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Spy Dossier - PhotoFunia: Free photo effects and online photo editor. From John Woo to John Wick, Here’s Your Guide to Gun Fu. Keanu Reeves in John Wick and Chow Yun-fat in Hard Boiled.

From John Woo to John Wick, Here’s Your Guide to Gun Fu

Photo: Summit Entertainment. Size Doesn’t Matter for Spies Anymore – Foreign Policy. Steven Levitt: The freakonomics of McDonalds vs. drugs. In the film "Ocean's Eleven" Rusty (Brad Pitt) says to Danny Ocean (George Cloon... He is referring to what types of con-men they will need to pull off the job.

In the film "Ocean's Eleven" Rusty (Brad Pitt) says to Danny Ocean (George Cloon...

World's most dangerous cities revealed - from drug cartel run hellholes to war-ravaged cities where headchopping ISIS fanatics run wild. THE world is a dangerous place and trouble can spring up, even in countries normally thought of as “safe”.

World's most dangerous cities revealed - from drug cartel run hellholes to war-ravaged cities where headchopping ISIS fanatics run wild

The Middle East, the drug capitals of Latin America and many parts of Africa are all dismissed as “dangerous” but closer look at the West reveals it too has its problems. Gun crime in North America, terrorism in Western Europe and drug problems in Australia are all real dangers. iPeg - I, Pascal Eggert. Pimp My Gun (beta) Magazines: Different Types. A gun without magazine is like a car without gas tank!

Magazines: Different Types

Shoot, reload and repeat. To minimize the reloading process the gun magazine holds the cartridges inside the gun waiting for their turn to be chambered and fired. Though essential to firearm operation the magazine usually poorly portrayed in movies, TV shows etc. both in general media. This is especially true in science fiction, and even in military science fiction. In this installment of the continuing series FWS armory, we'll examine the magazine from top to bottom: definition, types, ammo counting, reloading and more. A Terrifying Journey Through the World's Most Dangerous Jungle. “Huelo chilingos," the boatman shouts over the drone of an outboard motor.

A Terrifying Journey Through the World's Most Dangerous Jungle

I smell migrants. I turn around and see nothing but a wall of dark, unruly jungle, then I slump back into the bow of the canoe. Five days we’ve been out here, waiting for a group of foreigners to appear on this godforsaken smuggler’s route in the Darién Gap, and all we have to show for it is sunburn and trench foot. 5 Ways Movies Get Gunfights Wrong (Based on Experience) Everybody knows action movies are fake, but that doesn't change the fact that they're responsible for approximately 100 percent of our education on the subject of guns and combat.

5 Ways Movies Get Gunfights Wrong (Based on Experience)

That's why the average person's knowledge of those things is hilariously, sometimes fatally, wrong. To sort out fact from fiction, we interviewed two decorated combat veterans who also have experience working in Hollywood. Matt Wagner is a former Army Ranger who saw combat all over the world, including Africa, South America, and Afghanistan, then was a technical consultant for a number of Hollywood productions, including Stargate SG-1 and The Colt. Potential Nuclear Targets. MEDIEVAL SOUND LIBRARY - The Firearm Sound Library.

8 Airplane Movie Myths Busted by a Pilot. ‎Delta Green RPG movie list, a list of films by plutonick. Drone footage of New York City’s Arthur Kill ship graveyard (VIDEO). Screenshot via YouTube It seems hard to believe there's a graveyard for abandoned ships in New York City, but it’s true.

Drone footage of New York City’s Arthur Kill ship graveyard (VIDEO).

Daredevil Quote. Fake Airline Tickets. Presidential Briefing Products, 1961-1969. The Possibly-True Story of the Super-Burglar Trained to Rip Off al Qaeda. He was the best bank robber in the ‘bank robbery capital of the world.’

The Possibly-True Story of the Super-Burglar Trained to Rip Off al Qaeda

Then he got a new target: the world’s most notorious terror group. It’s a crazy story. It might even be real. I first heard of a plot to rob al Qaeda from Kevin Reeve. Reeve is proprietor of OnPoint Tactical, a survivalist services firm based in southern Utah. Indeed, Urban Escape and Evasion is the official name of a three-day course run by Reeve, its aim to give participants the skills they need to break free from potential abductors. In early 2006, Reeve explained, OnPoint Tactical was approached by a rather unusual client. This gentleman, whose name Reeve would not reveal in order to maintain client anonymity, had been arrested a few years earlier for a spree of sophisticated bank robberies in Los Angeles. He had been asked to plan bank heists against al Qaeda. In the wake of 9/11, aggressive new financial regulations led to a gradual freezing of al Qaeda’s international monetary transfers. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army Used Drugs to Build Super Soldiers. Some historians call Vietnam the “last modern war,” others the “first postmodern war.”

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army Used Drugs to Build Super Soldiers

Either way, it was irregular: Vietnam was not a conventional war with the frontlines, rears, enemy mobilizing its forces for an attack, or a territory to be conquered and occupied. Instead, it was a formless conflict in which former strategic and tactical principles did not apply. The Vietcong were fighting in an unexpected, surprising, and deceptive way to negate Americans’ strengths and exploit their weaknesses, making the Vietnam War perhaps the best example of asymmetrical warfare of the 20th century. The conflict was distinct in another way, too—over time, it came to be known as the first “pharmacological war,” so called because the level of consumption of psychoactive substances by military personnel was unprecedented in American history.

The British philosopher Nick Land aptly described the Vietnam War as “a decisive point of intersection between pharmacology and the technology of violence.”