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Bio-Connectivity: Gavin McIntyre at TEDxPresidio. Userfiles/file/test.pdf. Explication de la clôture végétale. Energy from biomass: the size of the global resource. A debate has been raging about the role biomass could play in the future energy system: some say it could play a major role in fuelling the planet, others argue it risks an environmental disaster.

Energy from biomass: the size of the global resource

To get to the heart of the controversy, UKERC researchers at Imperial College London have undertaken the first systematic review of the evidence base. The report, which reviews more than 90 global studies, suggests that up to one fifth of global energy could be provided by biomass (plants) without damaging food production. It finds that the main reason scientists disagree is that they make different assumptions about population, diet, and land use. A particularly important bone of contention is the speed with which productivity improvements in food and energy crop production can be rolled out. Report and supporting material Journal Articles Slade, R., Gross, R. ITALIE - Le plastique de Bio-on, obtenu avec des sous-produits de canne à sucre ou de betterave sucrière, obtient la certification de biodégradabilité complète dans l'eau. Brésil : Une nouvelle forme de bois pour remplacer le plastique. Brésil / / Amérique du sud.

Brésil : Une nouvelle forme de bois pour remplacer le plastique

Un plastique naturel. Lauréats du Prix de l’inventeur européen 2010 dans la catégorie « PME » Les chercheurs allemands Jürgen Pfitzer et Helmut Nägele de l'Institut Fraunhofer des technologies chimiques (ICT) ont inventé un matériau plastique en « bois liquide ».

Un plastique naturel

TECNARO GmbH. Membrane d'étanchéité végétale - Derbipure. DERBIPURE®: Membrane d'étanchéité végétale‬‏ Beaucoup d'espoirs reposent sur les plastiques biosourcés de deuxième génération. La biomasse représente l’une des principales alternatives à l’utilisation du pétrole dans la plasturgie.

Beaucoup d'espoirs reposent sur les plastiques biosourcés de deuxième génération

Alcimed a dressé un état des lieux du marché et a identifié les freins à son développement. Le point avec Arnaud Gabenisch, responsable du pôle économie durable dans cette société de conseil. Arnaud GabenischResponsable du pôle économie durable chez Alcimed Actu Environnement : Alcimed a réalisé pour l'Ademe une étude sur les plastiques biosourcés. Quels en étaient les contours ? Arnaud Gabenisch : Le point de départ de notre étude pourrait se résumer en une question : les plastiques biosourcés, mythe ou réalité ?

Des inquiétudes sont également émises par les industriels sur la disponibilité des ressources agricoles et sur leur origine. Les plantes, des découpleuses exeptionnelles. Suzanne Lee: Grow your own clothes. Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? Bio-adaptation of fungi to grow materials. By harnessing the evolved efficiency of nature, Ecovative is literally growing some remarkable materials and products using fungi and agricultural waste.

Bio-adaptation of fungi to grow materials

This post dives in on the thinking behind these radical ecological innovations. Ecovative uses mushroom technology to grow EcoCradle protective packaging, which is a renewable and compostable replacement for Styrofoam and other plastic foams. We use the “roots” of mushrooms, called mycelium, to glue together agricultural byproducts like oat hulls or cotton burrs into any shape.

The resulting environmentally responsible materials perform like expanded plastic, but are renewable and biodegradable. Today these sustainable Mushroom Materials are used for packaging, and tomorrow they will be used for insulation, furniture, apparel, and more. To be unsustainable is to commit a crime against the future of humanity, and the future of many lifeforms on planet Earth. Luckily we live on the most wondrous planet we’ve ever discovered. TEDxGrandRapids - Sam Harrington - Innovate: Ultra-Rapid Renewables. Ecovative design. Industrial-Strength Fungus. At an organic farm just outside Monterey, Calif., a super-eco building material is growing in dozens of darkened shipping containers.

Industrial-Strength Fungus

The farm is named Far West Fungi, and its rusting containers are full of all sorts of mushrooms--shiitake, reishi and pom-pom, to name a few. But Philip Ross, an artist, an inventor and a seriously obsessed amateur mycologist, isn't interested in the fancy caps we like to eat. What he's after are the fungi's thin, white rootlike fibers. Underground, they form a vast network called a mycelium. Far West Fungi's dirt-free hothouses pack in each mycelium so densely that it forms a mass of bright white spongy matter. Ecovative: The new plastic is made from mushrooms. Poking around in my mom’s attic recently, I was reminded that I still have the shipping box from my Macintosh SE, because the box is gigantic, and it’s great for storage.

Ecovative: The new plastic is made from mushrooms

But the equally colossal pieces of Styrofoam that protected the computer in shipping more than two decades ago are long gone, spending their next thousand-plus years in a landfill. And this is what drives Eben Bayer crazy. Surfboards to ship in compostable packaging. Fully compostable mushroom-based protective packaging will be used to ship stand-up paddle surfboards from PUMA to retailers or directly to people who order them online.

Surfboards to ship in compostable packaging

Based in Herzogenaurach, Germany, PUMA has partnered with Ecovative, a company that uses mushroom technology to make a replacement for plastic foam packaging. Fungal mycelium (the equivalent of mushroom “roots”) is grown on agricultural crop waste and is molded to form this unique packaging called EcoCradle. The PUMA boards will ship from manufacturer Clear Carbon and Components in Bristol, RI, in the EcoCradle packaging. Once the boards arrive safely at their destination, the packaging can be broken up and used as mulch, composted at home, or even used as a biodegradable beach toy.

“PUMA has a mission to become the most sustainable sport lifestyle company in the world, and partnering with a company like Ecovative brings us one step closer to this goal,” says Antonio Bertone, CMO for PUMA AG. Ecovative (ecovative) sur Twitter. Ecovative design.