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Responsive. La Ferme du Web Mobile. So, you’ve spent some time building your e-commerce brand.

You’re making a handful of sales each month, but it’s not taking off the way you hoped it would. You do a little digging into your analytics and you learn people who spend 20 minutes on your site almost always buy something. But those who check out just one or two pages, well, they don’t stick around long enough to spend any money. What gives? Being faster and more efficient is the goal of all web designers and developers. Sidebar Transitions. The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize.

HTML5 code snippets to take your website to the next level. Url and email input types HTML5 introduced new input types url and email are one of those.

HTML5 code snippets to take your website to the next level

They allow you to write a more semantically correct code and make the form completion easier on mobile devices, by displaying special buttons (like the @ or .com buttons) depending on the input type. Here is the url attribute in action: