Shaping the Future - University of Westminster. Brighton - a leading professional and applied UK university. Faculté des sciences et de génie: Accueil. L'ombre de l'arbre / Shadow on the wall. Accueil - SHERPA. Tous les produits | CCDMD. UNL | Planet Red | Your UNL Social Network. Social enterprise network | Guardian Professional. Les Yeux du Monde. Unisciel | L'Université des Sciences en Ligne.

THINK Global School — THINK Global School is an IB-authorized traveling high school. Every year, our school travels to three international cities to explore, study and learn. THINK Spot. Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies. Harvard Extension School | Online Courses & Harvard Continuing Education | Boston. Community@Brighton. How Reddit Built Its Empire On 500 Bucks, Stickers, And Giving People What They Want. Back in 2005, my college friend Steve Huffman and I got $12,000 from Y Combinator and moved into an apartment in Medford, Mass.

In our wildest dreams we couldn't have imagined that now, six years later, our website, reddit, would be getting 35 million unique visitors and over 2.8 billion pageviews per month (at the time of this writing). We launched the site without any categories--just one big front page of links about anything the community wanted. Today, the community is made up of thousands of awesome subreddits, ranging from topics like cute animal photos to politics to male fashion advice. And this marvelous community of communities owes its existence to a massive advertising budget of...$500. To date that is the sum total of money that has been spent advertising reddit. Yes, stickers (pictured on the lamppost, right): the soundest investment I ever made. "Please sticker responsibly! " (Yes, that's Wil Wheaton.) Everyone talks about putting users first, and that's their problem. Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It.

Advertisement Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop?

It won’t, of course. In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The Concept Of Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte1 wrote an introductory article about the approach, “Responsive Web Design992,” for A List Apart. Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea. Adjusting Screen Resolution. Communauté de pratique des chargés de cours. 21st Century University. CDDP92 : votre partenaire pédagogique. Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare. Portail Omnivox du Cégep de Sainte-Foy. The Dieline -

Une interview de Jay Cross, l'auteur d'Informal Learning. Jay Cross, Chief Scientist à l’ Internet Time Group, est l’auteur de Informal Learning: Rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance (Apprentissage informel: A la redécouverte des voies naturelles inspirant l’innovation et la performance), publié en 2006.

J’ai demandé à Jay pourquoi il avait écrit ce livre, et il m’a répondu que peu de choses avaient été publiées au sujet de l’apprentissage informel en milieu professionnel, bien que ce soit ainsi que l’essentiel de l’apprentissage se déroule. Les chiffres ont démontré qu’environ 80% de l’apprentissage en milieu professionnel est informel, mais que peu de professionnels de la formation s’y intéressaient. L’apprentissage informel est une idée très en marge en ce qui concerne la formation et l’éducation en entreprise. Les idées développées dans le livre sont nées bien plus tôt, vers 1999, et comprenaient l’apprentissage visuel et les meilleures manières d’utiliser les représentations graphiques. Mathematics widgets for your site, blog, social network, and more!

WebMathematica: Key Advantages. Solutions in Minutes, Not Months, of Development Work webMathematica makes all of the functionality of Mathematica available for website development. This easy access to the latest high-level computational algorithms as well as to powerful data analysis, graphics, and typesetting functions means that you can concentrate on solving your problems, not on programming solutions yourself. Regardless of the size of the application you are creating, developing it in webMathematica will cut your development time and make your application more robust as well as easier to use and maintain.

Key Advantages of webMathematica for Developers Integration of Mathematica and HTML webMathematica allows a site to deliver HTML pages that are enhanced by the addition of Mathematica commands. Standard Server Technology webMathematica is based on two standard Java technologies: Java Servlet and JSP. Connection Technology Other software can readily be incorporated into webMathematica with MathLink technology. Mathematica: Technical Computing Software—Taking You from Idea to Solution. With energetic development and consistent vision for three decades, Mathematica stands alone in a huge range of dimensions, unique in its support for today's technical computing environments and workflows. A Vast System, All Integrated Mathematica has over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of technical computing—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together, and all included in the fully integrated Mathematica system.

Not Just Numbers, Not Just Math—But Everything Building on three decades of development, Mathematica excels across all areas of technical computing—including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations and much more. Unimaginable Algorithm Power Mathematica builds in unprecedentedly powerful algorithms across all areas—many of them created at Wolfram using unique development methodologies and the unique capabilities of the Wolfram Language. Higher Level Than Ever Before Superfunctions, meta-algorithms... Khan Academy. Site web & portail. Une gestion personnalisée D'un site e-commerce à une vitrine web en passant par un CMS complet, nous nous adapterons à vos besoins avec nos solutions personnalisées et sur mesure.

Lire la suite Site transactionnel Accepter des paiements en ligneVendre des biens et/ou servicesTransactions sécuritaires (SSL)Gestionnaire de contenus adapté au e-commerceAutonomie maximale (formation complète)Référencement de base ou avancéType de budget : MOYEN $$$$ + Que vous vouliez démarrer une entreprise de vente en ligne ou ajouter un revenu supplémentaire à votre entreprise existante, la vente par Internet est devenue un incontournable. Site web professionnel sur mesure Gestionnaire de contenus (CMS - Joomla)Technologies Web 2.0Autonomie maximale (formation complète)Évolution maximal du siteStatistiques du site (Google Analytics)Référencement de base ou avancéService d'hébergement, FTP et boîtes courriel (compris)Type de budget : MOYEN $$$ + Site web avec canevas pré-défini (microsite) (page perso) Productions Skipp | Alexis Melançon | Design graphique web + imprimé.

Dave Tosh on Social Networking in Education. Enseigner les Sciences, EE et EDD - Réseau social du Laboratoire de Didactique et d'Epistémologie des Sciences. Classle | Learning is Social. Leanbirds. Learn. Together. Accueil. BEEBAC CAMPUS - Le réseau social privé pour votre école. The Dream Shake - For Houston Rockets Fans. La buvette des étudiants - un réseau social de rencontres et d'entraide entre étudiants et écoles - annuaire des écoles. Obami. Formation à distance BTP / Immobilier / Aménagement / Topographie / Construction. ソーシャル・ネットワーキング サービス [mixi(ミクシィ)] ASMALLWORLD. Forgot Username / Password? Interested in Membership? » Autumn's Coming: Events to Banish post-Summer Blues by Editorial Staff The leaves on the trees are beginning to quiver, and the evening air is dipping by the day.

Ibiza: ASW's Summer Weekend on the Paradise Island Earlier this month thirty members flew into Ibiza from across the world for ASW's Summer Weekend. The Definitive Guide to London Ah London, the jewel in mighty Britannia's crown. About Us Press Advertising Mobile Website Copyright © ASMALLWORLD Holdings Inc. All rights reserved. One of the world's largest online social shopping malls connecting sellers with shoppers safely and easily - Multiply.

Dogs | Dogster. Hi5. Fotolog - Share photos. Make friends. It's easy! - Fotolog. Play Free Online Game | Free Online Games at Friendster. Your home, Cyworld. — Where Latinos & Latinas Meet to Chat, Discuss, Engage. LiveJournal : découvrez des communautés globales d'amis qui partagent les passions et les intérêts qui vous sont propres.

Carnets 2. Réseau Ferré de France. Bienvenue sur Flickr – Partage de photos. Nouvelles tendances du graphisme web. Actu du 11/07/2013 L'évolution des technologies, des services proposés sur Internet, et le passage au « web 2.0 » se sont accompagnés d'une évolution des standards du web design, une sorte de nouvelle école, probablement influencée à la fois par la simplicité et la légèreté de Google, et le look zen de Mac OS et de l'univers Apple en général. Cette nouvelle tendance graphique, dite simplement « graphisme web 2.0 » a évolué rapidement et a imposé des codes qui sont maintenant quasiment incontournables. Le web design n'a jamais été aussi bon et percutant, mais arrive paradoxalement à une limite, qu'il faudra savoir dépasser car tous les sites commencent à se ressembler, et qu'il devient de plus en plus difficile de différencier un graphisme d'un autre.

L’ambiance et l’espace Globalement, le web design va vers une simplification du contenu et de la mise en page, de façon à focaliser l'attention de l'internaute vers les éléments les plus importants. Comment créer la simplicité ? La typographie. Untitled Document. Building a social learning environment. Stone Laboratory, Explore Science and Discover Yourself.

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