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Scenario Based e-Learning. E-learning&Examples.


mLearning. Free Lectures Online. Whether your goal is to earn a promotion, graduate at the top of your class, or just accelerate your life, lectures can help get you there.

Free Lectures Online

Our archives of lectures cover a huge range of topics and have all been handpicked and carefully designed by experienced instructors throughout the world who are dedicated to helping you take the next step toward meeting your career goals. Lifelong learns can turn their free time turn into self-improvement time. The online lectures on this list are more than lecture notes or a slideshow on a topic -- they were designed for audiences like you, with carefully sequenced themes and topics taught by veteran educators, and often with additional resources for your own independent study. The lectures are available to anybody, completely free of charge. The Crisis in Higher Education. A hundred years ago, higher education seemed on the verge of a technological revolution.

The Crisis in Higher Education

The spread of a powerful new communication network—the modern postal system—had made it possible for universities to distribute their lessons beyond the bounds of their campuses. Anyone with a mailbox could enroll in a class. Frederick Jackson Turner, the famed University of Wisconsin historian, wrote that the “machinery” of distance learning would carry “irrigating streams of education into the arid regions” of the country. Sensing a historic opportunity to reach new students and garner new revenues, schools rushed to set up correspondence divisions. By the 1920s, postal courses had become a full-blown mania. The hopes for this early form of distance learning went well beyond broader access. We’ve been hearing strikingly similar claims today.

The excitement over MOOCs comes at a time of growing dissatisfaction with the state of college education. But not everyone is enthusiastic. Rise of the MOOCs. Elite education for the masses. They included Patrycja Jablonska in Poland, Ephraim Baron in California, Mohammad Hijazi in Lebanon and many others far from Baltimore who ordinarily would not have a chance to study at the elite Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Elite education for the masses

They logged on to a Web site called Coursera and signed up. They paid nothing for it. These students, a sliver of the more than 1.7 million who have registered with Coursera since April, reflect a surge of interest this year in free online learning that could reshape higher education. The phenomenon puts big issues on the table: the growth of tuition, the role of a professor, the definition of a student, the value of a degree and even the mission of universities. “Massive open online courses,” or MOOCs, have caught fire in academia.

ROI & budget

5 Ways to Handle Boring eLearning Content Like a Pro. Have you ever been tasked with building eLearning games or courses, only to find that your sole source of material is a collection of lifeless, boring eLearning content?

5 Ways to Handle Boring eLearning Content Like a Pro

We’ve all been there: spending hours trying to put lipstick on a pig that is, well, still going to be a pig at the end of the day. No amount of sound effects or graphics can mask that pig. In moments like those, it’s easy to feel defeated, knowing that your learners are going to be miserable and that there isn’t a thing you can do about it… or, is there? During the course of my career, I have spent hours upon hours trying to come up with creative “lipstick” for boring content pieces until one year, faced with the challenge of yet another compliance eLearning course, I had a breakthrough: I realized that I didn’t need to spend any more time wrestling with that yawn-worthy content, and neither did the learner.

I achieved this through (brace yourself Instructional Design World), not focusing on the content. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What does good e-learning look like? I think we’ve all seen, and suffered examples of bad e-learning and I’m certainly building up a pretty good picture of all the ways in which eLearning can go wrong.

What does good e-learning look like?

But I’m less sure about exactly what GOOD e-learning looks like. I’m hoping that this blog post will be just the beginning of the conversation and that you’ll comment with your ideas of what makes good e-learning, or with links to good examples. Shouldn’t we just drop the ‘e’? The World in Your Pocket. AMAZING FACTS ABOUT STUDENTS LEARNING VIA SMARTPHONES ( INFOGRAPHIC ) Logotyper frågesport - Just nu 99 spelare online 217 677 frågor 42 159 medlemmar 7 328 ämnen Känner du igen dessa loggor från kända företag ?

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