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Chess Game Strategies, From Beginner To Better. On the surface, the game of Chess appears to be so simple, it should be easy to make a list and rank a few good strategies from good to best, right?

Chess Game Strategies, From Beginner To Better

Afterall, it's just a game of 64 squares and two players, each with just 16 pieces. But, if you've played long enough to learn just ONE of the many chess strategies - even if it's just an Opening, you'll soon realize it's not so simple to nail down a single, perfect strategy, as each new opponent has his/her own ideas of how to set up to counter your advance... One player may studiously mimic your moves - either because it's their game strategy, or because they haven't got a clue of what they're up to and are just trying to learn by taking your lead, then seeing what may develop. It's likely dawned on you already that trying to rely on a single chess strategy is a flawed game plan and that the best strategy is to be able to call upon multiple strategies as the situations present themselves.

1.16.14 Meet the "Mozart of Chess": World Chess Champ Magnus Carlsen, in conversation w/ Peter Thiel. The Best Game Ever Played! - GM Jesse Kraai. Lecture with GM Robert Hungaski (Hungaski vs. Kryvoruchko) - 2014.05.28. Chess for Beginners with GM Ben Finegold (King and Pawn Endgames) - 2014.06.01. World Chess Champion Or Entrepreneur?

STREET KNIGHTS: Money Chess Life. Dirty chess tricks to win fast 3 (Tennison Gambit) Kasparov Karpov Lyon 1990 World Chess Championships FULL Documentary. Bobby Fischer - Anything to Win (Biography) FULL. Chess Builds Better Brains: 18 of the Best iOS Chess Apps to Improve Your Game (And Your Mind) I love chess.

Chess Builds Better Brains: 18 of the Best iOS Chess Apps to Improve Your Game (And Your Mind)

I love what the game does for the brain. Chess isn’t a game for smart people… chess makes you smart. The cerebral battle over the checkered board develops mental acuity and whole-brain thinking . It just takes a little bit of study and a whole lot of practice. Only a chess player knows the bone-deep thrill of coming up with an astonishing move after a long, deep analysis. Chess encourages both logical deduction and creativity, both narrow analysis and the synthesis of multiple variables into an elegant solution. There are numerous studies which show the strong correlation between mental agility and chess. The idevices love education. The apps which follow can each assist everyone from novices to aspiring masters in honing and developing their chess playing abilities.

Click on the hyperlink in each title for more. How to Eliminate Blunders? Professional Opening preparation by GM Igor Smirnov. Lecture with GM Yasser Seirawan (The English. Chess Arena - Play Online Chess. Using Data to Improve Your Chess. Using Data to Improve Your Chess When I was 16, I went on a hiatus from competitive chess.

Using Data to Improve Your Chess

Although I would occasionally play in tournaments for fun and out of habit, I stopped actively training and sure enough plunged in the rankings. But by early 2012, I had grown frustrated with losing and was ready to come back. I spent all of January studying and playing training games, and I registered for a four round tournament in early February.

As is typical in Swiss paired tournaments, the first round was heavily mismatched, and I quickly dispatched a lower rated opponent. The third round was a quick win with white against another fairly strong opponent. [Event "February G/45 Championship"] [Date "2/11/2012"] [White "Gautam Narula (1859)"] [Black "Sanjay Ghatti (1787)"] [Result "1-0"] 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3 Nc6 5. c3 Nf6 6. h3 e6 7. I was 2.5/3 moving into the final round, and winning this game would assure me first place in the tournament. Using Data to Improve Your Chess. Notification : stratégie - filtrage des URL. The fact that you spend more time on one move than another, or in one phase of the game, or in certain positions can sometimes be an indication of gaps in your knowledge or playing technique.

Notification : stratégie - filtrage des URL

A compilation of these records over time can give you an idea where you might be failing 2 - During the game create code signs on your score sheet to point out the critical moments of the game. As the game changed phases, were you disoriented in the position? Did you overlook a tactic? These are all critical times. 3 - Immediately after the game, write down what you remember from the game. Write down what went through your head during the game, the reasons for your decisions, all the plans and calculations that you did. How to Get Good at Chess, Fast.

Edit: This article on chess improvement was unexpectedly popular, reaching #2 on Hacker News and being linked to on LifeHacker.

How to Get Good at Chess, Fast

Thanks for your patience as I work through all the comments and emails I receive. Last updated: July 27, 2017. Memorization - Memorizing the board - Chess Stack Exchange. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list.

memorization - Memorizing the board - Chess Stack Exchange

Chess Games Database & Community. The chess games of Sergey Karjakin. IM (2001); GM (2002); World Rapid Champion (2012-13); Candidate (2014).

The chess games of Sergey Karjakin

Karjakin was born in Simferopol, Kramatorsk in Ukraine and learned to play chess when he was five years old. On 20 August 2002, at the international tournament in Sudak, he shocked the chess world by fulfilling his third and final GM norm, making him the youngest grandmaster in chess history, at the age of 12 years and 7 months (a record that still stands). At 11 years and 11 months, he had also been the youngest ever to acquire the IM title. While still 11 years old, Sergey Karjakin was one of the seconds for Ruslan Ponomariov during his world championship match against Vassily Ivanchuk in 2002.

At age fourteen he defeated the then reigning world champion, Vladimir Kramnik during the 2004 Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting, in a blitz game (ten minutes for the entire game, plus five seconds per move). Football players taking chess lessons. PAOK FC Academy from Thessaloniki, Greece, has started a new activity for their junior players – chess lessons.

Football players taking chess lessons

The innovative idea was prompted by Ivan Savvidis, owner of PAOK, sponsor of the Thessaloniki FIDE Grand Prix and Greek Chess Federation. Savvidis is of the opinion that chess is not only a game, but also a mental sport with strong educational influence. A footballer, a top athlete must have a wider sports education that extends beyond the moves on the grass pitch. PAOK youth will now practice moves on the black and white board. The club has secured the space, found a chess teacher, set the boards, and lessons have started on 1st November.

World Chess Federation - FIDE. Bookmarks. Ken Thompson. Endgame tablebase. A typical interface for querying a tablebase.

Endgame tablebase

Chess Tutor. Knowledge4IT - Entwurf, Implementierung, Weiterbildung. Paul Morphy: The First Chess Titan. Chess Opening: Ponziani Opening. A great opening for beating sub-2000 players. From Chess to Go, and Back Again. The first "grown-up" board game I ever learned was Checkers.

From Chess to Go, and Back Again

I got a set for Christmas or a birthday when I was a kid, and my dad taught me to play. He gave me some tips on how to play better too, but I found the learning very tough. Dad didn't know how to play Chess; I got another kid in the neighborhood to teach that to me. Notification : stratégie - filtrage des URL. Hi. I have a master degree in computer science and mathematics. As a hobby project I will blog about the design and implementation (writing software code) of what goes into a chess engine - I am creating my own engine for fun. For those who wants to learn how a chess engine actually works this will probably be interesting as I will also talk about general principles of chess engines.

So how does a chess engine work: Well, there are basically two components of all chess engines: 1. position evaluation 2. Into the night with Garry Kasparov and Peter Thiel. Lecture with GM Ben Finegold (The Games of Paul Morphy) - 2013.08.07. Chess Calculation: Try not to calculate anything! Magnus Carlsen example. Chess Calculation: Try not to calculate anything! Magnus Carlsen example. Magnus Carlsen Overtime. How to Checkmate with Bishop and Knight. Scachs d'Amor - The Chess Game of Love - English Translation. The oldest recorded game of Modern Chess! Brief commentary #58 - Castellvi vs Vinyoles - 1475. Speed Chess Changed My Brain - Mark Samuelian.

Mastering the three-minute game saw improved skills in unexpected places, from poker to planking. Mukumbura/Flickr The poker table was down to three players. I had a queen and a 10. It wasn't the strongest hand, but I'd been analyzing my opponents' playing patterns and knew I needed to send an aggressive signal. As soon as I saw the leader start to move, I went all in and pushed my pile of chips to the center of the table. By the end of the three-day MBA Poker championship held earlier this year at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, I left with $1,000 in winnings.

A slew of studies link chess with higher grades and better reading comprehension. Those rankings aren't phenomenal, but they matter to me because of how much I improved. Comment les échecs ont changé mon cerveau. Chess Traps #7: Queen Trap - French Defense: Fort Knox. Top 10 Best Chess Openings For Black : Chess Statistics For Beginners. Top 10 Best Chess Openings For Black : Chess Statistics For Beginners.

GJ_Chess Repertoire against E4 (Part-1) Spanish Game, Schleimann Defense: Stern vs Roehll -1979. Derren Brown beats 9 chess players simultaneously. Larsens Opening. Magnus Carlsen on winning the London Candidates' Tournament. Dirty chess trick to win fast (Owen's Defense) Lucky Vishy Anand escaped MATE in 1...Incredible!!! News > Home. Anand spent 1:43 mins on 4th move in world blitz semi-final ?! How good was Kasparov when he was 14: Kasparov vs Kengis. ANNIHILATE White with The Sniper! by GM Ron Henley. Bobby Fischer Vs. Garry Kasparov - Sicilian Najdorf Defense - Fischer-Sozin Attack.

The most beautiful game ever played: Morphy's Opera House Game. Chess Openings: Petrov Defense. Kasparov Sacrifices Everything!!! - Kasparov's Immortal (Kasparov vs Topalov) Kasparov´s Immortal Queen Sacrifice - King´s Indian Insanity. Magnus Carlsen: Powerful Sicilian Defense: Rossolimo Attack - Biel 2012 - Speaker: IM Bindi Cheng. Magnus Carlsen Beats Kasparov's Slav Defense ... Almost (Magnus Carlsen vs Garry Kasparov) Kasparov Beats Carlsen in Crazy King's Indian Defense (Garry Kasparov vs Magnus Carlsen) Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. 5. exd5 Nxd5 This is the Two Knights Defense where White has chosen the offensive line 4.Ng5, but Black's last move is risky (other Black choices include 5...Na5, 5...b5, and 5...Nd4). 6.

The Fried Liver has been known for many centuries, the earliest known example being a game played by Giulio Cesare Polerio in about 1610.[1] The opening is classified as code C57 in the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) . Considerations[edit] Position after 8.Nc3 Play usually continues 7.Qf3+ Ke6 (not 7...Kg8?? Because defence is harder to play than attack in this variation when given short time limits, the Fried Liver is dangerous for Black in over-the-board play, if using a short time control. References[edit] Further reading[edit] Computer Analysis of the Fried Liver and Lolli, Dan Heisman, Chessbase CHNESO001URe-Fried Liver, by Jon Edwards, Chess Life, July 2009, pp. 32–34.

External links[edit] Kasparov's Calculations - Mindboggling!!! (very instructive) GM Leonid Kritz: Dominate w/ the Slav Defense, Chameleon Variation (EMPIRE CHESS) What would Bobby Fischer play against Modern Defence? How Fischer played against his own pet opening. Shortest Game in World Chess Championship History - Anand vs. Gelfand - Game 8. Chess & Strategy. Comment enrichir votre arsenal stratégique en découvrant le coup fantôme, le pion passé de réserve et 48 autres idées utiles ? La réponse avec cet ouvrage de référence qui vient de sortir aux éditions Olibris. Une différence essentielle entre les amateurs et les maîtres d’échecs, c’est que ces derniers connaissent sur le bout des doigts de très nombreuses méthodes de jeu typiques, qui les aident à orienter leur réflexion dans la bonne direction.

Dans ce livre, Anatoly Terekhin présente 50 des idées stratégiques les plus couramment rencontrées en pratique. Si certaines sont déjà connues de la plupart des amateurs, beaucoup ne le sont encore que d’un cercle restreint de spécialistes. Souvent, l’auteur est même le premier à leur donner un nom ! Dans Notre avis : Un excellent livre qui s'adresse en priorité aux joueurs de club de niveau Elo compris entre 1600 et 2200. Top 10 Interesting Facts About Chess. In this list we approach some of the most interesting areas and facts relating to chess which makes it one of the most popular games. Its long history and dynamic nature have produced many chess players around the world – according to The Chess in the Olympics Campaign, “605 million people worldwide know how to play chess.” Here are 10 of the most interesting areas/facts about chess: 10. The History Of Chess Chess has a very long and distinguished history.

For instance, allowing pawns to advance two squares only from its original position was introduced in 1280 in Spain. 9. Is Chess a Wargame? "The essence of the game is constant struggle against an adversary who, by whatever means of deception and disguise, is entirely, relentlessly, unfailingly dedicated to your destruction. It is only a board, but it is a field of dreams for paranoia. " Bob Newell » Chess, Checkers, and Go: A Short Comparison. Editor's Note: We intend, at some point, to add a Xiang Qi section to this article.

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