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12 Modern Business Problems and The Social Apps to Solve Them - Prismatic. This week, we are proud to celebrate the third anniversary of the Hootsuite App Directory.

12 Modern Business Problems and The Social Apps to Solve Them - Prismatic

With more than 100 apps and over 1.6 million app installations, the App Directory has helped hundreds of thousands of social media managers, small business owners, and large organizations solve critical business problems in the Hootsuite dashboard. An average of 6 new apps are added to the directory every month, so it’s easier than ever before to integrate social media with other business tools to overcome key challenges. Here are 12 ways your business can leverage the Hootsuite App Directory to save time and improve its bottom line: 1. How can I keep track of all the online reviews for my business? Whether you’re a small business owner or a major enterprise, online reviews are critical to the health of your brand.

The ReviewInc app in the Hootsuite App Directory will centralize review monitoring so you can save time and work more efficiently. Learn more about the ReviewInc app for Hootsuite 2. 3. Qoffee Creates an Agenda to Keep Your Meetings Moving. WOBI : World of Business Ideas. There’s never been a more exciting time to direct IT strategy.

WOBI : World of Business Ideas

Today’s CIOs have the ability not only to manage great minds, but also to drive their organizations’ innovation efforts. Harvard Business Review perhaps said it best: “ The year-to-year viability of the business all depends on its ability to innovate. ” An effective innovation strategy doesn’t hinge on adopting the newest technologies. And the most sought-after new service or tool doesn’t guarantee long-term value to a company or its customers. The key is making sure your company’s culture fully embraces innovative thinking. This is especially true for an organization’s IT department and its role in driving organizational enhancements that lead to increased growth and productivity. 1. Maintaining open communication across teams, peers and your customers is crucial to avoiding siloed mindsets and processes, and to evolving a culture of collaboration. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Michael Capone, Corporate VP of Product Development and CIO, ADP. How To Strategically Invest In Your Startup's Technology. The IT Conversation We Should Be Having - Jim Stikeleather. By Jim Stikeleather | 1:00 PM April 25, 2013 It has been a while since I was a parent of teenagers, but I remember when the question, “Have you had the conversation yet?”

The IT Conversation We Should Be Having - Jim Stikeleather

Made me break out in cold sweats. The Conversation is also a 1974 film by Francis Ford Coppola whose themes include the role of technology in society and being so focused on what you are doing that you forget why you are doing it and become oblivious to what is happening around you. Both examples fit the conversation that should be going on in the C-suite, but isn’t, because it makes people nervous, and because people lose visibility and perspective of what is changing around them as they focus on their goals. It is a conversation about the increasing importance of information technology and the role it must assume in every enterprise, regardless of size, industry or geography. Key findings from our research: Our observations: Why this is happening:

100% Of Companies Have This Problem. Process… just the mere use of the word can spread fear and panic in the workplace.

100% Of Companies Have This Problem

This sad reality exists for a reason - 100% of companies unnecessarily suffer from a process problem. They suffer to varying degrees, but they are nonetheless suffering. The good news is bad process is one of the easiest things for leaders to remedy. By simply being willing to stop the madness and reclaim the asylum from the lunatics (inept leaders, lazy managers, and fee happy consultants), huge gains in morale and productivity can be quickly achieved. With the plethora of conflicting information written about process design, implementation and management, combined with the nightmares we’ve all experienced as a result of bad process, many executives fear the pain associated with flawed process less than they value the benefits created by good process. One of the ways successful companies gain a competitive advantage is through creating process advantage. 1.