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GitHub - turbolinks/turbolinks: Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. The List of the 10 Most Common Mistakes That PHP Developers Make | Toptal. PHP makes it relatively easy to build a web-based system, which is much of the reason for its popularity. But its ease of use notwithstanding, PHP has evolved into quite a sophisticated language with many frameworks, nuances, and subtleties that can bite developers, leading to hours of hair-pulling debugging. This article highlights ten of the more common mistakes that PHP developers need to beware of. Common Mistake #1: Leaving dangling array references after foreach loops Not sure how to use foreach loops in PHP? $arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4); foreach ($arr as &$value) { $value = $value * 2; } // $arr is now array(2, 4, 6, 8) The problem is that, if you’re not careful, this can also have some undesirable side effects and consequences.

The main thing to remember is that foreach does not create a scope. Here’s an example of the kind of evasive and confusing bugs that this can lead to: The above code will output the following: No, that’s not a typo. Why? Consider the following: Not. What’s wrong?


Online Payment. Comment Optimiser son site Web? – Vitesse, SEO, Médias sociaux, UX, mesure et conversion. Optimiser son site web! Un terme qui peut vouloir dire beaucoup de choses et couvrir beaucoup de facettes subtiles. Optimiser un site web, c’est plus que juste du référencement. On peut vouloir optimiser un site Internet pour différents objectifs. Ce n’est pas la même chose d’optimiser son site web pour le référencement dans les moteurs de recherches que d’optimiser un site Internet pour être plus rapide ou encore pour mieux convertir les visiteurs en clients. Qui parle optimisation, parle objectif. L’optimisation est un terme qui désigne un processus graduel d’amélioration. Donc, dans cet article, nous allons aborder comment optimiser un site web sous 6 différentes facettes : 1 La vitesse et la Performance2 La visibilité dans les moteurs de recherches (référencement et SEO)3 Les médias sociaux4 L’expérience utilisateur5 La mesure des statistiques de fréquentation6 Le taux de conversion de visiteurs en clients 1- Comment Optimiser son site web pour être rapide et Performant Donc voilà!


TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS - TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. How They Did It: Inception Explained and Mailchimp’s 2012 Year in Review. One-off marketing pages and sites are increasingly popular; in particular, these "focused interaction experiences" have grown around the entertainment industry, reporting, and product pitches. Today, we will be focusing on the nuts and bolts that went into building and Mailchimp's 2012 Year in Review.

Both of these sites have some similarities in terms of technical implementation, and stark differences in other ways. We've picked these two sites because they represent a large trend in web interaction design: modifying the default behavior of scrolling interaction by creating custom animations and/or content transformations that are triggered in some way by the scroll position. So let's dive in! General Overview: The High Level Technical Explanation For both of these sites, the most obvious feature is the manipulation of scrolling interaction. Inception Explained has a much more involved manipulation of scroll behavior. Let's talk about content. Performance Mailchimp. Matt Dempsey - UX/UI Designer in London. GatherContent — Simple Website Content Organisation & Collaboration.


Opauth - Un framework permettant la multi authentification en PHP. Opauth est un framework PHP permettant de gérer les multi authentifications dans vos applications PHP: Facebook Connect, Twitter OAuth... Plutôt que de développer chaque service d'authentification à la main dans votre application PHP, pourquoi ne pas utiliser une bibliothèque PHP permettant de gérer tous ces différents services en même temps?

Opauth peut s'installer facilement dans vos applications ou frameworks PHP, notamment via Composer (le manager de dépendance qui fait beaucoup parler de lui ces derniers temps). La bibliothèque propose un mécanisme d'authentification basé sur une ou plusieurs stratégies. Il existe pour le moment 4 stratégies d'authentification: Il vous suffira de définir dans Composer via composer.json les stratégies à installer: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ou utiliser un plugin de framework (pour le moment un plugin existe pour CakePHP et Yii Framework), ou encore manuellement avec GIT.

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Home. Boost Your Sales Abroad. “Our goal is to fully democratize international ecommerce, making it possible for any company small or large to offer their products worldwide while providing superior customer service.” Our executive team is passionate about making localised international ecommerce available to everyone. They work tirelessly to exceed our most ambitious growth goals. Raised in France and having his family in Poland, from his childhood Patrick was importing and selling goods across international borders. After designing websites from 1995 Patrick launched an IT company specializing in ecommerce in 2005. Working in a multicultural environment he realized that something needed to be done to facilitate international trade and he launched WebInterpret at the end of 2007.

Patrick holds an Msc in IT management and a specialized master in entrepreneurship from EM Lyon business school. Benjamin has been managing international projects in high tech companies since 2001.