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Sol / The Sun

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The Future of Our Sun. ‪Fantastic Aurora: Inside the Sun to Earth's Poles‬‏ Prepare & Fortify Power Grid for National Security - OpenDefense - by IdeaScale. Prepare & Fortify National Security: for an inevitable Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), both natural and man made are deemed likely. One man made device over the center of the USA and detonated near 100-200 miles high, will cripple the USA - coast to coast, and most of the urban areas of Canada and Mexico in an instant.

It could take decades to repair our way out of such an event. Within two days there would be no food to buy in any city, nor equipment to run a farm, nor phones, cars, trucks. The sun can be massively more powerful, and be world wide crippling event - except for the Hardened military bases and underground facilities. Fire in the Sky. © GoogleSightings of the fireball on the evening of the 31st of March 2014 25 Reports!

Fire in the Sky

Long Duration! Perhaps Meteorites??? Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-31MAR2014 John Stuttgart, Germany 2235 5sec N-S Green Very bright None Never seen anything like it 31MAR2014 Saimonas Germany , Hüttenfeld 22:34 pm 3-4 secs I was directing the W side. 31MAR2014 Richard & Ann Spence Bernstadt, Baden Württemberg, Germany 22:33 CEST 10 seconds West-East Greenish, two flaming trails, whooshing sound Bright as full moon None Faded completely. Our Misunderstood Sun. “We stand on the verge of a vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with.”

Our Misunderstood Sun

—Sir John Herschel in 1850, upon the discovery of a link between magnetic storms on Earth and sunspots, to Michael Faraday, the vaunted experimentalist who was investigating the links between electricity and magnetism. Sir John Herschel from 1846 The Year-book of Facts in Science and Art By John Timbs, London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. Incredibly, one hundred and sixty years later in the space age, Herschel’s “vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with,” of an Electric Universe, remains “on the verge.” Mistaken ideas have diverted scientists down the path of Ptolemy once more, adding endless epicycles to theory to save appearances.

Meanwhile the object central to the problem is the same and in full view. Astronomers in the Dark The Milky Way is a blazing spectacle in the southern hemisphere sky. THE SUN TODAY: 9 July 2011 - Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!‬‏ SOLARCYCLE / / Solar Cycle 24 / Spaceweather / Amateur Radio VHF Aurora Website / Sunspots / Solar Flares. The surface of the Sun:  The sun has a rigid iron surface located under the photosphere that is revealed by satellite imagery.  The solar surface sits beneath the sun's visible photosphere and is electrically active.

Solar Terrestrial Activity Report. Last major update issued on April 11, 2014 at 05:25 UTC.

Solar Terrestrial Activity Report

[Solar and geomagnetic data - last month (updated daily)] [Solar wind and electron fluence charts (updated daily)] [Solar cycles 23-24 (last update April 1, 2014)] [Cycle 24 progress (last update April 1, 2014) ] [Solar cycles 1-20] [Graphical comparison of cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24 (last update April 1, 2014)] [Graphical comparison of cycles 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 24 (last update April 1, 2014)] [Historical solar and geomagnetic data charts 1954-2006 (last update April 5, 2007)] [Archived reports since January 2003 (last update April 2, 2014)] [POES auroral activity level October 2009 - December 2012][Solar polar fields vs solar cycles - updated March 16, 2014] [Presentation 3rd SSN Workshop, Tucson, 2013 (pdf)] Recent activity The geomagnetic field was inactive on April 10.

The Universe - Dark Future of the Sun - History Channel. THE SUN TODAY: 6 September 2011 - YET MORE M FLARES. THE SUN TODAY: 31 August 2011 - A bad case of measles! THE SUNDAY TODAY: 2 September 2011 - Time Warp. C2H2 - Simulations of Specific Events. In order to get a better understanding of coronal mass ejection (CME) events that occur on the Sun, C2H2 researchers create numerical simulations to model real CMEs observed by satellites.

Reproducing observed results through simulations helps explain and constrain the underlying physics, boundary conditions, and processes behind a CME’s creation and evolution. To illustrate how numerical simulations are carried out, we describe a case in which a series of CMEs was modeled by C2H2 researchers. BREAKING NEWS: X Flare!!! THE SUN TODAY: 7 September 2011 - X2.1 FLARE. Space Weather Warnings Currently in Effect. NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center Space Weather Alerts Alerts/Displays - Archive - Help Space Weather Alerts Timelines Alerts and Warnings Timeline Alerts issued in the past 7 days, ending with today.Warnings Currently in Effect (this page) 7 day plot centered on today showing past 3 days and next 3 days.Alerts Timeline Archives Timelines of Alerts issued since February 2002.

Space Weather Warnings Currently in Effect

A Table of SWPC Alerts and Warnings and Descriptions of SWPC Alerts with helpful user information are online. Also available are NOAA Scales description, Sample Alerts and Keyword / Value definitions. ‪The day the Sun Changed‬‏ Solar tornado 5 times the size of Earth pictured on sun's surface. By Rob Waugh Published: 23:02 GMT, 27 March 2012 | Updated: 08:59 GMT, 30 March 2012 A huge tornado five times the size of Earth erupted on the sun's surface, with superheated gases whirling at more than 100,000 miles per hour.

Solar tornado 5 times the size of Earth pictured on sun's surface

The tornado is up to two MILLION degrees centigrade. Dr. Huw Morgan, co-discover of the solar tornado, adds, ‘This unique and spectacular tornado must play a role in triggering global solar storms.’ Scroll down for video Superheated gases as hot as 50,000 to 2,000,000 Kelvin were sucked from the root of a dense structure called a prominence, spiralling up into the high atmosphere ‘This is perhaps the first time that such a huge solar tornado is filmed by an imager,’ says Dr.

Superheated gases as hot as 50,000 to 2,000,000 Kelvin were sucked from the root of a dense structure called a prominence, and spiral up into the high atmosphere and travel about 200,000 kilometres for at least three hours. SWIM Test 862011 315 39‬‏ iSWACygnetStreamer (Image GIF, 960x600 pixels) 'Melt-through' at Fukushima? / Govt report to IAEA suggests situation worse than meltdown.

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States. (NaturalNews) Coca leaves have been chewed and consumed as tea for thousands of years in the high Andes.

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States

They are rich in many essential nutrients; they ease respiratory and digestive distress and are a natural stimulant and painkiller. Indigenous tradition and scientific studies have both confirmed that in their natural form, the leaves are completely safe and non-addictive -- it takes intensive processing and toxic chemical ingredients to produce cocaine. That's why more and more coca-containing products have started to hit the market in Andean countries in the past few years.

Yet the United States still aggressively pursues an eradication policy that encourages Andean governments to spray their forests with toxic chemicals to eliminate this medicinal crop. It is illegal to import or possess the leaves under U.S. law -- unless you're the Coca-Cola company. (Coca-Cola, by the way, used to literally contain cocaine in its original formula. As the New York Times published in 1988 ( P.S.

M.A. Vukcevic: Earthquakes and Geomagnetic Storms « tallbloke's talkshop. Posted: March 17, 2011 by Rog Tallbloke in Astrophysics, climate, Energy, solar system dynamics Regular contributor M.A.

M.A. Vukcevic: Earthquakes and Geomagnetic Storms « tallbloke's talkshop

Vukcevic has kindly given permission to reproduce some ongoing research which will be of interest to people learning about earthquakes and their precursor indicators. Vukcevic states:“the tb’s talkshop does not take any responsibility either for statements or data presented. Please note that there are number of the geomag parameters which I have not labelled, in case I decide they are no longer relevant, or if pattern does hold for some time I might be able to publish results.” EARTHQUAKES AND GEOMAGNETIC STORMS This is an ongoing ‘live’ project (started on 02/03/2011, prompted by the N. Scientists have been tracking and studying substorms for more than a century, yet these phenomena remained mostly unknown until THEMIS went into action.

It is likely that in the electrical terms any tectonic fault is also the weakest point. Click graphs for full size images. What the #$*! is all this about - Earth in Danger. The "Solar Flare" is an explosive release of energy (both electromagnetic and charged particles) within a relatively small (but greater than earth-sized) region of the solar atmosphere.

What the #$*! is all this about - Earth in Danger

Solar flares happen 150 million kilometres (93 million miles) away from Earth but can damage satellites and interfere with terrestrial communications and power supplies. Solar Wind The thermal energy of ionized coronal gas is so great that Sun's gravitational field cannot retain the gas in a confined static atmosphere. Instead, there is a continuous, near-radial, outflow of charged particles into interplanetary space, called solar wind. This highly tenuous plasma carrying mass and angular momentum away from the Sun.

That flow comes to the Earth with a supersonic velocity - at about 400 km/s, but the its concentration is too low - few particles per cm3 . Solar wind is the ongoing process of particles flowing from the surface of the Sun. C2H2 - Simulations of Specific Events. THE 12 DAYS OF ELENIN. THE SUN TODAY: 5 September 2011 - FIREWORKS ON THE SUN. THE SUN TODAY: 28 August 2011 - A Beautiful CME. THE SUN TODAY: 3 September 2011 - 450 km/s CME. The life of Our Sun. NASA: Huge solar flare may disrupt power and communications. By Agence France-PresseTuesday, June 7, 2011 18:13 EDT WASHINGTON — An unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory on Tuesday could cause some disruptions to satellite communications and power on Earth over the next day or so, officials said.

NASA: Huge solar flare may disrupt power and communications

The potent blast from the Sun unleashed a firestorm of radiation on a level not witnessed since 2006, and will likely lead to moderate geomagnetic storm activity by Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service. “This one was rather dramatic,” said Bill Murtagh, program coordinator at the NWS’s Space Weather Prediction Center, describing the M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare that peaked at 1:41 am Eastern time in the United States, or 0541 GMT. “We saw the initial flare occurring and it wasn’t that big but then the eruption associated with it — we got energy particle radiation flowing in and we got a big coronal mass injection,” he said. “You can see all the materials blasting up from the Sun so it is quite fantastic to look at.” Solar Dynamics Observatory. Space storm caught slamming into Earth's atmosphere‬‏ Electron.gif (640×480) SOHO Latest Sun Movie - Massive Earth Facing Solar Flares-CME'S - 06-06-2011‬‏

Time Machine. A METEOR SHOWER IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: The annual Arietid meteor shower peaks this week on June 7th and 8th.

Time Machine

The Arietids are unusual because they are daytime meteors; the shower is most intense after sunrise. People who wake up early might notice a small number of Arietids during the dark hours before dawn. The real action, however, occurs in broad daylight. Tune into the meteor radar for echoes.


Solar Cycles. The Sun - Articles. Solar Storms & Flares. Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission. Images. Sun: Rise, set times, solar eclipse dates, sun facts. Solar flares online — September 06, 2011. Physics - Michael Gmirkin. Amateur Radio World-Wide - NW7US - HAM Radio on LF, MW, HF, VHF, and higher. SOHO Helioviewer New APP - Solar Storms -Sunspots - Flares - Somersaulting CME!‬‏ And Now the Sun! - Huge Earth Facing CME'S-Flares - 05-06-2011 - Magnetosphere going Crazee!‬‏ G2-Geomagnetic Storm / Solar Watch June 5, 2011‬‏ Coronal Topology and CMEs. Roussev et al., Coronal Mass Ejections and GeV Protons.

iNtegrated Space Weather Analysis System ( iSWA ) : iswax : Version 1.9.4 [Wormhole] Solar Influences Data Analysis Center - Homepage. 3-day-forecast of solar and geomagnetic activity. Archive Latest issue :Issued: 2014 Apr 11 1240 UTC :Product: documentation at #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # DAILY BULLETIN ON SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY from the SIDC # # (RWC Belgium) # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# SIDC URSIGRAM 40411 SIDC SOLAR BULLETIN 11 Apr 2014, 1204UT SIDC FORECAST (valid from 1230UT, 11 Apr 2014 until 13 Apr 2014) SOLAR FLARES : Active (M-class flares expected, probability >=50%) GEOMAGNETISM : Active conditions expected (A>=20 or K=4) SOLAR PROTONS : Quiet PREDICTIONS FOR 11 Apr 2014 10CM FLUX: 145 / AP: 010 PREDICTIONS FOR 12 Apr 2014 10CM FLUX: 155 / AP: 016 PREDICTIONS FOR 13 Apr 2014 10CM FLUX: 160 / AP: 008 COMMENT: Solar activity has risen significantly during the past 24 hours and seven C-class flares were produced.

Most of the flares were originating from the East limb near 15 degrees south. Solar prominences.