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10 Things That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science. I would love to be happier, as I’m sure most people would, so I thought it would be interesting to find some ways to become a happier person that are actually backed up by science.

10 Things That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science

Here are ten of the best ones I found. 1. Exercise more – 7 minutes might be enough You might have seen some talk recently about the scientific 7 minute workout mentioned in The New York Times. So if you thought exercise was something you didn’t have time for, maybe you can fit it in after all. Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness and well-being that it’s actually been proven to be an effective strategy for overcoming depression. The groups were then tested six months later to assess their relapse rate. You don’t have to be depressed to gain benefit from exercise, though. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people who exercised felt better about their bodies, even when they saw no physical changes: 2. 3. 4. I love the way Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert explains it: 5. Extended Wakefulness: Compromised Metabolics in and Degeneration of Locus Ceruleus Neurons.

Jing Zhang1, Yan Zhu2, Guanxia Zhan2, Polina Fenik2, Lori Panossian2, Maxime M.

Extended Wakefulness: Compromised Metabolics in and Degeneration of Locus Ceruleus Neurons

Wang2, Shayla Reid2, David Lai2, James G. Davis3,4, Joseph A. Baur3,4, and Sigrid Veasey2. Numéro gratuit du Journal of neuropsychology. (112) Researchers Model a Key Breaking Point Involved... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Muscle-controlling Neurons Know When They Mess... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. (98) Research reveals first glimpse of a brain... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. (100) A sparse memory is a precise memory Particular... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Imaging Dynamic Molecular Signaling by the Cdc42 GTPase within the Developing CNS. Protein interactions underlie the complexity of neuronal function.

Imaging Dynamic Molecular Signaling by the Cdc42 GTPase within the Developing CNS

Potential interactions between specific proteins in the brain are predicted from assays based on genetic interaction and/or biochemistry. Genetic interaction reveals endogenous, but not necessarily direct, interactions between the proteins. Biochemistry-based assays, on the other hand, demonstrate direct interactions between proteins, but often outside their native environment or without a subcellular context. We aimed to achieve the best of both approaches by visualizing protein interaction directly within the brain of a live animal. Here, we show a proof-of-principle experiment in which the Cdc42 GTPase associates with its alleged partner WASp within neurons during the time and space that coincide with the newly developing CNS. RÊVES: Pourquoi certains s’en souviennent, d’autres pas. RÊVES: Pourquoi certains s’en souviennent, d’autres pas Actualité publiée le 18-02-2014 Inserm et Neuropsychopharmacology.

RÊVES: Pourquoi certains s’en souviennent, d’autres pas

Toxin from Brain Cells Triggers Neuron Loss in... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. (169) New genetic mutations shed light on... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Comment etudie-t-on le sommeil. Comment étudie-t-on le sommeil ?

Comment etudie-t-on le sommeil

Savez-vous pourquoi et comment vous dormez ? Savez-vous combien de temps chaque nuit vous dormez profondément, vous rêvez, à quel moments et pourquoi vous vous agitez, à quel rythme se produisent vos alternances de sommeil lent et de sommeil paradoxal, pourquoi au moment de vous endormir, vous avez froid, et vous vous réveillez en ayant chaud, pourquoi le "coup de pompe" de onze heures du matin, ou l'envie de sieste de début d'après-midi ? Seriez-vous capables de dire de combien d'heures de sommeil vous avez besoin pour être en forme, et à combien de cycles nocturnes, et surtout à des cycles de quelle durée cela correspond ? Quelle est votre heure "naturelle", physiologique, d'endormissement et quels en sont les signes d'approche ?

Il est frappant de découvrir que l'information sur le sommeil dans notre société est nulle. Inside the Letterbox: How Literacy Transforms the Human Brain. Editor’s note: Few issues are as important to the future of humanity as acquiring literacy.

Inside the Letterbox: How Literacy Transforms the Human Brain

Brain-scanning technology and cognitive tests on a variety of subjects by one of the world’s foremost cognitive neuroscientists has led to a better understanding of how a region of the brain responds to visual stimuli. The results could profoundly affect learning and help individuals with reading disabilities Although I find the diversity of the world’s writing systems bewildering, there is a striking regularity that remains hidden. Neuron - Dissociable Effects of Dopamine and Serotonin on Reversal Learning. Figure 1 Probabilistic Reversal Learning Paradigm.

Neuron - Dissociable Effects of Dopamine and Serotonin on Reversal Learning

New light shed on learning disorders. The dynamics of neuronal migration. [Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014. Cortical colouring in: what does your brain do... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Survival Science: Hunting M&Ms Candies. Key concepts Animals Predators Prey Camouflage Introduction Have you ever wondered how predators such as wolves, lions and hawks are able to find their prey?

Survival Science: Hunting M&Ms Candies

And what can an animal do to keep from being a predator's dinner? To survive, some animals use camouflage so they can better blend in with their surroundings. In this science activity you'll be the hungry predator and you'll hunt for different colored candies. But it may not be as easy as it sounds—some of your prey will be camouflaged by their habitats. Background Nature can be brutal. A common way that animals can avoid being eaten by a predator is by using an adaptation called camouflage, which is a set of colorings or markings on an animal that help it to blend in with its surroundings, or habitat, and prevent it from being recognized as potential prey. Preparation • Count and place 10 M&Ms of each color into a plastic bag.

Neurobiologie et éducation : conférence du Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther (VOSTFR) Article - Le langage des neurones. Les synapses sont des connexions entre deux neurones. Elles régulent la circulation des informations dans le cerveau. Kenn Brown, Mondolithic Studios L'essentiel. A la naissance, le cerveau subirait une "initialisation" Après la naissance, des cartes neuronales apparaissent en quelques heures dans le cerveau d’un rat.

A la naissance, le cerveau subirait une "initialisation"

Les mailles définissent des unités de traitement de l’information qu’on appelle des colonnes corticales. Chaque îlôt est relié à une moustache du rat, et lui permet de sentir son environnement. Pour en savoir plus T. Toda et al., Birth Regulates the Initiation of Sensory Map Formation through Serotonin Signaling, in Developmental Cell, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 32-46, 2013 L'auteur. NEURO: La lumière favorise les performances cognitives. NEURO: La lumière favorise les performances cognitives Actualité publiée le 30-10-2013 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience La lumière stimule l'activité cérébrale pendant une tâche cognitive, même chez des personnes totalement aveugles, conclut cette étude menée par des chercheurs de l'Université de Montréal et du Brigham and Women's Hospital de Boston.

NEURO: La lumière favorise les performances cognitives

Conclusions publiées dans le Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Lève-tôt et couche-tard diffèrent dans leurs attitudes par rapport au présent et au futur. La préférence à être lève-tôt ou couche-tard, appelée chronotype, est liée à différentes orientations et attitudes par rapport au présent et au futur (perspectives temporelles), selon une étude publiée dans la revue Biological Rhythm Research. Les gens du matin ont tendance à se réveiller et se coucher tôt et à être plus productifs en début de journée. Ceux du soir ont tendance à se réveiller plus tard, à démarrer plus lentement et à être à leur meilleur dans la soirée. La plupart des gens se situent entre les deux. Alors que des facteurs biologiques et génétiques peuvent être en cause, la présente étude met en évidence un facteur psychologique. Tout savoir sur les différents types de mémoire. Par Béatrice Risso. Pour en savoir plus sur 100 idées pour développer la mémoire des enfants cliquez ici.

La mémoire est la fonction qui nous permet de conserver et de rappeler consciemment des choses apprises ou vécues. Mais il n’existe pas une mémoire mais des mémoires. DÉVELOPPEMENT: Peu ou beaucoup? Le bébé a déjà ses compétences en maths. DÉVELOPPEMENT: Peu ou beaucoup? Le bébé a déjà ses compétences en maths Actualité publiée le 28-10-2013. Nurturing may protect kids from brain changes... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. New Theory of Synapse Formation in the Brain... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Two forms of Parkinson’s disease identified... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Changes in Sensitivity of Reward and Motor Behavior to Dopaminergic, Glutamatergic, and Cholinergic Drugs in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome.

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a leading cause of intellectual disability. FXS is caused by loss of function of the FMR1 gene, and mice in which Fmr1 has been inactivated have been used extensively as a preclinical model for FXS. We investigated the behavioral pharmacology of drugs acting through dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and cholinergic systems in fragile X (Fmr1-/Y) mice with intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) and locomotor activity measurements. We also measured brain expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine biosynthesis. Fmr1-/Y mice were more sensitive than wild type mice to the rewarding effects of cocaine, but less sensitive to its locomotor stimulating effects. Anhedonic but not motor depressant effects of the atypical neuroleptic, aripiprazole, were reduced in Fmr1-/Y mice.

Figures Editor: Ryan K Bachtell, University of Colorado, United States of America Received: May 20, 2013; Accepted: September 5, 2013; Published: October 18, 2013 Methods. Epilepsy opens a new window into brain function. Arguably one of the greatest contributions to modern day neuroscience was made in 1953 by Henry Molaison, a 27-year-old man who suffered from debilitating epilepsy.

The summer of that year, a surgeon in Hartford, Conn., removed two slivers of Molaison's brain, an attempt to quell the seizures. The seizures subsided, but Molaison was left lacking the ability to record new memories, a case of severe anterograde amnesia that revolutionized our understanding of how memory works and helped establish the science of it.

Epilepsy and patients like Molaison have frequently been at the center of breakthroughs in understanding the mysteries of the brain. Zinc discovery may shed light on Parkinson’s,... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Le modèle du Cerveau dans la main de Daniel Siegel, démonstration faite par Nadine Gaudin. Que nous apprennent les neurosciences sur les états modifiés de conscience ?


Early success in new treatment for stroke recovery. Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas have taken a step toward developing a new treatment to aid the recovery of limb function after strokes. In a study published online in the journal Neurobiology of Disease, researchers report the full recovery of forelimb strength in animals receiving vagus nerve stimulation. "Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide," said Dr. Navid Khodaparast, a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and lead author of the study. "Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke. Researchers identify the neural circuits that modulate REM sleep.

A team of scientists led by Dr. Antoine Adamantidis, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and an assistant professor at McGill University, has released the findings from their latest study, which will appear in the October issue of the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience. Previous studies had established an association between the activity of certain types of neurons and the phase of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement). Researchers on the team of Dr. Antoine Adamantidis identified, for the first time, a precise causal link between neuronal activity in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and the state of REM sleep. VERTIGE chronique: La danse démontre que le cerveau sait s’adapter.

VERTIGE chronique: La danse démontre que le cerveau sait s’adapter Actualité publiée le 29-09-2013 Cerebral Cortex Si une personne sur 4 sera confrontée au vertige à un moment de sa vie, certaines personnes éprouvent un vertige chronique dans certaines situations courantes comme lors d’un changement de position. Online time can hobble brain's important work. While you are browsing online, you could be squandering memories -- or losing important information. Contrary to common wisdom, an idle brain is in fact doing important work -- and in the age of constant information overload, it's a good idea to go offline on a regular basis, says a researcher from Stockholm's KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Erik Fransén, whose research focuses on short-term memory and ways to treat diseased neurons, says that a brain exposed to a typical session of social media browsing can easily become hobbled by information overload.

Les capacités d'introspection (ou métacognition) liées à une région du cerveau. Certaines lésions cérébrales résultants de traumatismes ou d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux ainsi que certaines maladies éliminent des aspects de la capacité de réflexion sur soi-même (par ex., les personnes atteintes de schizophrénie qui ne sont pas conscientes d'être malades). Ces travaux constituent une étape importante pour mieux comprendre ces maladies. 28e Congrès de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation - Reims, 17-19 octobre 2013.

Président : Pr Olivier GODEFROYModérateurs : Pr Xavier DE BOISSEZON, Mme Fabienne COLLETTE Cette année, la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF) s’est associée à la SOFMER pour proposer 3 sessions thématiques sur les Fonctions Exécutives et leurs dysfonctionnements. Cette première partie traite des bases fondamentales qu’il est bon de connaître afin de mieux comprendre les différentes évaluations et prises en charge qui peuvent être proposées aux patients. Ces dernières années, les progrès de l’imagerie cérébrale, tant anatomique que fonctionnelle, ont amené à redécouvrir l’anatomie des lobes frontaux et du système exécutif. (57) Do glial connectomes and activity maps make any... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Vision: 5 bonnes raisons de faire contrôler la vue de votre enfant ! (S.2) - Santé.

3. En cas d'antécédents familiaux A 4 ans, 1 enfant sur 7 souffre d'une anomalie visuelle comme la myopie ou l'astigmatisme, qui peuvent avoir des origines héréditaires. NEURO: Un jeu vidéo inverse le déclin cognitif. NEURO: Un jeu vidéo inverse le déclin cognitif Actualité publiée le 10-09-2013 Nature. Single tone alerts brain to complete sound pattern. The processing of sound in the brain is more advanced than previously thought. When we hear a tone, our brain temporarily strengthens that tone but also any tones separated from it by one or more octaves.

A research team from Utrecht and Nijmegen published an article on the subject in the journal PNAS on 2 September. We hear with our brain. NEURO: Un hublot pour voir dans le cerveau. BLRI. The effect of violent video games on aggression: Is it more than just the violence? First pre-clinical gene therapy study to reverse Rett symptoms.

Developmental trajectories of grey and white matter in dyscalculia. Abnormal functional lateralization and activity of language brain areas in typical specific language impairment (developmental dysphasia) Crucial brain-signaling molecule requires coordinated motion to turn on: Study could help yield new drugs for brain disorders. Key signal discovered that guides brain development. Le "gène interrupteur" Comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau pour mieux enseigner. Conférence de Philippe van den Bosch (UCL) sur les fonctions cérébrales : Sculpter son cerveau ! (2) Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences.

Erreurs grammaticales : le cerveau les détecte à notre insu. Médiathèque - Videos - Dossiers - Neurospin, le cerveau en action. Mayer (2009). théorie de l'apprentissage multimédia - les douzes principes. Prevailing view of how the brain is wired overturned? What We Can See And Hear Is Affected By Imagination. Vision And Hearing Work Together In The Brain To Help Us Catch A Moving Target. Quand la musique active la chimie du cerveau. Lire vos émotions dans votre cerveau. Molecular Psychiatry - Childhood cognitive ability accounts for associations between cognitive ability and brain cortical thickness in old age.

Génétique : Des réseaux de gènes impliqués dans des processus biologiques interdépendants expliqueraient près de 50 % des cas d’autisme. Geniculocortical Input Drives Genetic Distinctions Between Primary and Higher-Order Visual Areas. (32) Scientists discover previously unknown... - Neuroscience Library/Bibliothèque des Neurosciences. Samedi-sciences (93): la première carte du cerveau à l'échelle des neurones. Study Validates Maps Of The Brain's Resting State. Scientists Create A Way To See Structures That Store Memories In A Living Brain.

Scientists discover previously unknown requirement for brain development: Brain requires thalamic input as well as genetics. Solitary mutation destroys key 'window' of brain development. Fiber-optic pen helps see inside brains of children with learning disabilities. Fiber-optic pen helps see inside brains of children with learning disabilities. Conférence : psychologie et neurosciences des interactions avec autrui. Is It Possible To Think Without Language? Comment adapter vos méthodes de révision au fonctionnement de votre cerveau. Teacher collaboration, professional communities improve many elementary school students' math scores. Scientists map process by which brain cells form long-term memories.