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How to install fun_plug v0.7 on D-Link DNS-320L NAS server. Webmin 1.590 on (CentOS Linux 6.0) Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog. for the D-Link DNS-320 Sharecenter Pulse. SocMed - Installing and Uninstalling Packages and Activation and Deactivation of Daemons in Fonz fun_plug. After installing Fonz’ fun_plug (see tutorial on this), you will probably want additional packages or Daemons like NFS or Torrent.

SocMed - Installing and Uninstalling Packages and Activation and Deactivation of Daemons in Fonz fun_plug

The commands below are ONLY for fun_plug Version 0.5 Please check here for newer tutorials! Contents 1. Packages 1.1. The main packages included in the fun_plug.tgz tarball (which was downloaded and installed during the installation of Fonz fun_plug) are: Lighttpd – a lightweight HTTP server for hosting web pages on the NASOpenSSH – Secure Shell (which you already used to login to the NAS)Mediatomb – a UPnP media server (alternative to the one provided by Conceptronic)NTP – Network Time Daemon (to synchronize the NAS’ clock with accurate time servers on the Internet)UNFS3 – user-space NFS server (a file server protocol which is often used by computers running Linux)NFS-Utils – NFS server (requires kernel support like on the CH3SNAS)RSync – efficient file transfer and synchronization utility 1.2.

Or can do it manually in the following sections: DNS-320 – making fun_plug and old packages work. The change in the location of hard disk mounting point in the DNS-320 broke fonz’s fun_plug. fonz’s fun_plug was created to run on earlier D-Link NAS (DNS-313, DNS-323, DNS-343) whose Volume_1 was mounted at /mnt/HD_a2.

DNS-320 – making fun_plug and old packages work

In DNS-320′s case, Volume_1 was actually mounted on /mnt/HD/HD_a2. This change in mounting point also broke some of the packages created earlier as rely on /mnt/HD_a2 for storage. Transmission Bittorrent client (transmissionbt) is one of the packages that won’t run on the DNS-320 out of the box. To make fonz’s fun_plug work (again) is actually quite simple. Some text replacements in the file “fun_plug” should fix the issue.

Check out D-Link ShareCenter Pulse DNS-320. Index of /dns323/fun-plug/0.5/packages/ How to mirror one folder from one nas to another using rsync and fun_plug. A few visitors of this website requested a tutorial on how to synchronize one folder from one NAS to another one.

How to mirror one folder from one nas to another using rsync and fun_plug

Of course this tutorial requires fun_plug installed on your NAS. Attention: I describe unencrypted connections ins this tutorial, for encrypted ones, please visit the online search provider of your choice with the keywords “rsync ssh”. Attention: Existing configurations of the rsync-server are maybe overwritten. Users who changed something in this area are advised to integrate this tutorial in their configuration on their own. The scenario is the following: The NAS Alice contains a folder named Foo, which should be copied to the NAS Bob into the folder Bar. Let’s start Download of the required files Please execute the following steps on Alice: cd /ffp/etc/wget 600 rsyncdsecretsfile. WinRsyncd - Dirvish wiki. First, you need to install on your windows machine.

WinRsyncd - Dirvish wiki

If you already have Cygwin installed, it also includes an rsync binary; adjust the command lines in the files below appropriately; winrsync includes only the cygwin .dll and rsync binaries.) On the client machine, copy the sample [=rsyncd.conf], [=rsyncd.secrets], and [=rsyncd.bat] files below to [=c:\program files\winrsync\]. Finally, make Windows run the rsyncd.bat file on startup. Client Files These files need to be present on the Windows machine. C:\program files\winrsync\rsyncd.conf Note: You need to change to be the address of your dirvish server. You can also change [=path=] to just be a specific directory (e.g., [=c:\documents\] would be [=path=/cygdrive/c/documents/]) Code (as of 2005 March 14) here. c:\program files\winrsync\rsyncd.bat This needs to be run on Windows startup to start the rsync daemon as a background process. Code (as of 2005 March 14) here. c:\program files\winrsync\rsyncd.secrets backups:mypassword.