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Fashion TV - Official Website of FashionTV Network

Make It and Love It Birth of the bicycle preceeded a new era of female freedom Summary of story by WeNews, March 20, 2011 A new book entitled ‘Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the Bicycle to Freedom’ by Sue Macy claims that the rise of the bike in the late 19th century started a new era of female freedom in the United States. According to the book, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an early advocate of the two-wheeler, had high hopes for this revolutionary mode of transportation. “The bicycle will inspire women with more courage, self-respect and self-reliance and make the next generation more vigorous of mind and body; for feeble mothers do not produce great statesemen, scientists and scholars,” Ms Stanton said. An excerpt published by the book’s author in WeNews argues that greater mobility for women provided them with the opportunity to interact with each other ‘on country roads and city streets’ as opposed to confining their social life to the domestic sphere. “I can’t see but that a wheel is just as good company as most husbands,” quipped Ann Strong. share

Francisco Lachowski lucafinotti: Congrats to buddy @chico_lachowski & @jessiann_gravel for the arrival of the little Milo!! He is soooooo cute!!! already a Lion! 👏👶🐯👶👏 (via thoughtsbyd) diandralucca: A couple days ago, my friend told me that Francisco Lachowski has uploaded a sonogram pic on his FB, and his friends and his family said “congrats” to him. (via diandralucca-deactivated2013031) fuckyeahfrancisco: ajtappiareynaudphotography: Francisco Lachowski by Aline & Jacqueline Tappia

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