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Marine feed. Food waste. Enhanced food. Food preservation. Food fads. Food contamination. Insects. Shell shocker: French oysters hit as mystery killer spreads - Nature - Environment. The rise of the protein drinks for ordinary people. 6 June 2013Last updated at 10:24 ET By Duncan Walker BBC News Magazine Protein products are increasingly being marketed in supermarkets to ordinary people.

The rise of the protein drinks for ordinary people

Do they serve any real purpose for non-athletes? The "sport-related" protein product sector is booming. UK farmers face disaster as 'perfect storm' strikes. How Food Porn Is Made. Mask Africa Renewable Energy Food Security News Mask Africa Mask-Africa: Food Security. Food security through 'alternative agriculture' Crab's Metabolism May be Affected by Noise Pollution. Potatoes could boost water supplies. Figures show 2012 was 'toughest year' for dairy - 5/14/2013. Media Centre: No green economy without blue economy, says FAO. Sustainability, nutrition, among priorities in the Pacific, says FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. 12 April 2013, Apia, Samoa/Rome – Efforts to end hunger and fight the effects of climate change in the Pacific Islands will hinge on the success of sustainable development, including wise use of oceans and fisheries, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva told ministers from the region today.

Media Centre: No green economy without blue economy, says FAO

“There can be no truly ‘green economy’ without a ‘blue economy’, one that makes the sustainable development of oceans and fishery resources a priority,” Graziano da Silva said. “The importance of capture fisheries and aquaculture cannot be neglected. They provide over 3 billion people with about 15 percent of their average per capita intake of animal protein. And these two activities contribute over 200 million jobs globally,” India's rice revolution. Incredible Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Rises Above New Zealand. We first showcased this incredible treehouse restaurant years ago while it was still in its design phase, and now we're thrilled to bring you pictures of the completed structure!

Incredible Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Rises Above New Zealand

The Redwoods Treehouse near Auckland, New Zealand is a wonderland of cocoons and walkways built in a redwood forest out of sustainably-harvested pine and poplar slats and locally-milled redwood balustrading. Natural light shines through the slats into the restaurant interior located 40 meters above the ground. London bee numbers 'could be too high' 12 October 2012Last updated at 06:58 ET Inmidtown said its scheme had led to a 40% increase in honey produced There may be too many bees in the capital, the London Beekeepers Association (LBKA) has said.

London bee numbers 'could be too high'

Fast food workers protest low wages, movement catches fire. NEW YORK - Low-wage workers with the help of community groups and labor unions are sending a message to the fast food industry Nov. 29, "We can't live on minimum wages and we won't be intimidated.

Fast food workers protest low wages, movement catches fire

" Fast food workers were the latest to take action for dignity and better wages, joining a movement of Walmart retail and warehouse workers, office cleaners and janitors who say, "Stand up! Join together for a better life. " The Really Slow Food Movement. In 1475, the Duke of Bavaria and Princess Hedwig of Jadwiga got married.

The Really Slow Food Movement

It was the celebrity wedding of the century, with days of dancing, music, and jousting, all paid for by the extremely wealthy groom. But the real sign of the Duke’s prodigious wealth was on the celebration’s menu: his army of cooks had used 386 pounds of pepper, 286 pounds of ginger, 257 pounds of saffron, and 205 pounds of cinnamon making the wedding feast. The Duke hadn’t earned the nickname “George the Rich” for nothing.

Spices in medieval European life were luxuries, highly sought-after whiffs of exotic lands. Following the lead of high society, common tastes began to incorporate these flavors into dishes for special occasions. Avocados Linked to Better Diet Quality. Break out that guacamole!

Avocados Linked to Better Diet Quality

New data suggests avocado consumption may be associated with better diet quality! Avocados, also known as the alligator pear for their shape, green skin and rough texture can be found in dishes all around the world. From adding them to dips, spreads, salads and sandwiches, avocados not only add to the flavor of your meal, but carry multiple health benefits as well. According to the new analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, avocado consumption is associated with improved overall diet quality, nutrient intake, and reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. The health benefits of avocados have been publicly known as they contain monounsaturated fatty acids (what some call the "good" type of fat), dietary fiber, and essential nutrients.

Obesity May Have A Biological Trigger - Health News. January 6, 2013 redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online While experts have long touted proper diet and exercise as ways to stay slim and trim, an international team of researchers have discovered a biological trigger that could pave the way for new way to help overweight individuals overcome their obesity.

Obesity May Have A Biological Trigger - Health News

“In many cases, obesity is caused by more than just overeating and a lack of exercise. Something in the body goes haywire, causing it to store more fat and burn less energy,” researchers from the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute explained in a recent statement. The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food. ‎ Rise of the dark store feeds the online shoppers. Greening the supply chain. Chicago’s urban farm district could be the biggest in the nation. Chicago’s Black Belt area, on the historic South Side, was once a hub for jazz, blues, and literature, but today is riddled with vacant lots, poverty, and blight.

Chicago’s urban farm district could be the biggest in the nation

Now, a new plan envisions the area as a thriving urban farm district. In the coming weeks, the city’s planning department is expected to approve the creation of a green belt with a strong focus on urban agriculture within the neighborhood of Englewood. The plan is an element of Chicago’s Department of Housing and Economic Development’s (DHE) Green Healthy Neighborhoods initiative, designed to shepherd and foster redevelopment in 13 square miles of the South Side.

Years of disinvestment and population decline have left the area riddled with 11,000 vacant lots totaling 800 acres. Swedish design student wins Electrolux Design Lab 2009 with his concept “Cocoon”24 September 2009. Rickard Hederstierna from Lund University in Sweden is the winner of the Electrolux Design Lab 2009 competition for inventing Cocoon.

Swedish design student wins Electrolux Design Lab 2009 with his concept “Cocoon”24 September 2009

The winner was announced at finals in London on September 24, at 100% Design London, the UK’s leading architecture and design event. Londons Restaurant Trends plus Food Trends and Menu Trends 2013. Whey! The Downside to the Greek Yogurt Explosion. Trends in Food Science & Technology - Food Layered Manufacture: A new process for constructing solid foods. Additive Manufacturing is a digitally-controlled, robotic construction process which builds up complex solid forms layer by layer, applying phase transitions or chemical reactions to fuse layers together.

Examples that utilise food materials (Food Layered Manufacture; FLM) are emerging in the public domain. UK sustainable palm oil statement ‘not really a commitment’: RSPO. A UK government statement drawing together new and existing pledges on sustainable palm oil falls short of a real commitment to sustainable sourcing, according to the president of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Dr Jan Kees Vis.