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Youtube. 8 YouTube-inspired classroom video ideas. YouTube viewers go NUTS over makeup tutorials.

8 YouTube-inspired classroom video ideas

In 2018, YouTube had 169 billion (yes, BILLION) views for beauty-related content. That's up from 104 billion in 2017 and 59 billion in 2016. Retrieval Practice Classroom Activities - Google Docs. Youtube. 15 ideas for digital end-of-semester final projects. After months and months of learning, it all comes down to this.

15 ideas for digital end-of-semester final projects

The end of the semester project. How can your students encapsulate the most important parts of the semester to demonstrate learning? At the end of the semester, it’s easy to slip into “review for the test” mode. Projects let students take what they’ve learned, put it all together and show off a little of their own creativity and personality.

5 activités pédagogiques pour promouvoir un apprentissage en profondeur. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. 30 free Google Slides and PowerPoint themes for teachers. The right colors and graphics can make all the difference when creating an engaging Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation.

30 free Google Slides and PowerPoint themes for teachers

However, sometimes creating the right theme takes time and creative energy that we don't always have. That's why Slides Mania was created. Trousse numérique CSS de Laval - Padlet. Youtube. Advice Column @mrshowell24. 5 activités pédagogiques pour promouvoir un apprentissage en profondeur. 10 ways icons from The Noun Project can impact learning.

Icons can help students construct understanding and remember new ideas.

10 ways icons from The Noun Project can impact learning

The Noun Project has the hook-up. Here's how! (Icons via Images are powerful and very brain friendly. The majority of people think in pictures -- and some think exclusively in pictures. Top 10 des modèles de Genially pour planifier vos cours. 20 useful ways to use Padlet in class now. 25 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school. Learning and creating 17.

25 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school

Logs (for exercise, nutrition, reading, etc.) — If students need to submit information in logs to track progress over time, Google Forms can capture that information easily. Create a form with the student’s name and all the information he/she needs to submit. Each time he/she submits, it’s logged into a spreadsheet where students can review that data and submit it to you. 6 ways to use students' smartphones for learning. Advice Column @mrshowell24. Youtube. Digital Menu for Student Creation. Youtube. 10 Ways to Use Video for In-Person Learning. As a rollercoaster school year rolls to a stop, students and teachers already are planning their return to their classrooms for summer and fall.

10 Ways to Use Video for In-Person Learning

A silver lining to the craziness of the past year — educators can see themselves and their students feeling more comfortable using tech to aid their teaching and learning. To help support students and teachers in continuing their mastery, we put together 10 ideas for how Screencastify can be used creatively as K-12 schools prepare to go back to the classroom for in-person learning. 1. Video for Modeling and Instructions Whether creating a flipped classroom or giving students a chance to revisit direct instruction, teachers can create short walkthroughs of how to interact with any topic — from standard distribution z-scores to creating Google Drawings to navigating new software. Back to School 2021 - Applied Digital Skills. Youtube. Empower Your Students with The 4 C's Learning Menu. Back to School with the 4 C's [Aligned Activities]- SULS0123. □ 11 Creative Ways to Use a Digital Whiteboard in the Classroom.

Sometimes it’s really hard to explain your concepts without being able to easily present them.

□ 11 Creative Ways to Use a Digital Whiteboard in the Classroom

That’s why we’ve put together some of your favorite ways of using Explain Everything in the classroom. Read more about the best ways of creating interactive and engaging lessons for your students. Let’s get started! 😃 This or That First Days activities To use, File Make a copy (template by GoldEDU, ideas by Laura Steinbrink, Evan Mosier, EduGals, by Becky Young) 20 back to school templates to save you time. Make & Take Class Site. Resources: Practical. Order Book @ R&L | Amazon | Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble| Amazon UK About | Conceptual Resources | Practical Resources Here are the resources that are referenced in So All Can Learn.

Resources: Practical

Use the book for context on how to effectively differentiate using these resources. 30 interactive Google Slides activities for classroom excitement. 1.

30 interactive Google Slides activities for classroom excitement

Create a PDF ebook PDF files are about as universal as it gets. You can open them on almost any Internet-ready device. They're read-only, so publishing a PDF is a good way to distribute information to be consumed by reading. Google Slides is a great, simple PDF ebook creation tool. 100 remote learning activities, templates and tutorials. Surprenez et accrochez votre public avec une infographie interactive. How to create Google Meet breakout rooms for differentiated learning. Using breakout rooms completely changed the way I teach remotely.

How to create Google Meet breakout rooms for differentiated learning

But one day, one of my quiet students privately messaged me during a video call and politely asked if she can work independently. “I work much better alone in a quiet place,” she said. After her request, I decided to ditch the “one size fits all” approach to using breakout rooms. I created this Google Slide to give students a choice and agency to their virtual workspace. As you can see, students are given 4 breakout room options based on their learning styles and preferences.

Templates for Teachers. Twitter. Outil n10 aide aux enseignants pedagogie differenciee (1) Using Kahoot! and others the way your brain craves. Sure, you might think. I use Kahoot! And G Suite and others in the classroom all the time. They're great. But are you using them the way your brain wants you to use them? A growing body of research on brain science gives suggestions on how to teach and learn for maximum impact. Every Student Should Publish for the World! Digiquiz, pour lire et partager des contenus H5P en ligne - Le Blog by La Digitale. Logiquiz, le logiciel qui simplifie l'accès aux outils H5P - Le Blog by La Digitale. Faire une frise chronologique : 4 outils gratuits. Harnessing the Power of KWL Charts in Education. What is a KWL chart? A KWL chart is an organizational tool primarily used by students and teachers to direct and facilitate learning in the classroom. K-W-L is an acronym that stands for “Know,” “Want to Know,” and “Learned.” The KWL chart is divided into three columns—one for each letter—under which students record:

20 useful ways to use Padlet in class now. 10 engaging ways to use mobile devices in the classroom. [callout]This post is sponsored by Samsung. All thoughts and opinions are my own. [/callout] Mobile devices are everywhere. 25+ Free Digital Escape Rooms {Free!} - Mama Teaches. Share with your friends! Board games, card games, and coloring are all super fun, but can certainly run their course for kids of any age. Not to mention, with the global pandemic we are in, keeping your kids entertained at home 24/7 may be proving difficult. (Even if you are reading this post-pandemic, it can still be hard to find engaging entertainment for your little ones). Load one of these FREE Digital Escape Rooms to bring some well-deserved amusement to your home or classroom! The Hub – Mote Learning.

Flipgrid Madness. Sketchnotes: A mini-course and #Sketch50 challenges! Let’s see if you sound like many people I’ve talked to about sketchnotes (and the former version of myself): “I’d love to be able to do that. I’d love for my students to be able to do it. But I can’t draw! Youtube. Youtube. How to Get the Benefits of Interactive Notebooks in Digital Formats in Middle and High School. Go-to Resources for Virtual Reality and 360-Degree Content. 10 low-prep, high-return activities for class TOMORROW. 60-second strategies. 25 Ways to Use Audio in Google Slides Projects. Time savers for teachers: A more efficient you! Twitter. Les QR codes en pédagogie. 22 must-have templates for teachers and students. Outils du web. Flipgrid comme outil de travail efficace.

Youtube shorts. Creating a Playful Classroom. 10 perfect templates for creating interactive learning experiences with ThingLink and Canva. 51 activités de création écrite. Game design in the classroom: 8 steps to get started. Thinking Routine Matrix 3. De la classe virtuelle à un monde virtuel. Create Netflix-style learning with screencasts. Les usages numériques > Les Inscape Games en appui de l’enseignement de l’Histoire-Géographie, un exemple de pratiques. Podcast en formation : Pourquoi et comment. Eidos café #12 : créer des podcasts avec ses élèves - Ludomag. Lesson Ideas and Templates. 10 Creative Ways to Use Video in the Classroom. Twitter.

Le portfolio numérique

SAMR HyperDocs. Distance Learning Toolkit. 10 innovations pédagogiques disruptives pour l'enseignement supérieur depuis 2017. 3 Strategies for Promoting Deep Learning Virtually. 5 Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb. Sources d’inspiration – Le goût de la transmission. Pensée critique. Tutorial pratici. PZ's Thinking Routines Toolbox. Les outils d'animation. 100 activités génériques de pédagogie active - Fiches complètes - Gratuit. Cartes mentales : avantages et usages fréquents.

What are EduProtocols — The EduProtocol Field Guide. Discover, Discuss, Demonstrate: Using Inquiry-Based Learning to Keep Students Engaged. How to use anything on the web as an LMS assignment. 100 remote learning activities, templates and tutorials. 50 façons d’utiliser la taxonomie de Bloom en classe. Cours : Jeux d'évasion.