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SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research. Watch The Movements Of Every Refugee On Earth Since The Year 2000. In 2016, more refugees arrived in Uganda–including nearly half a million people from South Sudan alone–than crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

Watch The Movements Of Every Refugee On Earth Since The Year 2000

While the numbers in Africa are increasing, the situation isn’t new: As the world continues to focus on the European refugee crisis, an equally large crisis has been unfolding in Africa. A new visualization shows the flow of refugees around the world from 2000 to 2015, and makes the lesser-known story in Africa–and in places like Sri Lanka in 2006 or Colombia in 2007–as obvious as what has been happening more recently in Syria. Each yellow dot represents 17 refugees leaving a country, and each red dot represents refugees arriving somewhere else. Cloud forest building. Test Driving The Do-It-Yourself Electroshock Therapy Kit. This is not the Fisher Wallace Stimulator.

Test Driving The Do-It-Yourself Electroshock Therapy Kit

Jay Malone via Flickr Electroshock therapy has a long and notorious reputation, but the new Fisher Wallace Stimulator promises to alleviate a host of disorders—at home. Casey Schwartz takes the device for a test drive. Businessinsider. Mark Zuckerberg wants Facebook to have more power in our lives, and we should resist - Recode. Apple has acquired Workflow, a powerful automation tool for iPad and iPhone. Apple has finalized a deal to acquire Workflow today — a tool that lets you hook together apps and functions within apps in strings of commands to automate tasks.

Apple has acquired Workflow, a powerful automation tool for iPad and iPhone

We’ve been tracking this one for a while but were able to confirm just now that the ink on the deal is drying as we speak. I haven’t been able to get financial details for the deal, but if I come up with them I’ll update. How to get a personal VPN and why you need one now — Quartz. Elon Musk is the most wholesome visionary our era has produced.

How to get a personal VPN and why you need one now — Quartz

He is a benign idealist; a guy with his eyes on a horizon beyond money. Money? Musk doesn’t care about that. He hopes only to elevate our minds, our bodies, and our roads to other planes. The Surprising Ingenuity Behind “Goodnight Moon” The plot could not be simpler: A young bunny says goodnight to the objects and creatures in a green-walled bedroom, drifting gradually to sleep as the lights dim and the moon glows in a big picture window.

The Surprising Ingenuity Behind “Goodnight Moon”

Goodnight Moon has sold more than 48 million copies since it was published in 1947. It has been translated into at least a dozen languages, from Spanish to Hmong, and countless parents around the world have read it to their sleepy children. Snowden’s Box, Jessica Bruder and Dale Maharidge. It was a frigid winter, and the Manhattan loft was cold — very cold.

Snowden’s Box, Jessica Bruder and Dale Maharidge

Something was wrong with the gas line and there was no heat. In a corner, surrounding the bed, sheets had been hung from cords to form a de facto tent with a small electric heater running inside. But the oddities didn’t end there: when I talked to the woman who lived in the loft about her work, she made me take the battery out of my cell phone and stash the device in her refrigerator. People who have dated in New York City for any length of time believe that they’ve seen everything — this was something new. The Marriage Cure. One July morning last year in Oklahoma City, in a public-housing project named Sooner Haven, twenty-two-year-old Kim Henderson pulled a pair of low-rider jeans over a high-rising gold lamé thong and declared herself ready for church.

The Marriage Cure

Her best friend in the project, Corean Brothers, was already in the parking lot, fanning away her hot flashes behind the wheel of a smoke-belching Dodge Shadow. “Car’s raggedy, but it’ll get us from pillar to post,” Corean said when Kim climbed in. At Holy Temple Baptist Church, two miles down the road, the state of Oklahoma was offering the residents of Sooner Haven three days of instruction on how to get and stay married. A Guide to Guerrilla Parenting. Say that you have two children, or maybe three, and that they fight for what’s theirs.

A Guide to Guerrilla Parenting

The contested objects are many: cake, Lego sets, the right to various household electronics or to name the family dog. And the children aren’t pleasant about it: they torment each other, and engage in guerrilla tactics distinguishable from those of ruthless insurgents only by their disregard for stealth, which might at least allow you, the parent, a little peace and quiet.

Each of them has a story about fairness and what he deserves. How Middle Schoolers Can Prepare Themselves for Engineering Careers. Tim Cook: Technology Should Serve Humanity, Not the Other Way Around - MIT Technology Review. Earlier this week, striding across the stage at Apple’s annual developer conference in front of a crowd of thousands at the San Jose Convention Center, Tim Cook was animated and gushing, an evangelist for a series of new products and features.

Tim Cook: Technology Should Serve Humanity, Not the Other Way Around - MIT Technology Review

Among them: the HomePod smart speaker (see "Apple Is Countering Amazon and Google with a Siri-Enabled Speaker") and new ways developers can build artificial intelligence into apps. By Thursday morning, the Apple CEO was on the other coast, sitting on a gray couch next to a yellow emoji pillow (a happy face) at the MIT Media Lab’s Affective Computing Group listening to Rosalind Picard talk about depression. Cook, who will give this year’s MIT commencement address, is spending the day before learning more about research on campus, much of it involving sensors and AI. In time, Picard hopes to be able to predict when a person will become vulnerable to depression even before they get there.

3 Big Career Mistakes That Too Many People Make. President Obama's Final United Nations Speech: Transcript. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Mr.

President Obama's Final United Nations Speech: Transcript

President; Mr. Secretary General; fellow delegates; ladies and gentlemen: As I address this hall as President for the final time, let me recount the progress that we’ve made these last eight years.From the depths of the greatest financial crisis of our time, we coordinated our response to avoid further catastrophe and return the global economy to growth. We’ve taken away terrorist safe havens, strengthened the nonproliferation regime, resolved the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomacy. On Campus, Failure Is on the Syllabus - General Failure - The Atlantic. On June 13, 1944, a few days after the 90th Infantry Division went into action against the Germans in Normandy under the command of Brigadier General Jay MacKelvie, MacKelvie’s superior officer, Major General J.

Lawton Collins, went on foot to check on his men. “We could locate no regimental or battalion headquarters,” he recalled with dismay. “No shelling was going on, nor any fighting that we could observe.” The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements - The Atlantic. On October 10, 2011, researchers from the University of Minnesota found that women who took supplemental multivitamins died at rates higher than those who didn't. Two days later, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic found that men who took vitamin E had an increased risk of prostate cancer. "It's been a tough week for vitamins," said Carrie Gann of ABC News. These findings weren't new.

Businessinsider. ELI5:If your clothes aren't dried properly, why do they go sour/smell bad? : explainlikeimfive. Why Women Are Leaving the Tech Industry in Such High Numbers. The man who went on a hike – and never stopped walking. In his 61st year on this earth, the man who calls himself Nimblewill Nomad left home and walked a very long way through the mountains – about 10 million steps, he estimates, or 4,400 miles. Then, he took another, even longer walk. And then another one. And then another. 65% of major US banks have failed web security testing. Lesson for Air India: Even 64 years isn't too late to turn profitable, as India's oldest drugmaker proved — Quartz.

For more than six decades, India’s oldest pharmaceutical company was languishing in Kolkata. When the Indian pharmaceutical industry was growing into one of the world’s largest producers of generic drugs, the 125-year-old Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (BCPL) was teetering on the edge. Government apathy and poor work culture, which have come to symbolise India’s public sector companies, had eroded its net worth. Administrators Ate My Tuition. Photo: Mario Lalich No statistic about higher education commands more attention—and anxiety—among members of the public than the rising price of admission.

Since 1980, inflation- adjusted tuition at public universities has tripled; at private universities it has more than doubled. The Top 3 Financial Ratios All Small Business Owners Should Be Tracking. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Makes Case For Tackling Net Neutrality Violations 'After The Fact' : All Tech Considered. What Can We Do to Counter Internet Service Provider Monopolies? Homeless, a Democrat and in jail: is this America's most unlikely candidate? Seven Reasons the Left Is Losing - The Atlantic. The Impossible Question of Public School Uniforms - Racked. DJI is running away with the drone market - Recode. Great Barrier Reef at 'terminal stage': scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data.

Love drugs: Oxford neuroethicists are investigating drugs to rekindle dying romances — Quartz. Kicking The Bit Bucket – One blog post at a time! Student Loan Debt Has Nearly Tripled : NPR Ed. There Are Two Versions of the Story of How the U.S. Purchased Alaska From Russia. German Kindergartens Ban Toys to Prevent Drug Abuse - The Atlantic. Millennials are half as wealthy as those now in their 40s were at the same age – Daily Inequality. A Stanford psychologist just disproved the oldest love advice in the book — Quartz. Abbreviation ‘lb’ for pound. Is it too late to save Hong Kong from Beijing’s authoritarian grasp? Why Americans have come to worship their own ignorance. Secretive Billionaire Reveals How He Toppled Apple in China - Bloomberg. How Aristotle Created the Computer - The Atlantic. In Kyoto, Feeling Forever Foreign. Yogi Adityanath as Uttar Pradesh (UP) CM: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is finally confident enough to reveal its most venomous religious agenda to India — Quartz.

Orphans of progress. Being and Nothingness - Wikipedia. Humans Made the Banana Perfect—But Soon, It’ll Be Gone. Nevada corporation - Wikipedia. Making Athens Great Again - The Atlantic. Our new (mixed) reality: Early adopters have become HoloLens believers at work. Laziness isn’t why people are poor. And iPhones aren’t why they lack health care. Uk.businessinsider. Still pain after microdiscectomy....SO concerned. ELI5: Why does the US struggles to have a proper health care system, even though the premiums paid by the patients are much higher than most of the countries, where there is a working health care system (e.g. most of the European countries)? : explainlike. Asdf. My Friend, Stalin’s Daughter. The Populist Papers: 29 Years of Populism. Ers Beware – U.S. Customs Agents Are Coercing for Mobile Passwords. The Border Patrol can take your password. Now what? Have Americans Given Up? - The Atlantic. What Causes Burnout and How to Overcome It. Conscious consumerism is a lie. Here is what you can really do to save the environment. — Quartz.

Ten million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough, study says. Imagining the Future of VR at Google. Quora. Greeks in Egypt - Wikipedia. Theresa may surveillance. Love Lives In Whitefish, Montana, But So Do Neo-Nazis - BuzzFeed News. Eating more fruits, vegetables boosts psychological well-being in just 2 weeks. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Biggest Scandal in Washington. 'Give Us Your Passwords' - The Atlantic. 75 Years ago: How World War 2 started - WW2 Gravestone. Cheap Eats, Cheap Labor: The Hidden Human Costs Of Those Lists. A Solo Traveler’s Guide on How to Meet People While Traveling. You're Really Going to Miss Net Neutrality. Becoming better fathers – TheTLS. Crafting the Koran. How microaggressions are like mosquito bites.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Wikipedia. Why Don't Americans Riot Anymore? Tell Congress: It's time to demilitarize the police. 5 craziest laws passed by GOP legislators — just this month. Walk With Mike. Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (1968) - Wikipedia. The Netherlands Keeps Closing Prisons Because It Doesn't Have Enough Prisoners. Against Empathy by Paul Bloom; The Empathy Instinct by Peter Bazalgette – review. The New Face of American Unemployment.

Cameroonian Government Leaves Millions Without Internet - Meleana Moore. We're Running Out of Chocolate. How much it takes to live comfortably in the 50 biggest US cities. Why Benedict Arnold Turned Traitor Against the American Revolution. With Works Like 'Orphan Black,' 'Ex Machina,' and 'The Martian,' Science Fiction Is Becoming Less Fictional - The Atlantic. This cartoon explains how the rich got rich and the poor got poor.

4 Women with 4 Very Different Incomes Open Up About the Lives They Can Afford. Three Things You and Your Partner Should Agree On Before Moving In Together.