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Flexslider by WooThemes. Namespace: "flex-", //{NEW} String: Prefix string attached to the class of every element generated by the plugin animation: "fade", //String: Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide" easing: "swing", //{NEW} String: Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions. jQuery easing plugin is supported!

Flexslider by WooThemes

Direction: "horizontal", //String: Select the sliding direction, "horizontal" or "vertical" reverse: false, //{NEW} Boolean: Reverse the animation direction. Jquery/jquery-migrate. Tubular, a YouTube Background Player jQuery Plugin. Video controls:Play | Pause | Volume Up | Volume Down | Mute Tubular is a jQuery plugin that lets you set a YouTube video as your page background.

tubular, a YouTube Background Player jQuery Plugin

Just attach it to your page wrapper element, set some options, and you're on your way. $(page content wrapper element).tubular(options); Tubular's hello, world Assuming you're happy with the default options and you use a wrapper div with the id of wrapper, you simply attach to your wrapper div and specify the video you want to load: and Presto! A word of caution Tubular does not design your website for you. Options and defaults ratio: 16/9 // usually either 4/3 or 16/9 -- tweak as needed videoId: 'ZCAnLxRvNNc' // toy robot in space is a good default, no? Scrollorama. Disclaimer: This is an experimental, just-for-fun sort of project and hasn’t been thoroughly tested.


Design and build your site, dividing your content into blocks. Embed scrollorama.js after jQuery and initialize the plugin, passing the blocks class selector as a parameter. Target an element and animate its properties. jQuery Photo Tag plugin. Version 1.3 now compatible with jQuery 1.7 and jQuery UI 1.8. – release post .

jQuery Photo Tag plugin

This is a highly configurable photo tagging plugin. It has been used in Ikluu (Social Network for travelers) . It’s primely for tagging people on photos but it can also be used to create notes, but you will need to adapt the form part a little bit. The code is really clean and easy to understand, it follows the jquery plugin recommendations. Soon I will create a page with some more documentation, but for now if you take a look at the code you will definitely get it. It has a bug on IE, the hover effect for the tags are not working well. Demo and unit testing The source code have been moved to GitHub, any help on the development would be highly appreciated.

GitHub Project Home Page – On the download section you can find some examples on how your server responses should look like. Example: $(document).ready( function (){ $( '.photoTag' ).photoTag({ requesTagstUrl: '/static/photo-tag/tests/photo_tags/photo-tags.php' , jQuery Waypoints. Imakewebthings/jquery-waypoints. jQuery Waypoints. .waypoint([callback], [options]) callback type function, optional options type object, optional Calling the waypoint function on a set of elements registers them as waypoints.

jQuery Waypoints

You can pass in a callback function… $('.thing').waypoint(function(direction) { // do stuff }); …an options object… …or both… …but you must pass something. Morr/jquery.appear.