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Fashion, brands and social media

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Les marques de Luxe s’affichent sur les réseaux sociaux. L’avènement du web social favorise une plus grande proximité entre les marques et leurs consommateurs.

Les marques de Luxe s’affichent sur les réseaux sociaux

Une avancée qui profite aux entreprises soucieuses de préserver le contact avec un public qu’elles peinaient jusqu’ici à fidéliser. Ce constat est le même dans toutes les industries excepté peut-être celle du Luxe. En tout cas en apparence… La finalité d’une marque de Luxe est d’entretenir le désir du plus grand nombre en instaurant une barrière, à la fois financière et sociétale. 5 Product Design Principles from Apple. When you think about your iPad, iPhone, or Mac Book, you think about sleek design and workability.

5 Product Design Principles from Apple

Focus, simplicity, and the ability to adapt are crucial. The late Steve Jobs is an inspiration to many, and Apple’s design philosophy over time is part of Jobs’ fantastic legacy. Complete commitment to user-focused design is one of the guiding forces for the technology behemoth, and the results speak for themselves. From inside to outside, Apple’s products are designed to be efficient, aesthetic, useful, and adaptable. Sleek, simple, and mobile are words you’ll hear associated with all of the company’s designs.

How does the company pull it off, time and again? From iMacs to the iPod Nano, there’s a comprehensive design philosophy that’s implemented with almost militaristic discipline. Intuitive user interface is the name of the game for Apple, and the huge mass of product adopters proves the philosophy’s effectiveness. If you have trouble viewing this video clip here, watch it on YouTube. 5 Hot Tips For Brands Using Pinterest. Pinterest seems to be the hottest new network recently, with social media types spouting their advice on how to use it all over the internet.

5 Hot Tips For Brands Using Pinterest

We’ve taken a moment to look at how it can be used by brands on the platform. Pinterest for Brands is a special membership feature that allows users to advertise their items to gain better product and brand awareness. While you could just throw all your items on your page and hope for the best, that isn’t very effective. Here is a list of five tips that will help you effectively advertise yourself without seeming like spam, and while successfully garnering some buzz. Réseaux sociaux et marketing : les attentes des clients. 1-.

Réseaux sociaux et marketing : les attentes des clients

Quel usage marketing des médias sociaux Les raisons pour une entreprise d’être présente sur les médias sociaux apparaissent dans bien des cas de plus ne plus évidentes. Emarketinglicious nous en cite 8 dont la notoriété, le trafic, le référencement, les conversions,… Toutefois les entreprises dans leur démarche ont encore souvent une vision égocentrique et sont focalisée sur ce quelles vont y gagner ou y obtenir sans effectuer la démarche inverse de savoir ce que leurs clients souhaitent de leur part. Cette question est pourtant essentielle dans la réussite future des actions marketing. 2-.

Une étude récente de menée auprès de 1.300 consommateurs nous donne des informations intéressantes dans ce contexte. A. 10 Creative Ways to Use Use Instagram for Business. Are you thinking about putting your business on Instagram?

10 Creative Ways to Use Use Instagram for Business

Are you looking for content ideas for this increasingly popular mobile social platform? Read further to discover how you can use Instagram to give your business extra visibility and better engage with the Instagram community. 5 façons de maintenir l'efficacité de votre marque en ligne. Lorsque vous créez votre marque, il ne vous suffit pas simplement d’attirer un public, mais de le fidéliser et de se distinguer face aux milliers d’autres marques qui se disputent l’attention sur les mêmes plateformes.

5 façons de maintenir l'efficacité de votre marque en ligne

Très penché sur le marketing online, le site Mashable a une nouvelle fois publié un article recensant cinq manières de mesurer et de surveiller l’efficacité de votre marque en ligne. En voici les principaux éléments. 1. Twitter : 6 Outils Pour Calculer La Meilleure Heure Pour Tweeter. The Importance of Brand Identity Style Guides. So just what is a brand identity style guide, or standards manual, as it's sometimes called?

The Importance of Brand Identity Style Guides

Such a document defines a corporation's or institution's (or even a country's) graphical identity, including its logo and how it's used, as well as logo straplines, fonts, colors, numeric styles, you name it. Such guides can be extremely thorough and extend to concrete examples of how these elements must be used for such things as business cards and letterhead, as well as for digital media. The idea is to ensure a graphical consistency that will unfailingly support the brand identity. The brand guidelines for the Cunard cruise line express this very clearly: "This information has been designed and presented to ensure that the Cunard brand is marketed in an appropriate and consistent manner. 5 Best Practices for Fashion Retailers on Facebook. As U.S. consumers continue to spend increasing amounts of time on Facebook, and as brands amass larger followings than major women's magazines, fashion retailers are investing greater resources into the world's largest social network.

5 Best Practices for Fashion Retailers on Facebook

11 Effective Twitter Strategies for Brands. Brands are missing out on big opportunities to engage with consumers on Twitter by tweeting at the wrong time or in the wrong way, according to an interesting study from Buddy Media.

11 Effective Twitter Strategies for Brands

The report, Strategies for Effective Tweeting: A Statistical Review, found that many brands aren’t using Twitter effectively and outlines the top strategies for engaging with consumers. Buddy Media looked at user engagement for the top 320 brands on Twitter between December 11, 2011 and February 23, 2012 to see how successful they were at getting @replies and retweets. Their engagement rates were also assessed to quantify the relationship between @replies and retweets based on their number of followers.

Use these best practices and proven tactics to communicate effectively on Twitter: 1. Twitter engagement rates for brands are 17% higher on Saturday and Sunday vs. weekdays, but brands don’t leverage this trend. 2. 5 Ways Online Businesses Are Succeeding With Social Media. Access Restricted. The world of fashion is much more than a sector based purely around the product. It’s in a state of constant development, always being renewed by evolving and differing style contributions from an extensive range of brands. More importantly, the way we engage with fashion is one of the most visible expression of our personalities – a conscious outward statement about who we are.

In the business of Social Media engagement, this gives the fashion industry a marked advantage over many other sectors, because people actively wish to be associated with the makers of the clothes they wear. Fashion as a statement is circulated via an escalating array of media platforms: social communities, blogs, celebrity endorsements and magazines (to name only a few). How we choose to present ourselves is no accident. How the Fashion Industry Is Embracing Social Media.

It’s impossible to deny the power of social media.

How the Fashion Industry Is Embracing Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even Tumblr and Instagram have all transformed the way our entire society functions, bringing forth new ways to interact with our family and friends. On trend: fashion brands and social media. Social fashion pioneers, such as ASOS and Topshop, understand that social media isn’t all about ‘Likes’ or follower stats. There has to be a reason beyond ‘engagement’ for a fashion brand to use a social channel: it has to contribute to customer loyalty, customer service, or sales.