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Cardboard Office & Small Projects

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Make An Office Organizer From Cardboard. Makedo Cardbord Desk Tray. How to - Cardboard Laptop Stand. It might not look terribly impressive at first glance, but think for a second on how functional – and cheap – this simple laptop design is.

How to - Cardboard Laptop Stand

It is highly portable, requires nothing you do not already own and costs next to nothing to construct. The essential steps are almost self-explanatory: collect a pair of scissors, a used cardboard box and print out the simple shapes you will need to overly on the cardboard in order to begin cutting out the three pieces to create the stand. The pieces require now glue or fasteners, which means they can come apart as easily as they go together for maximum portability and future reuse. The instructions for the above-shown version can be found in greater detail at Green Upgrader and a slightly more complex (but cooler-looking) Steampunk version can be seen at Thingiverse.

DIY: Box Into A Cheap Smartphone Projector. Smartphones and tablets are great for watching movies and videos while you're out, but at home, the screen is just too tiny.

DIY: Box Into A Cheap Smartphone Projector

There are quite a few projectors on the market that work with mobile devices, but they can get pricey. The good news is that it's pretty simple to hack your own projector with items that you probably already have. This DIY projector made by the folks at Photojojo is made out of a cardboard shoebox, magnifying glass, a paperclip, and some electrical tape. Cardboard Portable Light Box. Upcycled Toner Box Into Ribbon Holder.