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El auge del porno trascendente. Tiene el cutis de porcelana, unos ojos seductores que encandilan y la risa cristalina como un arroyo.

El auge del porno trascendente

Su películas favoritas son Una mujer bajo la influencia de John Cassavetes, Pierrot le Fou de Jean-Luc Godard, y Stroszek de Werner Herzog. Solía tener un grupo de música industrial. ¿Es la chica de tus sueños? A lo mejor. Y además, es una estrella del porno. Ya sabíamos que el porno había trascendido al mainstream hace tiempo, pero ahora parece haberse sofisticado. La Corte falló a favor de Google y Yahoo! en la demanda iniciada por una modelo -   Real Women's Bodies? What About Real Men's Bodies? Father’s Day 2014: Study shows men are more emotionally sensitive than women – they’re just also better at hiding it.

There certainly doesn’t seem to be the same outpouring of emotion to mark the annual day of parental celebration as we tend to see on TV and online for Mother’s Day, to make a simple comparison.

Father’s Day 2014: Study shows men are more emotionally sensitive than women – they’re just also better at hiding it

Yet according to a study carried out by neurologists at Mindlab, men are actually more sensitive than women when it comes to all sorts of emotional stimuli – they are just also better at keeping it under wraps. Scientists asked two groups of volunteers, 15 fathers and 15 mothers, to watch a series of videos while their physiological responses were measured by skin conductance electrodes.

Becoming A Father Can "Rewire" A Man's Brain. In recent years, social and cultural changes to human society have resulted in a shift in the parental involvement in childrearing.

Becoming A Father Can "Rewire" A Man's Brain

Traditionally, women have played a larger role in the upbringing of infants. Involvement from the father has substantially increased in the last few decades but there is still considerable variation as to paternal involvement across different cultures. For some time it has been assumed by many that women are “hardwired” to be mothers. Some suggested that while pregnancy and labor trigger caregiving in women through certain neurobiological processes, the father’s brain may adapt to parenting through an involvement in childrearing. Until now, however, no such studies had investigated this theory. Mirada crítica: Alumnas de la Complutense de Madrid se desnudan contra el acoso sexual.

La parodia porno di First Kiss, il video del finto primo bacio tra sconosciuti... Colin Stokes: How movies teach manhood. Tres cosas que la ciencia te cuenta sobre el amor y quizá preferirías no saber. Horyon Lee eleva las frías temperaturas de invierno. Dangerous Minds. Michael Gira’s band Swans have shape-shifted but plenty.

Dangerous Minds

They made their reputation with an extraordinarily punishing and shockingly nihilistic take on no-wave music in the 1980s, culminating in the colossal masterpiece Children of God . They then curve-balled their fans with relatively introspective and quietly mournful LPs at the decade’s turn. Sexualität - Von wegen Monogamie – was Frauen wirklich wollen. Glass-Sex für alle. Es war wohl nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis irgendjemand auf die Idee kommt, die Erfahrung virtueller Realität mit der einlullenden Gesamtatmosphärenkunst von Marvin Gaye zu verbinden.

Glass-Sex für alle

Und die neue SexWithGlass-App verspricht nicht nur, die allseits beliebte Schmusemusik per „Augmented Reality" ansteuern zu können, sondern nicht weniger als die Antwort auf die Frage: „Wie können wir unseren Sex mit Google Glasses noch fantastischer machen? " Als eine Gruppe von Studenten während eines „Wearable Technologie Hackathons“ die heilige Datenbrille in ihren eigenen Händen halten durfte, war dies jedenfalls die logische Frage, die sich ihnen stellte. Ein Workshop-Tag Ende November, an dem ihnen ein Google-Glass-Modell zur Verfügung stand, reichte ihnen, um mit der Entwicklung einer App für den technisch erweiterten Sex zu beginnen. In einigen Wochen wollen die angehenden Designer um Satara Achille und Sherif Maktabi vom renommierten Londoner Central St.

Gesichtsstrafung dank Augmented Reality. Catherine the Great’s dirty, dirty furniture collection. Catherine the Great is one of those fascinating figures whose political power was often overshadowed by scandal.

Catherine the Great’s dirty, dirty furniture collection

She did not, as popularly rumored, die attempting to have sex with a horse, but her real life was way more interesting. She had twelve well-known affairs, illegitimate children (no one’s totally sure which ones), and made lavish gifts to her consorts. She gave one of her boyfriends more than 1,000 indentured servants! Por Un Orgasmo Diario: Tecnicas para lamer el clítoris. Co-creation and Participation as a Means of Innovation in New Media: An Analysis of Creativity in the Photographic Field.

The Algorithms of Our Lives. The author and several colleagues studied cultural differences using these computerized patterns of Instagram postings—arranged by hue and brightness—from Tokyo, New York, Bangkok, and San Francisco.

The Algorithms of Our Lives

In 2002, I was in Cologne, Germany, and I went into the best bookstore in the city devoted to humanities and arts titles. Its new-media section contained hundreds of books. However, not a single title was about the key driver of the "computer age": software. I started going through indexes of book after book: No "software.

" So True: How to Put Up Holiday Lighting [Comic. Yeah, I know, I’m a little late with this, but this is pretty much what happens to me every year.

So True: How to Put Up Holiday Lighting [Comic

My wife always insists that I hook those darn Christmas lights on the house’s gutter, even though she knows that I hate doing it, mainly because it’s a somewhat dangerous process. Ok, back to our regularly scheduled geekery now. :) Franco's Legacy Rattles Spain. Michel Foucault: Free Lectures on Truth, Discourse & The Self. Image by Lucas Barroso Félix, via Wikimedia Commons Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was an enormously influential French philosopher who wrote, among other things, historical analyses of psychiatry, medicine, the prison system, and the function of sexuality in social organizations.

Michel Foucault: Free Lectures on Truth, Discourse & The Self

He spent some time during the last years of his life at UC Berkeley, delivering several lectures in English. Wie du 2014 besseren Sex haben kannst. Infographic: This Is How Your Relationship Will Likely End. That Time Battlestar Galactica’s Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) & Number Six (Tricia Helfer) Made a Naked Charity Calendar. Now this is one great way to start off the new year.

That Time Battlestar Galactica’s Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) & Number Six (Tricia Helfer) Made a Naked Charity Calendar

Two of our favorite ladies of Sci-Fi, Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer, of Battlestar Galactica, created the charity Acting Outlaws, which raises and donates money to good causes. One might say they do it for the Bonerment . . . I mean BETTERMENT of Mankind . . . Haz el amor y no el porno. Thurston Moore dijo una vez que la diferencia entre una obsesión y una adicción es que la obsesión te obliga a hacer cosas, mientras que la adicción te impide hacerlas. A few thoughts on “Drone Sexuality”: pt. 1, race & cyborg sexuality.

I’m working my way through a response to Sarah’s incisive and provocative posts on Drone Sexuality. But, I realized that I need to get some preliminary arguments on the table before I get into the thick of my response. In particular, I want to focus on what Sarah identifies as the ambivalence at the center of drone/cyborg eroticism; this ambivalence is, as I have argued in this article, deeply racialized. Obama schickt lesbische Sportlerinnen statt Regierung nach Sotschi - Russland. Sotschi - Die USA senden keine hochrangigen Staatsvertreter zu den Olympischen Winterspielen ins russische Sotschi. Der Delegation des Weißen Hauses bei den Eröffnungs- und Schlussfeiern werden keine Kabinettsmitglieder angehören, wie das Weiße Haus am Dienstag (Ortszeit) in Washington mitteilte.

KUKL: Björk’s witchy, anarcho-punk, Crass-associated pre-Sugarcubes goth band. Considering that most Björk fans seem to know that she began her recording career at the ripe old age of 11, and that she was once a member of The Sugarcubes, it’s curious why more attention hasn’t been paid to KUKL. Destroy All Monsters: Niagara’s femme fatale pop art paintings. Niagara during an early Destroy All Monsters show I’m never quite sure how familiar folks outside the midwest are with Destroy All Monsters, but if you haven’t given them a listen yet, I highly suggest you do. There are no “real” albums, but in 1994 Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore released everything they recorded on a three-disc set called 1974-1976 But not only did they produce some really interesting music, DAM boasted one of the great punk frontwomen in Niagara, who still performs in various projects.

The only Punk Magazine centerfold besides Debbie Harry, Niagara has an incredibly compelling, raw presence, and she’s a total fox. It makes perfect sense that her paintings depict beautiful, brazen, dangerous women. Deutschland: Abmahnwelle wegen Porno-Streaming. Y para tí, ¿qué es follar? Das Vertrauensparadox – zur Sexting-Kampagne von Pro Juventute. Eine neue Kampagne von Pro Juventute nimmt neben Cybermobbing auch Sexting in den Blick. Jugendliche verschicken beim so genannten Sexting (Sex – Texting (SMS)) dabei erotische Fotos von sich selbst, meist einzelnen nahen Freundinnen und Freunden, denen sie vertrauen und mit denen sie intime Beziehungen pflegen.

Self-published pornographic e-books cause trouble for Amazon, Kobo. La Edad de Piedra del consolador >> Blog Eros. Hollie McNish, Poet Shamed By Breastfeeding In Public, Has The Last Word (VIDEO) It's Not Porn. It's HBO. (VIDEO) I worry about my children seeing porn on the internet. No a los machos alfa, sí a gozar junto a los 'nuevos hombres' >> Blog Eros. Transidentität: Wer und was ist Mann oder Frau? - Selbsthilfegruppen - › Gesundheit.

La pornografía, Internet y el peligroso ataque de lo "políticamente correcto" Washington Post. Manifiesto al desnudo. Vuelve el matojo. JAMESONNOTODOFILMFEST. Transnational Data on Gender and Science Aptitude. 206118_10150939209117383_1105919121_n.jpg (670×679) Go Where? Sex, Gender, and Toilets.